Revulsion And Anger At Good News

Climate alarmists simply can’t stand any good news like no warming for 18 years or global sea ice above normal for the last two years. They get very angry when presented with any good news, and have all sorts of defense mechanisms to block any good news out.

This is because their concern has nothing to do with climate, but rather their personal agenda which depends on others being neurotic about “climate change.”

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10 Jan 1871 – IMAGINARY CHANGES OF CLIMATE. (Pall Mall Gazette.)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Revulsion And Anger At Good News

  1. _Jim says:

    Ha ha … “plentiful crop of … half-instructed meteorologists” … did they ‘cut them a new one’ or what !!??

    (Up early b/c of a T-storm rolling through the DFW area ~ 4 am cdt.)

  2. Morgan says:

    From Wiki:

    Laputa is a fictional place from the book Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. It is a fictional flying castle island or rock, about 4.5 miles in diameter, with an adamantine base, which its inhabitants can manoeuvre in any direction using magnetic levitation.

    Laputa’s population consists mainly of educated people, who are fond of mathematics, astronomy, music and technology, but fail to make practical use of their knowledge. Servants make up the rest of the population.

    The Laputans have mastered magnetic levitation and discovered the two moons of Mars (which in reality would not be discovered for another 150 years). However, they are unable to construct well-designed clothing or buildings, because they take measurements with instruments such as quadrants and a compass rather than with tape measures.

    • _Jim says:

      WOW … deep from the annals of “Miscellaneous Tidbits of Disjointed Information One Cannot Possibly Live Without” …

      • Look closer at the 1871 article.

        • _Jim says:

          A bit of clear-up perhaps … The comment was about “Laputa”, described by wiki (courtesy of Morgan) as a “fictional place from the book Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. It is a fictional flying castle island or rock, about 4.5 miles in diameter, with an adamantine base, which its inhabitants can manoeuvre in any direction using magnetic levitation.

          Laputa’s population consists mainly of educated people, who are fond of mathematics, astronomy, music and technology, but fail to make practical use of their knowledge. Servants make up the rest of the population.

          The Laputans have mastered magnetic levitation and discovered the two moons of Mars (which in reality would not be discovered for another 150 years). However, they are unable to construct well-designed clothing or buildings, because they take measurements with instruments such as quadrants and a compass rather than with tape measures.

          – – – –

          Some comments _must_ be taken within the context within which they were written to have meaning …


        • _Jim says:

          Oh – and power is back on after an hour or so …

        • _Jim says:

          One would swear that article was written by Samuel Langhorne Cle -er- Mark Twain given the pertinent observation of humanity and the use of dripping sarcasm …

  3. markstoval says:

    Here is an article that I think most of us should take a couple of minutes to read.

    “Aussie Climate Professor Exposed as Alarmist Propagandist” Written by Dr Judy Ryan, Dr Marjorie Curtis

    They take apart the propagandistic presentation of a “scientist” given at a community forum where he is trying to scare the population. A good read.

  4. Anto says:

    What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
    – Ecclesiastes 1:9

  5. gator69 says:

    Just another example of the leftist mental disorder.

  6. For a Progressive Elitist, good news is that which justifies or facilitates the use of force to take control over the lives of others, especially those they view with contempt. They view the under-educated with contempt. They view anyone who is an individualist with contempt. They consider anyone who opposes any of their campaigns to take forceful control of others with contempt.

    This is why they treat those who say catastrophic man-made global warming is a failed or an unproven hypothesis with contempt. As such, I have been treated to an incredible array of allegations as to my intelligence, my paymasters, my scientific credentials, and even been supposed to be anti-gay, a racist, a misogynist, a NASCAR-lover, and many more put-downs. These are all conjured up without the least concern that they find out anything about me, except that I make arguments that show that catastrophic man-made global warming is not happening and was conjectured on mounds of bad science. Meanwhile, I get very few arguments that actually address my arguments against catastrophic man-made global warming alarmism.

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