Shock News : Missouri Isn’t Always Cool In The Summer

Temperatures in Missouri have been very cool this summer, but they aren’t always that way. Before global warming, Missouri used to be very hot.

Published: July 24, 1983

ST. LOUIS, July 23— For more than two weeks a deadly heat wave with temperatures in the upper 90’s and low 100’s has kept the daytime sky here a sickly pastel blue. Forty-two people in the St. Louis area have died from heat-related causes as of today, accounting for more than one-third of the national heat death toll of 123.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Shock News : Missouri Isn’t Always Cool In The Summer

  1. pesce9991 says:

    Thanks for the weather report but it has no bearing on global warming. It’s cold this summer in NJ too but last summer was a b%#ch, and I have no doubt hot summers will return. These are weather anomalies not global trends.

    • US summers have cooled sharply over the past 80 years, and last summer was cool over most of the US. But thanks for last year’s New Jersey weather report.

      BTW – I had to drive down your crappy NJ Turnpike on Monday, and it really sucked. I finally gave up and drove across some of the sane Republican rural counties in southern NJ.

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