- Decent people who think about how their actions affect other people.
- People who recline their seats in the coach compartment of aircraft.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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You must be making a flight connection back to MD… 🙂
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You do realise that he’s now in Maryland, right?
Or on a plane from Vegas
Basically, psychopaths and non-psychopaths … then you have your sociopaths …
Think you’re blaming the wrong parties here. When you buy the seat, you’re buying the range of motion, too. If a tray table ends up in your lap, consider how the airlines have reduced seat pitch over the years.
That’s the point, the first type would be aware of this and act with consideration. Or should they turn around and tell you that your discomfort is the airlines fault?
You have the thoughtful and the thoughtless, but forgot the third kind, more prevalent then I care to admit.
3. People who think about how their actions can CONTROL other people.
Just above would be example #1.
4. People who see ‘conspiracy’ behind every act, motion, twitch or twiddle observed of someone else …
Amen to that from a person who is 6’4″.
What happened to the Koch executive jet? They promised it to me after the Vegas conference! ?
3. People who recline their seats in the coach compartment of aircraft despite the fact that you have already told them that as you are 6’6″ tall, your knees are already firmly wedged into the back of the seat in front of you, and it is therefore impossible for that seat to be reclined. Regardless, the person in front still tries to do that. For some reason, it is only Americans that have ever done this to me.
Yeah, that basically sums it up.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that understand binary notation and those that don’t
Yes, and 10 out of 4 of them are dyslexic.
You forgot the third kind.
The ones who KNOW the act will inconvenience or hurt someone and do it intentionally despite the fact that if you were not there they would not do. (Only your presence causes the action.)
_Jim’s Sociopaths.
If everyone reclines, then it makes no difference. I do like the seats with ears though. Keeps my head from rolling around.
I prefer seats without side ears when I have to recline because the front seat did. Every time my head rolls too far it jerks me out of slumber, interrupts the last horrible snore that still seems to echo in my mind and allows me to apologize to all my neigbors once again. They always look relieved that I’m not going to die and encourage me to go on with my life. It’s good to feel the kindness of complete strangers and know they’ll be watching over me when I lose the fight to stay awake once more.
Well, there is that. If there are no ears, I do the exact same thing! I guess the rest of coach hopes for no ears so I do not snore more than once or twice before head bobbing.
This thread is annoying because it purports a false dichotomy: not reclining your seat or fully reclining your seat. The solution? Compromise: recline your seat slightly in consideration of the person behind you and accept that the person in front of you has the right to recline his seat slightly. If you can’t tolerate being inconvenienced by others, even slightly, in coach, fly first class or drive alone in the HOV lane. Now, let the flaming begin…
Opening post says:
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Two Kinds Of People In This World
Decent people who think about how their actions affect other people.
People who recline their seats in the coach compartment of aircraft.
– – – – –
Tom Bakert at July 10, 2014 at 2:07 pm says:
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This thread is annoying because it purports a false dichotomy: not reclining your seat or fully reclining your seat.
– – – – –
Anyone see a possible divergence in Tom’s response from the thought(s) behind the original, opening post?
Hi, Jim. Perhaps, but the thread morphed into a stupid discussion of airline seats. That’s what I found annoying. BTW, most of your posts are excellent. Cheers.
Divergence? Or similarity? Either or.
So why do they make seats that can be reclined? They would have less weight otherwise. Maybe the majority of people do not suffer from claustrophobia, are not much taller than average, put their seat vertical during meals, and sleep better when a bit reclined.
Use Delta’s economy comfort.
There is always another way.
Humans are not made to fly .
Yeah, because nobody out there has bad joints, is sick, or has other problems. No, we *all* have to suffer so YOU don’t feel disadvantaged.
Were you ‘cold shouldered’ by some of the other conference attendees?
Not at all. Everyone was very friendly and most quite enthusiastic about what I am doing.