Summer Of 1936 Obliterated All Other Summers For Record Heat

The graph below shows the numbers of USHCN stations which set or tied their all-time record for record heat, per year.

Note that NCDC’s fake record hot summer of 2012 didn’t even rank in the top 30. There is no time bias to this graph. If 2012 matched 1936, both years would be counted.

BTW – all-time record temperatures can not be explained away using TOBS – even by the worst climate crooks.

ScreenHunter_1260 Jul. 23 08.17

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Summer Of 1936 Obliterated All Other Summers For Record Heat

  1. Andy DC says:

    There is no way any of this TOB nonsense could account for such radical differences. It ain’t even remotely close.

  2. JP says:

    I met an elderly woman a few years ago, and she still could remember that summer. She as perhaps 5 or 6 an her family lived in a tenement in downtown Chicago. For weeks she and her family and neighbors slept on the roof of the apartment building. It was so hot during that summer that even being indoors except for perhaps a few hours in the morning was unbearable.

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