Monthly Archives: July 2014

Playing Whack A Mole With The Scamsters

One thing you can say for the climate scamsters, is that they are well organized. It is impressive watching them trying to keep the scam alive on a planet which isn’t cooperating. A few examples. The US is having one … Continue reading

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Nuttercelli Recycles 1977 Global Cooling Map To Prove Global Warming

Climate experts said that global cooling caused deep dips in the jet stream in 1977, which in turn caused extreme weather. The Lewiston Journal – Google News Archive Search Now, Nuttercelli says that global warming is producing deep dips in the jet stream in 2014, … Continue reading

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Wisconsin Having Their Coldest Year On Record

Wisconsin is having their coldest year on record – by a wide margin. One hundred degree readings were common in Wisconsin prior to 1940, but almost never happen any more.

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US Summer Maximum Temperatures Plummeting For Over 100 Years

One hundred degree readings in 1936 occurred seven times as frequently as this summer.

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Joplin Missouri Records Their Coldest July Temperature Ever

Public Information – NOAA’s National Weather Serviceh/t to Andy DC

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Climate Joke Of The Day

USHCN UHI adjustments are less than 0.1F – about 0.05C. This is a complete joke, and the result of confirmation bias. The National Weather Service reports eight degrees UHI in Phoenix and four degrees in New York. On my bicycle I … Continue reading

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US Summer Afternoons Cooling For 120 Years – TOBS Has No Effect

The graph below shows US summer afternoon temperatures since 1895, sorted into two groups based on the time of day when their reading was taken on July 15, 1936. The time of day data was taken from this 2008 archived … Continue reading

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Dictator Obama’s Bill Of Rights Destruction For Today

the Obama administration has banned the import of Saiga (Izhmash & Kalashnikov) firearms in the United States. BREAKING: Obama Bans Import of Saiga Firearms With Executive Order

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TOBS Station List

Below is the list of morning and afternoon stations from July 15, 1936

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Green Energy Kills Great Britain’s Rarest Bird

A rare white-throated needletail bird was killed by a wind turbine in Scotland on June 26, as horrified birdwatchers looked on. This species, also known as the Needle-tailed swift or spine-tailed swift, is the fastest-flying bird in the world. It … Continue reading

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