Monthly Archives: July 2014

Chicago Is More Than 30 Degrees Colder Than 80 Years Ago

Forecast maximum for July 24 in Chicago is 73 degrees. Same date in 1934 was 105 degrees.

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During The Heatwave Of 1936, Two Thirds Of The US Was Over 100 Degrees By contrast, NCEP is forecasting that 0% of the US will be over 100 degrees during that same week in 2014   10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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Midwest Is Twenty Degrees Colder Than July 1936

During July of 1936, almost the entire US was blistering hot, with parts of the midwest twelve degrees above normal After 80 years of unprecedented global warming, the midwest is as much 8 degrees below normal. MonthTDeptUS.png (688×531)

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During This Week In 1936, Americans Were Dying From The Heat Every Minute

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Arctic Approaches Ten Year Summer Sea Ice Maximum

Over the last two weeks, Arctic sea ice extent has taken a sharp turn towards the median, and is now nearly the highest in a decade for the date. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut This … Continue reading

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Illinois Two Coldest July’s Have Been In The Past Five Years

So far, July in Illinois is second coldest on record after 2009. Next week may move it into the #1 spot.

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Great Forecasting Moments At The Met Office

October 28, 2010 The Met Office, using data generated by a £33 million supercomputer, claims Britain can stop worrying about a big freeze this year because we could be in for a milder winter than in past years. Winter to … Continue reading

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40 Years Later, Hope Springs Eternal

We did it once – and we can do it again.

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Criminal Science Update

One of the most damning bits of evidence against the climate fraudsters is how they have changed their story. A few years ago it was all about feedbacks, declining sea ice, atmospheric warming, polar amplification, warm winters and declining snowfall. … Continue reading

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No Change In Arctic Sea Ice Extent Over The Past Two Days

At the peak of the Arctic melt season, ice extent loss has essentially stopped.  Green shows areas of increased ice since Sunday, and red shows the opposite.

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