Monthly Archives: July 2014

Worst World Cup Semifinal In History?

The good news is that I don’t have to feel bad about leaving early to give my ICCC presentation.

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Guardian Hopes To Stop Small Waves In The Ocean

The Guardian hopes that they can stop small ocean waves, by simply destroying the global economy and giving up control of our lives.

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A Continent In The Deep Freeze

Almost all of Australia is having  a cold winter. Look for the press corpse to completely ignore this, ahead of the repeal of Julia’s big lie. 10-Day Temperature Outlook

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“Americans Won’t Give Up Their Freedom And Prosperity – Unless They Are Frightened Into It”

Great quotes at ICCC from California Congressman Dana Rohrback  “Americans Won’t Give Up Their Freedom And Prosperity – Unless They Are Frightened Into It” “If we stand firm and hold for truth, we will win this battle”

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North Pole Temperatures Below Normal Every Day This Summer

Arctic amplification is really kicking in hard now. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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22 Years Since Aussies Begged Bush To Save The Planet

Had Bush listened in 1992, we would still have a planet. 19 Feb 1992 – Global warming: leaders beg Bush

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IPCC Expert : 0.05 Degrees Is The New Three Degrees

When the weatherman says “a few degrees cooler in outlying areas”, what he really means is 0.05 degrees cooler. Thank you IPCC The Canberra Times 26 June 1994 26 Jun 1994 – Clear proof of global warming

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Canberra Times : “CO2 Makes Up 50% Of The Greenhouse Layer”

27 Dec 1989 – Global warming: the evidence Science illiterate green journalists : the evidence

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Las Vegas – Flash Flood Warning With A 0% Chance Of Precipitation

Las Vegas, Nevada (89044) Conditions & Forecast | Weather Underground

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1947 Shock News : 10 Degrees Arctic Warming – Low Lying Areas To Drown

An international agency was needed to save the planet from global warming in 1947! 31 May 1947 – TEMPERATURES RISING IN ARCTIC REGION LOS ANGELES…

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