President Obama Celebrates The 4th Of July

ScreenHunter_816 Jul. 04 11.39

President Obama is celebrating July 4th, by giving greens permission to kill the national bird. This is part of his ongoing efforts to prevent future imaginary CO2 induced asthma attacks.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

By sacrificing a few bald eagles, the Obama administration may have opened a can of worms.

In a bid to give alternative energy sources a boost, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has quietly granted a California wind energy farm a permit to kill a limited number of endangered bald and golden eagles that get sliced up in its giant turbines. But last week’s free pass is sparking anger from wildlife advocates and from free market advocates who ask why they don’t qualify for the same dispensation.

California grants wind industry permit to kill eagles, ruffling more than feathers – Washington Times

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to President Obama Celebrates The 4th Of July

  1. gator69 says:

    “In a bid to give alternative energy sources a boost, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has quietly granted a California wind energy farm a permit to kill a limited number of endangered bald and golden eagles…”

    First they came for the eagles, and I did not speak out…

  2. Hugh K says:

    I wonder what kind of dog Zero will be grilling with his eco-fowl this 4th?

  3. _Jim says:

    In a bid to give alternative energy sources a boost, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has quietly granted a California wind energy farm a permit to kill a limited number of endangered bald and golden eagles that get sliced up in its giant turbines. But last week’s free pass is sparking anger from wildlife advocates and from free market advocates who ask why they don’t qualify for the same dispensation.

    All is not well and happy in eco-ville … fluffy bunnies and windmills do not ‘mix’ well … fortunately there were no unicorns in that mix.


  4. Ernest Bush says:

    That dead bird is such a powerful symbol for Obama’s wish for America I borrowed it to post on Facebook along with your idea. I hope you don’t mind. It already has one share. Then I posted a picture of a burning turbine and said here is my “hope and change” for Democrat progressives.

  5. The Griss says:

    The mutilation and death of avian wildlife is one of the most disgusting things that the Green agenda has ever foisted on the world.

    So much for them wanting to protect wildlife.

    No environmentalists that is for sure.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      They never were serious about protecting wildlife. Sorry Steven.

    • Hugh K says:

      Banning DDT has to be up there at the top of the disgusting list as well Griss. Then again, other than their own sorry asses, saving millions of human lives in the third world isn’t even a consideration to the climate cultists so maybe DDT doesn’t count.
      Still waiting to see abortion-promoting, climate scam promoter Pelosi at a malaria ward on the Mexican border lecturing us on caring for the children.

      • The Griss says:

        It is quite probable that the banning of DDT was because the KNEW taking that action would control the third world population.

  6. Abbey says:

    America is likely to be the sacrificial lamb which enables our President to keep his campaign promises on energy.

  7. norilsk says:

    No wonder Obama’s popularity has plunged.

  8. Justa Joe says:

    The symbolism is inescapable. That’s what the left wants to do to America.

  9. Eric Simpson says:

    My comment from a previous thread:

    I saw this 30 second video of a bird getting killed by a windmill, and I’m thinking, this is it, spread the word on this video and it will turn people off to wind power, for got reason. I know, there are going to be liberal Chicken Little$ that say “what is that big bird doing flying around that windmill? How stupid. It deserves every bit of its painful demise.” Right. It’s a bird for crying out loud. Give it a break. They have never had to deal with these monstrous wind behemoths in millions of years. Geez.
    This is the video. Bird killed by green energy. 30 seconds. Graphic. Sad:
    If anybody watches the second of the three videos that I highlighted above, and after that gruesome spectacle, is still for producing more windmills, I’d be shocked. I mean it would be one thing to say keep the windmills that we have, don’t tear them down just because of birds, but to say that we should produce more of these ghastly bird killers, I would be at a loss for words. And this is just because of the birds, and see that video and you will see that the birds are reason enough, but also it makes no sense from an energy or economic or even a climate perspective to construct these eyesores. None.

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