Monthly Archives: July 2014

My Latest Earth Shattering Research

I have been carefully studying  bovine flatulence, and have determined that cows emit exactly the same amount of carbon as they consume during their life, and thus have a net carbon footprint of zero. This new research will be met with … Continue reading

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Something That Continues To Astonish Me

Years later, some skeptics still believe that substances don’t freeze when temperatures are below their freezing point.

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Argentina Is Hot – Brazil Is Cold

No doubt due to Neymar’s injury. Is there some reason why Juan Zuniga isn’t being prosecuted for assault?

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Climate Has Officially Left Australia

For three weeks in 2003, the climate officially resided in Europe. Later it moved to Moscow for a few weeks, then Vancouver, US during winter 2012, Sochi, and most recently in Australia. However the climate appears to have fled Australia and moved on in … Continue reading

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Arctic Sea Ice Extent Identical To 2006

2006 had the highest summer minimum of the last decade, and July 7, 2014 Arctic ice extent is identical to the same date in 2006. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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I’m Absolutely Certain That Three Weeks From Now ..

I am absolutely certain that three weeks from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that … this was the moment when the summer 2014 melt of the Arctic began to slow (for a week or two.) – … Continue reading

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Other Climate Tools In The President’s Arsenal

President Barack Obama has unveiled a few of his climate tools already (Solyndra, permits to kill Bald Eagles, skyrocketing electricity costs, etc.) but he has yet to unveil his most powerful tool in the fight against sea level.

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Ignorant Christians

Progressives know that God can’t control the climate or sea level, because Barack Obama already does. They scoff at anyone who doesn’t understand that basic scientific fact. I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to … Continue reading

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What Happens In Vegas, Doesn’t Stay In Vegas

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Whatever A Progressive Says, Assume The Exact Opposite

I heard the most incredible interview with Dinesh D’Souza today, by a criminally dishonest progressive on C-SPAN radio. She wouldn’t let him speak, and mis-characterized the movie at every possible opportunity, starting with a claim that it was very one-sided. … Continue reading

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