Another Frightening Anniversary

It has been exactly one year since the New York Times announced the official end of snow.

ScreenHunter_6989 Feb. 09 21.41The End of Snow? –

One year later

ScreenHunter_6990 Feb. 09 22.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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29 Responses to Another Frightening Anniversary

    • Yep… total load of shit.. this “end of snow”…

      What bigger message that you are wrong than dumping a few feet on Boston and NY… right in the heart of NY Timesland… still… they hold onto their premise claiming all this snow is indeed “Climate Change”… formerly Global Warming.. a name that just didn’t fit the narrative… total crap…

  1. Dave N says:

    I guess they thought the question mark at the end absolves them from being alarmist. Still, more evidence that they change their tune whenever it suits them.

  2. Lance says:

    Interesting, last year out west(Canada) we got hammered by snow…this year (thing of the past)…Castle Mountain closed due to lack of it…the warmist will be all over that of course, ignoring last year altogether…

  3. g2-9ed9acc685824c6663c51c5b093476cc says:

    No, you’re confusing weather with temperature with trends with atmospheric phenomena with polar vortex with climate.

    It doesn’t work like that. I’d explain it to you but your brain can’t handle the nuance.

  4. gregole says:

    And let’s be thankful it’s back. I mean snow. It’s essential, right? I mean, we have to have snow. Right? Else how would we ski? But nevertheless, it’s back. So everything is cool. Right?

    • NielsZoo says:

      Cool? It’s 12°F colder than normal at my place. The (usless, meaningless, manipulated) average temp should be 72°F… and it’s 60°F here and that qualifies as “cold” not “cool” for Florida. (Yes, after living here for a quarter of a century I’m a weather wimp.)

  5. Dave N says:

    In other news, Rhode, Zeke and Mosh postulate that BEST adjustments have been totally pointless:

  6. Ahh….but SKS says this is just a brief period of cool caused by ‘natural variability’
    The warming will kick in soon.

    What are the odds of nutter/kook being wrong twice? They are scientists!!

  7. Ben Vorlich says:

    your work on adjustments has kicked off something interesting at the Telegraph, 21787 comments and counting.

  8. Greg Locke says:

    Any weather event that can be plotted above or below some artificial average line for some artificial time period for some limited geographic area is proof positive of the CAGW theory. The scientists say so. So there.

  9. Don Penim says:

    NY Times 2012 – The End of Skiing in the Northeast:
    ….scientists say that climate change means the long-term outlook for skiers everywhere is bleak. The threat of global warming hangs over almost every resort, from Sugarloaf in Maine to Squaw Valley in California. As temperatures rise, analysts predict that scores of the nation’s ski centers, especially those at lower elevations and latitudes, will eventually vanish.

    Under certain warming forecasts, more than half of the 103 ski resorts in the Northeast will not be able to maintain a 100-day season by 2039, according to a study to be published next year by Daniel Scott, director of the Interdisciplinary Center on Climate Change at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.


    2013 Winter – Northeast ski resorts bask in abundant snowfall

    2014 Winter: Northeast Ski Season starts early: Vermont ski resorts posts record number of early openings:

    2015 Winter: Record snowfall for Northeast ski resorts

  10. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    SInce there is no snow in globally warmed New York the local pot growers will be safe.

    Dutch police catch cannabis growers after spotting snow-free roof

    Fun photo!

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