Monthly Archives: July 2014

Solzhenitsyn In The Gulag – “We Didn’t Love Freedom Enough”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described his discussions in the Gulag about how they ended up there. We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” … Continue reading

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Heard On DC Talk Radio This Morning

You can’t make up how dumb these talking  heads are. Obamacare didn’t have any text permitting a Federal healthcare exchange (as opposed to states) – but it was their intent to do so. They just ran out of time. Obamacare passed without a … Continue reading

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Refusal To Think

The vast majority of tide gauges show sea level rise rates much lower than the official government 3.2 mm/year.  If these people had an ounce of brains or integrity, they would recognize and acknowledge that they are doing something seriously … Continue reading

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Conspiracy For Dummies

Ever since Al Gore was vice-president, the expectations for receiving government climate grants have been clear. Bill Gray got his long-time hurricane research money cut off in 1993 by Al Gore, for refusing to tow the global warming line. The … Continue reading

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Data Tampering With Sea Level

Not only is satellite sea level rise much faster than tide gauges, but it is also much faster than older satellite sea level. Look how the University of Colorado has altered their data since 10 years ago. sl_ns_global.png (533×372) University of … Continue reading

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Shock News : Deranged Blogger Was Correct

A deranged blogger made this forecast on July 6 Now we find out that Gaia is also deranged

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How Quickly They Grow Up

I have been watching a pair of Whitetail fawns in my neighborhood. Last time I saw them was two weeks ago, and they were tiny. Today I saw their whole family, and they have grown six inches and were bounding … Continue reading

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Coldest July 25 On Record In Westminster, Maryland

The current temperature in Westminster, MD is 56.9 degrees. The previous cold record for the date was 57.02 degrees. Climate Central says that global warming is making US summers incredibly hot, warming 10-12 degrees.

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July 22 Global Sea Ice Area Above Normal

NASA and NOAA say that Earth is having record heat, while the polar ice caps tell a completely different story. Apparently the fundamental AGW principles of polar amplification and albedo feedback no longer apply. The only remaining principles are data tampering, new … Continue reading

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Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Summer Decadal Maximum

Antarctic sea ice is near an all-time record maximum for the date, and Arctic sea ice extent is also the highest in a decade for July 25. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut The weather has … Continue reading

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