Bill Nye Update

Yesterday, Bill Nye tweeted that Jackson Hole slopes were snow free.

ScreenHunter_6885 Feb. 07 10.03 Jackson Hole Mountain Resort

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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54 Responses to Bill Nye Update

  1. JJ Reuter says:

    Most would take his word for it without one shred of evidence.

  2. Gail Combs says:

    I think all the Jackson Hole ski resorts should go after him and insist he does a public retraction or sue the pants off him for harm to their revenue stream.

  3. tomwys1 says:

    I’d invite him up to where I live in southern Maine, where we have 2 feet on top of 4 feet, and another 2 feet expected to fall by Monday’s end, followed by another “finger” of the Polar High sweeping sub zero temperatures that will assure we don’t get too much snowmelt.

    It is with profound sadness that I’ve witnessed the integrity demise of one of the better science educators of our time. One day he may contact me at the colderside webpages and I’ll be pleased to participate in the resurrection of his integrity. Hope springs eternal!!!

  4. Ha! That looks like the result of a severe snowstorm:

    Rachel Maddow: “Can you explain in layman’s terms whether a snowstorm disproves global warming?”

    Bill Nye: “Well, first of all it doesn’t, no. But we remind you that global warming was the first term for this phenomenon that we now call climate change. So it’s very reasonable that a snowstorm in Washington that’s this severe is the result of climate change!”

    “The main thing is, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change got a Nobel Prize! They got a scientific prize for making a discovery! They didn’t get a minor award. This is a big deal! They discovered climate change, through all kinds of evidence!”

    “This thing of denying science …
    To deny what scientists or scientific evidence is showing is inappropriate, and as I said earlier, to me when I get wound up, it’s unpatriotic!”

    Why does Goddard keep posting these pictures? Why is he denying science? The IPCC got a scientific Nobel prize! What is his motivation?

  5. He could never stack up to Professor Proton!!

  6. BallBounces says:

    Ah, but “this too is climate change”. Happening “before our eyes!”™

  7. SteveO says:

    Bill Nye is an idiot.

  8. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Poor Billy. Still hasn’t switched to Big Boy pants and those all day diapers are choking off the blood supply to his brain cell.

  9. gator69 says:

    Well I guess we can report today that Bill Nye is fact free.

  10. How many moles of CO2 should he have put in this scaled down experiment?
    Why even have the jars in the experiment. Just release the right amount of CO2 moles scaled for the room, do the experiment then open the doors air it out and repeat the experiment without the extra tiny bit of CO2.

  11. 4TimesAYear says:

    People who are so caught up in the climate change non-issue generally scoff when I try to explain basic climate to them. There is no climate for them w/o “change”. It’s madness – complete, utter madness.

    • stpaulchuck says:

      you ignore the Pious Points Game at your (mental health) peril. These buffoons are in this for Pious Points – “I care MORE than you.” They generally are a waste of oxygen and easily replaceable in whatever job they occupy. So, they look for ways to inflate their egos. The Pious Points Game is their chosen vehicle.

      They buy the Toyota Prius and recycle and all the other prescriptions of “caring about the Earth” that appear for their slavish adherence in birdcage liner (and the electronic similars like HuffNPuff Post). Then they can look down their noses at cretins like us who “don’t care about your grandchildren”, or the polar bears, or [fill in the blank with the putative victim du jour]. Of course they are still buffoons and semi-literates.

  12. Tel says:

    Can the ski operators make a claim for the damage Nye is attempting to do to their business, (driving customers away, discouraging investment, etc) ?

  13. Fred Wlech says:

    Living in northeast wyoming for forty years has tought me that you cannot ever judge the rest of the world by the weather in wyoming . The robins are in my front yard this year in January,three months early. Yet the ski slopes fifty miles away, east or west, have four to five feet of base. Using jackson as an example just shows his ignorance.

  14. emsnews says:

    He could have easily checked out the weather before opening his fat mouth but no. He LIED. And they all lie about the weather!

    These lies are legion and constant and unstoppable, they can’t bother with any facet of reality. For example, the West Coast went from being wetter and wetter to now being flooded. What is the news?

    Drought! This is insanity.

    Furthermore, they don’t have real weather news anymore. When it plunges below zero over and over again, this makes nearly no news even in the areas being hammered by extreme cold. The NYT doesn’t even mention the many cold weather deaths in New York.

  15. stpaulchuck says:

    the mountains on Negros Island here in the Philippines are snow free. I blame it on Global Warming. Now can I have me climate justice money?

  16. Sophie says:

    Bill Nye the propaganda guy, telling you like it isn’t!

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