US Having The Quietest Fire Season On Record

Burn acreage through July 18 is about one third of normal.

ScreenHunter_1126 Jul. 19 08.00

National Interagency Fire Center

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to US Having The Quietest Fire Season On Record

  1. Bob Knows says:

    Maybe where you are, but around here its been one of the worst fire summers ever. 260 square miles. Several towns burned. And that’s just one of the fires. Its reminds me so much of the 1960s.

  2. Pathway says:

    In Colo. we went from spring to the monsoon season. The high base thunderstorms of June and early July that start the fires (except for the ones started by Forest Service employees,Hayden Fire) did not occur this year.

  3. policycritic says:

    Maybe they’re finally culling the forests of pine trees, which combined with ground cover that rings the trees, are ‘gasoline’ for any forest fire.

  4. dp says:

    We’re having a hellish fire problem here in north central Washington state, but it is nothing compared to the Hayman fire in Colorado some years ago. I was within a few miles of where and when that fire started, and watched the first water drops in real time. That was still burning long after I got back home to the Seattle area and being on a motorcycle, it was a nasty choking ride home through that mess. That said, places here are burning that have not burned for a very long time so there is a lot of fuel on the ground. Lightning storms haven’t helped. Sadly there have been hundreds of homes in the path of the fire fronts which justifiably increases the sense of scale. I have calculated that my home is about two to three days north of the destruction at the current rate of travel. The smoke in the Okanogan river valley is painful to breath even here at the Canadian border. I doubt our local fires will create much of a blip on the national charts, bad as they are.

    • Bob Knows says:

      Yes, I’m near Spokane. We’re breathing the smoke and grieving for those who lost their homes. It reminds me a lot of when I was growing up in Wenatchee in the 1950s and 1960s. .

  5. Larry Geiger says:

    It appears to be wet here in Florida. Plenty of thunderstorms but everything is so damp it appears that not much is igniting. So far any way. Don’t ever want to see 1998 again.

  6. Brian H says:

    Oh, noes! 1/3? There’ll be a national CO2 shortage! We’re DOOOOMMED!

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