They Are Getting So Desperate Now

You really can’t make this stuff up.

ScreenHunter_724 Jun. 30 20.55


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to They Are Getting So Desperate Now

  1. Dave N says:

    Maybe “Interesting Facts” thinks that “silent” means “didn’t comment on WUWT”? (not sure whether or not you have; after AW’s foot-in-mouth episode, I’m less inclined to visit there now)

    Why is it that almost all sites (or profiles) that have “facts” in their name often have their “facts” wrong?

    • _Jim says:

      Couldn’t be some ‘grand charade’ on their part could it? If they were honest, then ‘Progressive’ or “Liberal” would appear in their titles, along the lines of something like this:

      “The Progressive Committee in search of non-Conforming Thought and Heresy”


      “The Liberal Gate Keepers of Illogic and All Nonsense”


  2. jimash1 says:

    I think the problem was less “steve”‘s phrasing and more Anthony’s myopic one issue reading.
    However once assured that there was an issue regarding the stations he did become mildly interested, and indicated weakly that Our host might have a point or two .
    The equivocating, weaseling, and toeing of the line, I could probably do without. ( and have been)

  3. Pathway says:

    Steve’s wording always seems pretty straight forward and hard to misinterpret. Some folks just have a hard time reading. They have a preconceived idea about what Steve is going to say and end up not reading the words in there correct order.

  4. Isn’t it great that there’s now so few people post non-science on global warming, that we are having to pick holes in what other skeptics do!

    I suppose, I would rather read two skeptics arguing than two consensual agreeing.

  5. A C Osborn says:

    Notice how all the warmers are picking out the minor side issues and totally avoiding the actual PROBLEM.
    Government Agencies caught with their pants down over-adjusting the Temperature Records.
    All the Latest Climate Analysis using that data is corrupted and pretty worthless unless it shows the PAUSE, because it is not a pause at all it is cooling.
    Thta includes the latest IPCC Reports.

  6. Chip Bennett says:

    So that’s what it feels like when Toto tries to nip at your heels.

    How cute! He’s trying so hard!

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