Monthly Archives: July 2014

Record Cold Arctic Summer Ends Several Weeks Early

 COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut  

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Frequency Of 90 Degree Days Plummeting In The US Midwest

Ninety degree days in the US midwest occur less than half as often now as they did eighty years ago, with 2014 being the coolest summer on record. In 1934, hot days were eighteen times more common than this year. CO2 … Continue reading

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Frequency Of Very Cold Days In 2014 Fifth Highest On Record In US

Not only is the US having the coldest summer on record, but the country also had one of the coldest winters on record. Despite strong UHI effects due to asphalt, central heating and snow removal, loss of rural stations, etc., the … Continue reading

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July 24th Global Sea Ice Area Highest Since 1996 – 8th Highest On Record

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My Climate Forecast

I forecast that NCDC and NASA will attempt to make 2014 the hottest year on record, despite the fact that it isn’t even close and continues a 16 year cooling trend. Bookmark this post. I have been watching these climate … Continue reading

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Coolest Summer On Record In The US

The frequency of 90 degree days in the US has been plummeting for 80 years, and 2014 has had the lowest frequency of 90 degree days through July 23 on record. The only other year which came close was 1992, … Continue reading

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US Tornado Count Far Below Normal In 2014

torgraph.png (610×397)

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2014 – Quietest Fire Season Of The Decade

Outside of the west coast, fires in the rest of the US are at historic lows so far in 2014. Burn acreage so far this year in the US is lowest in a decade, less than half or normal, and one … Continue reading

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40 Years Since The Supreme Court Opened The Door To Tyranny

TimesMachine: July 26, 1974 –

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The Green Cheese Guys

President Obama says these climate skeptic astronauts are like people who “believe the moon is made out of cheese.” This might come as a surprise to Harrison Schmitt (top left) who is the only scientist to have walked on the moon … Continue reading

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