The Perfect City

Columbia, Maryland is probably the nicest city on the planet already, but it was always missing one thing. Until now.

COLUMBIA, Md. (July 1, 2014) – Whole Foods Market Columbia – the first in Howard County, Maryland – is set to open Wednesday, August 20th.

The approximately 50,000 square foot store, located in the former Rouse Company building, was designed by internationally renowned architect Frank Gehry for Columbia founder James W. Rouse.

“With such an energetic community, beautiful building and scenic location – we truly hope to embody the meaning of Lake Kittamaqundi, which translates to ‘meeting place’,” said Svetlana Piskounova, Store Team Leader at Whole Foods Market Columbia. “We can’t wait to open our doors to our new neighbors. And in the meantime, we’re venturing out to meet them ahead of time in hopes of building lasting relationships. Come say ‘hi’ when we’re at the lakefront for Fourth of July.”

Whole Foods Market® Columbia, Md. to open August 20th – Whole Foods Market Newsroom

Maryland has the highest median income in the US, and Columbia has the highest median income in Maryland. But there has never been a decent place to purchase food.

I didn’t know about this until I went to watch the fireworks last night, and saw the familiar:

ScreenHunter_825 Jul. 05 08.37

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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54 Responses to The Perfect City

  1. Sean says:

    11 of the top 25 counties for median income are within commuting distance of DC. Funny how that works isn’t it.

  2. stpaulchuck says:

    “Svetlana Piskounova, Store Team Leader at Whole Foods Market Columbia”…??? So the Russian Mafia is running it? “You WILL buy our special today!”

  3. gator69 says:

    My brother lives in Waldorf, and my nephew is just a few miles outside Ellicott City, which is very nice. But you could not pay me to live within 100 miles of DC. To me the ‘Perfect City’ is like the ‘Perfect Disease’, something to be avoided at all costs.

  4. James Strom says:

    Whole Foods, sometimes fondly referred to as “Whole Paycheck”. I confess to shopping there at times.

  5. Yoshi says:

    This would be the same Whole Foods that was caught selling bagged, Chinese bogus “organic” vegetables a couple years ago? Don’t buy into the over-priced hype.

  6. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    A pure green shining light will radiate upwards from this holy store forever to illuminate the righteous as they approach the Temple of Whole Food Organically Grown to Appease Gaia in Her Stern Magnificance.

    Oops, sorry, got briefly carried away there.

  7. I checked the list of things/ingredients not allowed in Whole Foods. Guess there’s no point to worrying about whether or not there’s one nearby. Too many banned substances for my taste. (I didn’t see propylene glycol on the list, which is interesting. No bleached flour, but propylene glycol is okay?)

  8. redc1c4 says:

    am i missing something here?

    i thought you lived in Colorado, or are you a 1%er with multiple households? 😉

  9. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

    40% and climbing of all Organic food and produce sold in the US is produced in the Peoples’ Republic of China. That should get you on the way to eating your unbolted flour.

  10. So Whole Foods sells no bananas, no produce out of season, all canned goods are produced in the USA and there are no Whole Food stores in places like Wyoming because the choice of produce would be practically zero?

    Or do they just buy what they can locally and then buy from Mexico and China? Are the producers of the produce FDA certified organic or do they just buy whatever the locals sell?

    I won’t eat produce from Mexico or China, even if it’s certified organic.

  11. duke1959 says:

    “Steve” appears to be one of the new factions of right wingers: conspiracist, Jesus believer but doesn’t attend a church, organic food and supplement consumer, his way or no way even if on the same team type of person. And apparently the “donations” he begged for afforded him to move to his Utopian Maryland suburb.

    • Comment from a world class douche bag.

      I haven’t said anything about Jesus, I didn’t beg, and I am the only white person in my high rent Maryland apartment complex.

      • Truthseeker says:

        Well checking the facts is not important when you want to smear someone you do not agree with.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Too true.
          The usual

          RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
          RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

          They know they can not argue the facts so they attack the person and do a very sloppy job of it too. Good help is so very hard to find when you are hiring from the bottom of the barrel.

      • Dave N says:

        I don’t quite understand the correlation to being a white person? Regardless, was your move work-related?

        • Yes, I moved here for work. I’m the only white person in my apartment complex, which should give some indication that i’m probably not living at the country club..

      • duke1959 says:

        “Steve”, you posted the “Lord’s Prayer”, so technically you did mention Jesus. I have read your stuff for years on the WUWT website. I am an ex air force weather tech and took my job seriously. I understand right, left, middle and I know that there are extremes (except for middle, how does one become an extreme middlest?). I followed your pieces for quite some time and agree with most. But when you go extreme, that raises a flag and makes me question everything else you have written. I agree with you on so much; that our president is a dolt, that climate change is climate change and will always be climate change weather (pun intended) we change anything about the way we live or not. I know that it is just an attempt to orwellian control society. I know that George Mason is the most underrated player in the formation of our constitution and the bill of rights. His writings are the most comprehensive on what we all want our country and culture to be. The CEO of Whole Foods would not agree with him. He is a Capitalist in the way the Chinese are now Capitalist. Only when it benefits themselves are the Capitalist.

        To be honest with you and why I have been riding you lately is this: I believed and listened to what you have been saying for so long, and then I find out that you a Chemtrail believer. When I found that out, you lost all credibility with me and yes, I became angry for being duped for so long by you. I questioned myself on what information I gathered from you was real and what was conspiratorial.

        And hey Gail, we have communicated on WUWT in the past and we were in agreement with each other (mostly). I know you got your little place in Oregon (pretty sure) and are mostly self sufficient and on the right. Take your own advice and listen before you clasify a person to be of your disliking.

        In closing I just want to say that I will let you be. We have strange brown people overcoming us here in AZ and I have to focus on this defense of our country before it is too late. I can only wish that global warming was happening and that they would all fry in the desert. Believe me, I can live they rest of my life without a taco and cut my own grass.


        • The Lord’s Prayer says nothing about Jesus or anything specific to the Christian faith.

        • Gary,

          I’m afraid you are up to your nostrils in a groupie trap. You expect your chosen “leader” to conform to your expectations, get angry when it doesn’t happen and ride him to shape up. You also seem to have the same admiration for George Mason that I do. Do you think he’d react to “Steve” the way you do?

          Based on your newest comment I think you and I could agree on quite a few things but I also expect we would disagree on other. So what? I know a lot of people here in the People’s Republic who would consider some of your views not only extreme but outright evil. Some of the same people think the New York Times is a right-wing paper and conservatives should be punished. They are deluded but they are also certain they understand ”extreme right”. Do you? What is it? Can you define it?

          P.S. I’m afraid you got ‘em fierce redheads confused. I’ll say a short, silent and strictly non-denominational prayer for you that they never find out. The Lord be with you.

        • duke1959 says:

          Uh, who said it?

  12. Duke/Gary: Notice Steve still did not answer my question. That should be a clue. All the groupies will now swoop in and tell you how awful you are for insulting “Steve” and you’re a bad person. Myself, too, most likely. Get used to it. Skeptics can be more viscous than believers when they are threatened by someone who disagrees. This is not really about science—it’s about ego. Always was, always will be. You should also note that “Steve’s” motto is : Just having fun. That’s a clue not to disagree and not to take anything he says too seriously. “Your bad” for not noticing the line.

    • I get about 500-1000 messages a day and have absolutely no idea what question you are talking about.

      Believe it or not, the world does not revolve around you.

      • Nor does it revolve around you, shock, shock.

        The question is the one you blew off above in this thread and said I sounded like an angry person. (As in Does Whole Foods buy local and global since local produce is limited? People often speak as if buying local is the end-all for good stewardship of the planet and economy, but it’s actually very limited in many cases.) Also, you are one of the few “real science” people to be what appears to be comfortable with the idea that chemicals and addititives are bad for people so we should support a marketer who promotes this idea. Which may account for my “angry” sound—not happy finding questionable science on a “real” science blog site.

    • Reality check: I’m swooping in to tell you that I don’t think you are a bad person. It seems I’ve had you pegged right. You are just unhappy about organic produce marketing. And while I’ve never encounter skeptics who were truly viscous, I agree that some can be tacky and some are really thick.

  13. Wow, what a way to win friends. Guess you’re so special you just don’t need people—well, except to send money, of course. I could say the same thing to you about climate change—who cares? Why bother to read what an angry, unresponsive blogger has to say about climate or science. Not a problem. There are all kinds of bloggers out there without your attitude and who really do care. I’m sure I can find one to replace you.

  14. duke1959 says:

    Hey Stevie, I like how you respond to people that don’t see eye to eye with you. You do the liberal thing and attack the person… As I said earlier, that is exactly why I don’t want you on my side. P.S. Find me some Chemtrail pilots/techs and give us their story. I bet you subscribe to Alex Jones’s newsletters, eh?

  15. While Steven has a questionable way of cultivating a following, I cannot find anywhere Steven actually was involved in chemtrails. There is another individual with the last name Goddard, but nothing more. Steven Goddard’s name does come up in comments, but the comments are not by Steven. Usually they are accusations of involvement in chemtrails.

    It was interesting to me that contrails (the non-conspiracy trails left by planes) are actually included in discussions of climate change and clouds. I would not have included contrails in with clouds.

    • People who appreciate a BS-free zone come to this blog. Only questionable for those who cling to BS.

      • You really are the poster child for how to win friends. Maybe it’s not really necessary to care about the veracity of those attacking you since you’re such a sweetheart. I thought maybe it was, but I may have wrong.

        Anyway, my comment on the contrails stands. The rest may be ignored.

        • You are more robust than it first appeared. Must be all the good veggies … 🙂

        • _Jim says:

          I see we have a “live one” on the hook (so to speak) here on the board .. I have a few questions that are part of a survey (I take no stand on these issues ATTM as these are just survey questions) I’d like to pose to “it” while “it” is still here and not quite in a combative state (yet).

          Reality check – here are the questions:

          1) Can energy be extracted from magnets?

          2) Do magnetic monopoles exist?

          3) Have you ever seen a motor which produces more energy than it consumes?

          4) How can RMS (or average power) be measured versus measuring peak or instantaneous power?

          5) What is the difference between “apparent power” (usually expressed as “VA” or VoltAmps) versus RMS power?

          I’d just like to get quick answer to the above … a few words addressed to each point will suffice.


        • Jim, this could be the moment to ease up …

          Despite their prior fallout about veggies, “Reality check” defended “Steve” against an unfounded chemtrail slander.

  16. geran says:

    bj, have you been to wiki again?

    1) Can energy be extracted from magnets? Depends on your extraction method.

    2) Do magnetic monopoles exist? Only in bj’s universe.

    3) Have you ever seen a motor which produces more energy than it consumes? Only in bj’s universe.

    4) How can RMS (or average power) be measured versus measuring peak or instantaneous power? Hey bj, try a coil hooked to a needle. (wiki might have it….)

    5) What is the difference between “apparent power” (usually expressed as “VA” or VoltAmps) versus RMS power? bj, surely you know about phase, but, maybe not.

    • _Jim says:

      I would ask, geran, who you are addressing, because, I expressly stated “I take no stand on these issues ATTM as these are just survey questions”. I think with your commentary, however, you are nearing full idiot status in my book. It has taken some effort for you to arrive there, but you have arrived nonetheless.

      Thank you for self-identifying as same geran. Seems this ‘trap’ brought in unexpected game so to speak. To the other EEs on the board, I apologize for what looked really crude and unusually naive on my part, but I assure you I have no quibble with Maxwell’s Eqs nor with the follow on work by Hertz or Marconi.


      • geran says:

        bj, if I have obtained full idiot status in your book, then I have peaked, since your “book” is upside down.

        And, yes, you do need to apologize the us “other EE’s”, since you are making such a fool of yourself.

  17. Jim: You wanted short answers, so this is it:
    1. “Extracted from”? Not in any definition of extract that I am familiar with.
    2. Excellent question. Amherst University physics department is reported to have “created” such a critter, but as for such things existing in nature, so far, no. Also, the discovery is only a few month old and could be proven incorrect. Time will tell.
    3. Nope. Never seen a motor produce more energy than it consumes. I passed on all those wonderful email offers for plans to build one. Just didn’t have the time.
    4. RMS is calculated.
    5. One is resistive and one is inductive.

  18. Looks like “it” won’t be reaching that combative state. 🙂

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