Monthly Archives: July 2014

At Peak Of Summer, North Slope Of Alaska Is Still A Frozen Wasteland

Barrow Sea Ice Webcam

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Very Little Ice Melt Over The Past Week

At the peak of the melt season, there is almost nothing happening in the Arctic. Red shows ice loss since July 11, and green shows ice gain. The melt season will start to wind down in the next three weeks, … Continue reading

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US Having The Quietest Fire Season On Record

Burn acreage through July 18 is about one third of normal. National Interagency Fire Center

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US Is Wetter Than Normal In 2014

One of the biggest lies being spread by the team is that the US is having an historic drought. In fact, the US is wetter than normal Climate at a Glance: Time Series | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Compare vs. … Continue reading

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Memphis Has Their Coldest July Day Ever

It isn’t always cold in Tennessee in July. All but two of their July maximum temperature records were set prior to 1953 h/t to Andy DC

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Optical Illusions For Dummies

Many times people don’t see what it is right in front of their face July 19, 2014 at 4:59 am

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Important Announcement If You Attended School In The 1940s

Scientists have discovered that thermometers read 1.5 degrees too high in the 1940s, and you have to make all those sick days now. You didn’t really have a fever. Temperatures were typically taken in the afternoon, and are now taken … Continue reading

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Two Consecutive Summers Of Below Normal North Pole Temperatures

The North Pole is almost two thirds of the way through its melt season, and temperatures have been below normal every day this summer. Last summer, temperatures were also below normal every day.   COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice … Continue reading

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Climate Experts Recycling Identical Scare Stories From 35 Years Ago

Republicans are melting the West Antarctic Ice Sheet irreversibly, so we need to destroy the economy in order to reverse it. While our planet melts, GOP pleads ignorance This is exactly the same story as 35 years ago, except Steven … Continue reading

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My Commute To The Store

This is my current commute to the food store, until Whole Foods opens in a month. Note that the climate and ecosystem are completely falling apart – full of verdant vegetation, flowers and bees pollinating the flowers. Government experts call this climate/bee … Continue reading

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