Monthly Archives: August 2014

What Part Of This Isn’t Clear?

NASA has altered their own data to hide the decline globally. The animation below shows changes to published NASA global temperature data from 1981 to the present. The 2001 and 2014 data sets are located here: 2001 version :……./FigA.txt … Continue reading

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Different Approaches To Problem Solving

Problem : Deranged teenager kills schoolchildren in Connecticut, as principal waits helplessly for someone with a gun to come save her and the children. Conservative solution : Train the principal to use a semi-automatic rifle with a 40 round mag in her … Continue reading

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When The Big One Hits

When the big earthquake hits California, and all hell breaks lose, all the morons who gave up their 2nd Amendment rights are going to be begging for someone with a gun (and ammo) to come protect them.

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In 2001, Hansen Prove Me Right

This map is from Hansen’s 2001 paper, which has been deleted from the NASA web site. It shows that US rural stations cooled -.05C from 1900 to 1999, and that urban stations were 0.31C warmer. The obvious conclusion being that the … Continue reading

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Almost No Change In Arctic Ice Extent Since Yesterday

Green shows gain since yesterday. Red shows loss. Alarmists have a big problem now. Strong winds in the Laptev Sea have been giving them more of a break than they deserve, but the ice there is already pushed back close … Continue reading

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2008 : Obama Said He Would Give Up Leisure And Vacations If Elected

[youtube=] h/t to Dave G

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Arctic Returning To 1980’s Conditions?

During the 1980’s there was a lot of old, thick ice in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas. Starting in 1988, the winds shifted, and the older ice began getting rapidly pushed out into the North Atlantic. By about 10 years … Continue reading

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Getting Rid Of The 1940’s Blip

Our Climategate buddies told us that they wanted to get rid of the 1940’s temperature blip, without even knowing why it existed. And that they did. The graph below shows the progression of data tampering since 1981 of the global … Continue reading

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Arctic Ice Concentration Up To Nearly 100%

A large high pressure system over the Arctic has compacted the sea ice and reduced extent over the past few days. It has also increased concentration up to nearly 100%, which means that almost all sunlight over the ice pack … Continue reading

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Learning To Think Like A Maryland Progressive

There are no hunting or fishing stores here in Columbia, MD. The Dick’s Sporting Goods store doesn’t have a hunting or fishing section, though they do in “all their other stores.” Progressives are more than happy to eat meat from … Continue reading

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