Settled Science Requires A New $500 Million satellite

After first mission failed in 2009

NASA will launch the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) on Tuesday to further scientific understanding of carbon dioxide emissions, the agency’s first mission to study greenhouse gases.

The $468 million mission will allow scientists to record detailed carbon dioxide measurements, contributing crucial information to the incomplete understanding of “where all of the carbon dioxide comes from and where it is being stored when it leaves the air,” according to a statement.

NASA to Re-Attempt Global Warming Satellite Launch | TIME

President Obama has already determined that evil CO2 comes from US coal burning power plants, but NASA still needs another $500 million satellite to confirm this settled science.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Settled Science Requires A New $500 Million satellite

  1. I would expect this new NASA CO2 tracking Satellite to beam in on all the Gas and Coal burned in China … but alas… I’m willing to bet they will only focus on the USA and Europe.. cause we’re eViL

    • _Jim says:

      ” … to beam in on all the Gas and Coal burned in China … ”

      The “Great Thin Veil of China” will be erected to prevent this …


  2. jimash1 says:

    ““where all of the carbon dioxide comes from and where it is being stored when it leaves the air,” ”


  3. RossP says:

    This is interesting in that I have always questioned why no has really queried the CO2 figures that get used. I believe they only come from a few places –main one being Hawaii. Everyone says it doesn’t matter as it mixes in the atmosphere quite quickly. Well if they are fiddling the temps why shouldn’t we suspect the CO2 data??

  4. Pathway says:

    We know where most of it comes from, the ocean. And where much of it goes, the ocean. Send me the money so I can quit living in this hell hole called Obamaland.

  5. bwdave says:

    It suspect that had this been the first five hundred million spent studying CO2 contributions by anthropogenic sources, it probably would have saved trillions.

  6. mjc says:

    The reason the other two, this is the third version being sent up, died is that the only area that was showing marked warming was a small section of the Maryland-Virginia border, along the Potomic River. The other two couldn’t cope with it, so they, in the way all good robots should do, committed suicide.

    Or the Gore-effect even takes place in space…

  7. Anto says:

    “The OCO-2 has a planned operational life of 2 years.”

    You’ve got to me kidding me! Half a billion big ones, for 2 years?????

  8. Joe says:

    This scientific establishment is getting psychotic. This latest ‘Co2 satellite’ kinda reminds me of the ‘pixel-counting Arctic sea ice’ issue. It’s like, ‘let me count all the pieces of dirt in my house’.

  9. John B., M.D. says:

    My understanding is that OCO-2 will study sources and sinks of CO2. I’m all for it, as the science is not settled. Basic science research is a good thing. But I really hope it’s actual lifetime is longer than 2 years, and that 2 years is just the length of the primary mission.

  10. Olaf Koenders says:

    The money would be better spent as a “thanks” to everyone involved in the Apollo program by giving each one a grand.

  11. Ben Vorlich says:

    BBC headline Nasa satellite to seek ‘missing carbon’ who knew it was?

    It’s models all the way down.
    However, to locate the sources and sinks, scientists will need to combine this information with models that estimate how CO2 is being moved and mixed through the air.

    Evermore cr4p for your buck.

  12. Eric Simpson says:

    Indian Mangalyaan satellite mission to Mars is 9 times lower cost than NASA Maven Mars mission

    India’s recently launch of a spacecraft to Mars with a mission cost of $75 million. Just days after the launch of India’s Mangalyaan satellite, NASA sent off its own Mars mission, five years in the making, named Maven. Its cost: $671 million. The budget of India’s Mars mission, by contrast, was just three-quarters of the $100 million that Hollywood spent on last year’s space-based hit, “Gravity.”

  13. A C Osborn says:

    They spend $500M on a satellite to track a trace gas that is vital to plant life and therefore practically all surface life for all the wrong reasons.
    That money would have been better spent on tracking and eradicating the EBOLA outbreak in Africa, if they think Climate is dangerous by comparison they really are completely deluded.
    If that spreads beyond Africa they will get their 70% reduction in world population.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Oh great, just what we need. That is one heck of a nasty disease. But at least it will be a TSA agent that comes down with it first….

  14. sabretoothed says:

    Remember the first 2 blew up!!!

  15. sabretoothed says:

    Nah Eboli wont leave africa we dont eat bush meat like the Saudi SARS we don’t drink camel urine

  16. A C Osborn says:

    Ebola is passed human to human by any bodily fluid, it has already spread out of the initial area, there have been 690 cases and 390 Deaths.
    It has already spread to 60 locations in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
    With Air travel it could be in the UK & USA in 24 hours, so be afraid, it is no joke.
    or Google it.

  17. Anto says:

    Whoops! Looks like Al Gore has visited the Vandenberg Air Force Base. NASA Boondoggle satellite postponed:

  18. Chip Bennett says:

    Settled Science Requires A New $500 Million satellite

    This might be one of your best headlines ever, Steve.

  19. dmmcmah says:

    Murray Salby already collected and analyzed satellite data on CO2 emission and absorption. That’s why he got fired from his position as chair of climate science because the data didn’t tell them what they wanted to hear.

  20. Brian G Valentine says:

    The first one already found the primary source of CO2 when it zeroed in right in the ocean about 4 minutes ofter takeoff.

    Actually, the CO2 sources have to be modeled from the satellite data, and this is not a joke. Meaning that the satellite data can literally be adjusted ad libitum

    [Are we going to attract some trolls to argue this point???]

  21. cdquarles says:

    I still don’t understand why we don’t sound carbon dioxide like we do temperature, dew point, air pressure, and winds using our weather balloons. After all, if carbon dioxide was so important to the climate, it’d have to be important to current weather, wouldn’t it? Really. We know that forests affect the local weather. We know cities affect the local weather. We know that bacteria affect cloud seeding (and Saharan dust) and thus the local weather of the affected sections of the planet. We know that climate is a summary statement of previously realized weather, so knowing more about every factor that could improve weather forecasting should propagate to climate forecasting, shouldn’t it? 😛

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