Three Out Of Four Ain’t Bad

But I’m not making any predictions for next week. Argentina looked much better today. Neymar is out. Germany hasn’t been showing top form. RVP was awful today. Anyone could take it at this point.

The precautionary principle would say – never bet against Messi. But then there are Luiz and Robben too.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Three Out Of Four Ain’t Bad

  1. soulsurfer says:

    Totally agree. Rooting for Holland. They show flair, will-power, amazing quick ball play at times, and create major opportunities! Deserved win over Costa Rica, but boy did those oranges really need to go to penalties!?!?

  2. bkivey says:

    Argentina vs Brazil for the Cup.

  3. Brad says:

    Robben must be the best flopper.

    • R. de Haan says:

      Robben is an incredible workhorse who had the decency and honesty to admit in front of the camera that he wasn’t tackled but dropped himself once during the Mexico match and said he was sorry for it.
      The referee took the bate and it decided the outcome of the match.
      It’s a people’s game you know.

      May the best team win.

      • Brad says:

        He is a fantastic player. I very much enjoy watching him. But in a match with Costa Rica he was dribbling from the Costa Rica end line back up the field. The defensive player put his foot in front of Robben in an attempt to poke the ball away. Without touching him. Robben did his best Superman flop. Quite hilarious.

        Anyway, Brazil vs Argentina. I would like to see more Messi.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    It’s such a simple game of sports.
    The team with the highest score wins the game
    The team that beats all the other teams wins the World Cup.

    • R. de Haan says:

      Netherlands against Germany for the finals?

      • Argentina vs. Brazil for the finals?

        • R. de Haan says:

          Let’s see Steven, it wasn’t a prediction but 100% pure wishful thinking.

          However, the Dutch have a long standing score to settle with Argentina so I think they will win the upcoming match.

          They also have a big fat score to settle with the Germans.

          The Dutch have a very good team right know and all their players are still in goo shape.

          Tuesday we will see who is the winner of Germany against Brazil and Wednesday the Netherlands against Argentina.

      • Ben Vorlich says:

        Never discount the Germans, 1954 v Hungary 1974 v Holland 1990 v Argentina beat the better

        1966 beaten by a Russian Linesman,

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Not mentioned here is the team management. The Dutch with van Gaal really have a fabulous coach who prepares every detail of a match. His keeper swap against Costa Rica yesterday with Krul was a master piece. He turns luck into a sure thing.

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