Climate Has Officially Left Australia

For three weeks in 2003, the climate officially resided in Europe. Later it moved to Moscow for a few weeks, then Vancouver, US during winter 2012, Sochi, and most recently in Australia. However the climate appears to have fled Australia and moved on in search of someplace else which alarmists can call their virtual home.

ScreenHunter_887 Jul. 07 08.52


10-Day Temperature Outlook

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Climate Has Officially Left Australia

  1. Anto says:

    I’m actually surprised that the BOM even bothered to code for below normal temps, given what a hotbed of climate catastrophism it is in there.

    Here’s their Winter forecast. No prizes for guessing what their models were predicting:

    • ozspeaksup says:

      their usual INefficient forecast i see:-)
      like the el nino scremongering thats affected so many farmers looking like a squib, bit late to find out when crops should already be in for 2+mths.too late now

  2. lance says:

    CO2 has amazing properties. 1) it hides 2) moves spontaneouslyto new locations without notice 3) causes ice to melt and freeze 4) causes extreme heat in locations 5) causes extreme cooling in lacations 6) and on and on….

  3. Streetcred says:

    Bloody cold here in Brisbane … I don’t know where the ‘forecasters’ read their temps from but morning temperatures have been excruciatingly cold (for us tropical types) … and they record only as low as 5C in the local papers !?

  4. Cold everywhere it seems. When is it going to level out? Ever? I need some hope!

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