A new ice age could grip the world within the lifetime of present generations, Britons were warned yesterday.
“The threat of a new ice age must now stand along side nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale ‘ death and misery for mankind”, said science writer Nigel Calder, who compiled the program for the British Broad casting Corporation.
22 Nov 1974 – SCIENCE DOCUMENTARY New ice age ‘could be in our…
h/t to Andy Oz
Denton is still at Maine:
Wonder what he thinks now?
While the “global warming” predictions have fallen flat, we might still see that ice age. 🙂
If there is still ice on the great lakes in August…
four of the five great lakes have near 100% ice cover. First time in at least a century.
Well the BBC are closer than James “Coal Death Trains” Hansen. In 2001 he predicted this:
That would be in 2021. It doesn’t look like the Hudson will drown the West Side Hwy by then because it has now frozen over:
How long before you can WALK to Brooklyn? Manhattan is encased in the worst ice for a decade as river freezes
Cool photos.
Predicting the future is hard, and today the Hudson is hard too.
Hansen actually made that forecast in 1988.
I was being conservative since he said he’d said 40 years not 20 years (see the WUWT article). But the interview from 2001 is on record, he can’t weasel out of that one.
I could not believe what I heard on the CBS affiliated radio station WWJ950 in Detroit today. They had a report that February 2015 could end up being the coldest month ever in Detroit. This report was followed by a report that the Great Lakes ice cover was approaching a record high for the second year in a row. These two reports were followed by an interview with an expert who stated the global warming was responsible for the cold and ice. What flabbergasted me was that reporter didn’t challenge the expert.
Liberal and Progressive “experts” carry an “I don’t have to tell the truth” card and an “I can make up stuff to support the cause” card both of which are honored by all liberal and Progressive “journalists.” Liberal and Progressive “journalists” carry a “support the cause at all costs” card that acts a trump of fact or truth no matter who presents it.
The card is called the Hegelian philosophy. The Philosophy Of Karl Marx: The Hegelian Basis
For the Progressive objective reality literally DOES NOT EXIST! The only thing that is real is the idea in their mind.
This is the mindset of the people now in control of the USA and if that does not scare you witless, you must have nerves of steel or are as loony tunes as they are.
Clinton another dangerous lunatic literally gave our enemies (China) our technology, including our military technology and our manufacturing, the basis of US wealth. link
He did this based on his belief that interdependence prevents war. But others think he is way off base in his beliefs: “Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations,” International Security, Vol. 20, no.4
I really really doubt that China sees interdependence as anything but a temporary method for gaining the technology and wealth she so needs. Trade interdependence did nothing but prolong the Soviets control of Russia as I mentioned earlier.
Lessons of history: China’s century of humiliation: The repercussions of British opportunism in China during the Opium Wars can be felt in geopolitics even today The USA is lumped in with the British. (Excellent timeline of opium/drugs from 3,400BC to today)
China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh
Following Clinton we have another dangerous man doing his best to destroy our military and run an escalating war on the citizens of the USA.
Here you go then – from 1977!
And look who was one of the promoters of this back then …..
That in search of is priceless especially juxtaposed against today’s events in Boston Buffalo and with ice clogging harbors from bos to ny to Virginia. Thank you.
this is great! i don’t remember this episode but i watched this show as a kid. this will serve me well when the warmistas claim the global cooling meme of the 70s is an overblown concept!
I think I tossed you these links already:
the 1974 CIA report:
“A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”
And a new one:
Yikes, I watched this and 15 minutes later heard that Leonard Nimoy passed on.
Well he did “Live well and prosper”. Could there have been a better actor to play Spock? I don’t think so. The Trekkies must be devastated.
This prediction actually makes more sense than today’s ridiculous “the earth has a fever” warnings.
GI guess the scientists in the 70s had more common sense and less left wing bias.
Remember we are lied to constantly.
It is quite possible the Elite do believe an ice age is on the way. It sure looks like they want to strip the assets of the northern countries and make sure as many people are killed as quickly as possible. At the present time we have the WTO agreement on Ag and ‘harmonizing’ national laws pushing independent farmers off the land in the EU, USA, Canada, and Australia. Global Warming is being used as an excuse to do a land grab in South America and Africa as well. (Just google Australia Land Grab…)
In the 1970’s when all the Malthusian nonsense hit, not only was the Milankovitch theory known but so was the Gleissberg 88 year solar cycle. The influence of solar cycles on wheat prices (and climate) had been know since Sir Herschel showed it in his report to the Royal Society in 1801. Thus Maurice Strong started pushing GLOBAL WARMING in 1972 at the First Earth Summit despite the record low harvests of 1969! Given the minimum in 1969 they figured they had 44 years (1/2 a Gleissberg cycle) to push CAGW. 1969 +44 =2013, Is it any surprise they are now in an absolute panic to get a binding international treaty signed? Is it any surprise they are now pully every dirty trick in their play book?
The state of the research into the Milankovitch theory in 1969:
“In the 1970’s when all the Malthusian nonsense hit, not only was the Milankovitch theory known but so was the Gleissberg 88 year solar cycle.”
In addition, IIRC in a report in 1992, some knew of the effects of the then unnamed ocean cycle (PDO, AMO) and knew they were on the rise. By the late 1980’s, the solar cycle was in their favor too. But bad salesmen, they didn’t close the deal and nature’s cycles all are falling through.
Yes those studying fish were the first to figure it out. ENSO was also figured out by fishermen.
Dr. Nathan Mantua and his colleagues were the first to show that adult salmon catches in the Northeast Pacific were correlated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Mantua et al. 1997).
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I have the book. I bought it to go with the program. I have studied the weather and climate for 50 yrs, gained my trade qualifications in Radio, Electronics, Electricity and telecomms and my 2 degrees in physics, I have never been a “believer” in AGW. I have never seen any evidence that co² causes the atmosphere to do anything but warm insignificantly/ negligably. Even in this book they mention global warming by co² but highlight the theory’s uncertainty.
The series of programs was not bad as I remember.