What Happens In Vegas, Doesn’t Stay In Vegas

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to What Happens In Vegas, Doesn’t Stay In Vegas

  1. Bill P. says:

    I don’t get it.

  2. Scott Scarborough says:

    Something about the Heartland gathering there for the next few days.

  3. nigelf says:

    Nor should it stay in Vegas. If the media had any sense of morals at all they would ensure it gets out far and wide.

  4. Lance says:

    cnn will discover soccer again….

  5. kbray in california says:

    I found this link to Heartland.


    I hope it works tomorrow.

    • kbray in california says:

      Schedule (probably Las Vegas time):

      Monday, July 7
      7:45 PM – Keynote Addresses
      Joe Bastardi and Hon. Dana Rohrabacher

      Tuesday, July 8
      8:00 AM – Keynote Addresses
      Dr. Patrick Moore and John Coleman

      1:15 PM – Keynote Addresses
      Dr. Patrick Michaels and Hon. George Christensen

      Wednesday, July 9
      8:00 AM – Keynote Addresses
      Dr. Roy Spencer and Dr. Jay Lehr

      1:00 PM – Keynote Address
      Lord Christopher Monckton

  6. gregole says:

    I’ll be attending for the first time – driving out from Phoenix tomorrow and am really looking forward to it.

  7. Dave N says:

    They need to update your location in the speakers info:


  8. Truthseeker says:

    Only if there are picture and/or videos …

  9. Pathway says:

    When does Steve speak?

  10. duke1959 says:

    I know that it is hard, but every time meetings are conveyed to discuss Global Baloney, it gives credence to Global Baloney. Someone needs to step up to the plate and just say NO! (Nancy Reagan was right). People can argue falsehoods til they are blue in the face, kind of like religions. But to argue non reality actually makes people believe that it is reality. See Jesus, mohamed, Yaweh.

  11. Brad says:

    I like beer. I hope you like beer. The Public House in the Venetian.

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