Memphis Has Their Coldest July Day Ever

ScreenHunter_1117 Jul. 19 06.59

It isn’t always cold in Tennessee in July. All but two of their July maximum temperature records were set prior to 1953

ScreenHunter_1119 Jul. 19 07.27

h/t to Andy DC

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Memphis Has Their Coldest July Day Ever

  1. omanuel says:

    Al Gore has a powerful opponent in the AGW debate.

  2. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    Global warming.

  3. I live here and have never had a July where my air was off and windows down. Usually it’s hard to breathe in July and August from the heat.

  4. squid2112 says:

    Here in Nashville we had to be pretty close too. Very chilly for this time of year.

  5. ARIZONA says:

    IF you thinK the weather is crazy now ,WAIT till NIBIRU gets a little closer,YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET

  6. ARIZONA says:

    if YOU GUYS THINK THE WARS AND OTHER CRAZY SHIT GOING ON IS BAD NOW,ITS all just to keep your eyes off the ball,AND THE BALL IS NIBIRU,its coming and they don’t want you LOOKING,otherwise you’d be busy getting ready,YOUR OWN police gangs and military will be ATTACKING you soon,AND they will have their foreign friends with them,AND if you ain’t ready ,YOU also won’t survive either,stop watching VOMIT VISION ,and start getting ready….AND GET YOUR friends and family ready to,……………….

  7. Frank says:

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