Monthly Archives: July 2014

Quick Summary Of NCDC Data Tampering Forensics

It may not be obvious to everyone yet, but this morning’s TOBS discovery is huge. I need to run now, but here is a quick summary of things I can prove so far about the US temperature record. Until 1999 … Continue reading

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Why Are 1936 Morning Stations Warmer Than The Afternoon Stations?

Several people have asked me this. The most likely answer is that people in warmer climates preferred to take readings in the morning, and people in colder climates preferred to take readings in the afternoon.

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TOBS Update: Something Seriously Wrong At USHCN

Last week I showed some graphs like the ones below, which demonstrate that the TOBS (time of observation bias) adjustment is bogus. Stations which took their readings during the morning on July 15, 1936 are actually cooling slightly relative to the July … Continue reading

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Aggie Joke Update

In 2011, Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M forecast that Texas would be hot and dry for the rest of the century, based on a single hot month. ANDREW DESSLER , HOUSTON CHRONICLE | July 10, 2011 Get used to it. … Continue reading

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Shock News : NCDC Temperatures Warming Much Faster Than Satellite Temperatures

Over the past 15 years, NCDC temperatures are diverging from RSS satellite temperatures at 0.6C/century – which accounts for almost the entire claimed global warming trend.

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Arctic Sea Ice Continues To Track 2006

2006 had the highest minimum Arctic sea ice extent of the last decade, and 2014 is tracking it quite closely, with very little change in ice extent over the past 10 days.  COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | … Continue reading

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Hottest Year Ever Brings Five Feet Of Snow To Victoria

 Live Cam View 3 – Official Home of Falls Creek Alpine Resort

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Coldest July Temperatures On Record In Arkansas

Trapped Mann-made heat has brought the coldest July temperatures ever recorded in Arkansas. Public Information – NOAA’s National Weather Service h/t to Andy DC

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California Couple Faces Fine For Conserving Water

A Southern California couple who scaled back watering their lawn amid the state’s drought received a warning from the suburb where they live that they might be fined for creating an eyesore – despite emergency statewide orders to conserve. Michael … Continue reading

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President Obama Keeps His Promise

President Obama promised to make energy prices skyrocket, and he has succeeded. Gasoline prices have more than doubled since he took office, despite the fact that unemployment has averaged more than 8% during his presidency. Despite skyrocketing prices, the White … Continue reading

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