Monthly Archives: July 2014

Ice Growth In The Arctic Since Yesterday

Green shows areas of ice gain since yesterday. Red shows regions of ice loss. Cold temperatures and a cyclone in the western Arctic have essentially halted ice extent loss.

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It Is The People, Stupid

A few weeks ago, a deranged young Hollywood progressive stabbed several people to death, killed a few more with his car, then killed a few more with a handgun. Progressives immediately blamed the behavior of their spawn on his gun. Here … Continue reading

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Chris Turney Says That His Getting Stuck In The Ice Was “Desperately Needed”

Chris Turney says that his getting stuck in the ice, costing taxpayers millions, was desperately needed by the honorable Julia Gillard Return to the Home of the Blizzard | Intrepid Science   

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An Inconvenient Truth

One of many inconvenient truths is that the amount of sea ice on Earth has been persistently above normal for the last 18 months. Nobel Laureate Al Gore predicted an ice-free Arctic this summer (aka the “recovery summer” of Nobel … Continue reading

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More Arctic Sea Ice Than 110 years Ago

People are getting stuck in the ice in 2014, but the Northwest Passage was open in 1904. FRANCE HONORS AMUNDSEN. – Explorer Says Northwest Passage Is Not Practicable for Trade. – View Article –

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Arctic Basin Not Melting

The Arctic Basin is at the peak of the melt season, but is barely melting. The map below shows changes in ice over the last three days. Green shows increased ice, and red shows decreased ice. Due to cold air … Continue reading

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Government Climate Lies Claim Their First Victim Of The Summer

Mariner trying to sail Northwest Passage rescued after sailboat gets stuck in sea ice near Barrow Michelle Theriault Boots July 13, 2014 Mariner trying to sail Northwest Passage rescued by Coast Guard after sailboat gets stuck in sea ice near … Continue reading

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The Dunce Cap Guy Is Back

Chris Crawford (AKA Duncecap Dude) says that scientists never believed in global cooling. 8 Summer Miseries Made Worse by Global Warming, From Poison Ivy to Allergies Other than a unanimous scientific consensus for global cooling, no scientists believed it was … Continue reading

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Experts Say That You Can Now Sail Across The Arctic

Global warming creates Arctic shipping route opportunity 09/07 15:09 CET With the melting of sea ice due to global warming effects, the Arctic Ocean route, the shortest shipping route linking Europe and Asia, has opened up in the past few … Continue reading

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Explaining Arctic Climate Science With Pictures

Arctic alarmists are seriously screwed. 10-Day Temperature Outlook

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