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55 Responses to Climate Criminals Hurt Real People
In a way you are lucky. Nassau and Suffolk are turning into hell holes.
Hey! I live in Nassau.
Not that I wouldn’t like to leave NY altogether. But hell hole is pretty harsh. -
So Hell is cold these days ?
They said that CAGW would not be disproved until hell froze over. Well???
In “I of Newton” the second segment of the twelfth episodes from the first season (1985–86) of the television series The Twilight Zone. The Devil wares an orange shirt. Throughout the episode, the words on the Devil’s orange shirt change. One of the shirts reads:
HELL IS A CITY MUCH LIKE NEWARKhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:I_of_Newton.jpg
(From WIKI)
So if Hell is like Newark, Hell has surely frozen over this February! It is presently 5.7 °F in Newark, NJ.
What is even more fun is what Mother Nature has in store for NYC. It couldn’t happen to a better Mayor of NYC than the idiot Socialist, Bill de Blasio. (I wonder if the cops are still on partial strike.)
Saturday: 34° F | 31° F Snow 80% chance of precipitation
Sunday 45° F | 22° F Chance of Rain 70% chance of precipitation
Monday 23° F | 7° F Partly Cloudy
Tuesday 29° F | 22° F Clear
Mostly cloudy with a 30 percent chance of snow. Highs in the mid 30s. Mostly cloudy in the evening…then becoming partly cloudy. Lows 15 to 20.Thrusday
Mostly sunny. Cold with highs in the upper 20s.
the word hell comes from Hel, the Norse* goddess of death – The Norse pictured Hel, the corpselike goddess of death, as queen of a grim underground realm populated by those who had died of sickness and old age. This view of hell involves a dread of death and a horror of the cold, dark, decaying grave, but it does not suggest a place of punishment.
Read more: http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Go-Hi/Hell.html#ixzz3SJh2IQs0
If your using the Norse word, then the concept of ‘Cold as Hell’ fits.
Anyone stupid enough to believe the climatologists after they abandoned the global cooling bandwagon for the global warming bandwagon deserves their fate.
It’s easy actually. I do not believe anything a government employee (or government funded “scientist”) proclaims unless it is being officially denied.
Seems pretty reliable in this banana republic.
Frank Cook, this goes to show that some discretion on your part (as to who you listen to) would have gone a looooooong ways toward a more desirable outcome …
he wants to be ‘compensated’ because he’s stupid…?? really?
A shame Frank, but it could be worse – you could be this guy:
http://www.spectator.co.uk/books/9435652/they-sought-paradise-in-a-scottish-field-and-found-hunger-boredom-and-mosquitoes/ -
NYT making stuff up for over 100 years http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9A0DEED81F3EE633A25750C2A96E9C946394D6CF
The market is working as designed.
The outcome was exactly correct.
Yep, a climate criminal bought it cheap and made a handsome profit.
Based on beach property values in SC, that house likely quintupled in value since then. -
Bernie Madoff lied. That was fraud. Hansen-et-al lied. That is fraud.
Frank Cook was cheated. Not a fair market.-
the “market” IS fair. His lack of intelligence is not fair, but that’s on him.
A group of geologists in Italy were successfully prosecuted for their failure to accurately predict a massive earthquake. They instead told people there was no earthquake coming and everything would be fine. Many of the scientists had their convictions overturned on appeal, but not all.
If the same principle applied to Global Warming, the alarmists absolutely should be in fear of prosecution and lawsuits. What about the media guy that read an alarmist IPCC report, fell into despair, and got a vasectomy to spare this future children from the global suffering? If that’s not a lawsuit waiting to happen, I don’t know what is.
Yet I can’t help coming back to caveat emptor. If people are dumb enough to fall for the histrionics and make rash decisions that lead to personal suffering or loss, they should first look in the mirror.
They were subsequently exonerated on appeal, KTM.
Geologists shouldn’t be prosecuted for failing to predict the future, but the climate crooks should definitely be prosecuted for fraud. If the Rules of Discovery forced them to reveal their data and methods, convictions would be slam dunks.
But then we would need a lot more prisons….
or, we could just put liens on their waterfront properties.-
Absolutely correct. IMO.
Actually, there was more to the case than just the manslaughter charges of which they were exonerated on appeal.
“In addition to the prison term, those indicted will be permanently banned from public service and will have to pay financial compensation to the families of 29 victims named in the indictment and to the city of L’Aquila, totalling €7.8 million.”
My understanding is that the rest of the rulings against them for negligence are still in force.
Frank had doubts. He didn’t shoot the baby.
An example of natural selection in the modern world.
[and why ‘Darwin’ should be let free in the US]
I like to show that article to alarmists. It’s fun watching them try to distance themselves from it. In the end, the alarmists are the ones with blood on their hands.
“We discourage other nations from taking a part in Libya’s issues through violence. We want the issues solved in Libya to be done peacefully and through good governance and politics and not violence.”
Pentagon Spokesperson Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby condemned Egypt’s airstrikes on ISIS
In The Hague, returning jihadis are told to identify themselves via the intercom. Police personnel are worried about letting them into the buildings because they fear an attack
Why has the US Air Force not been able to wipe out the Islamic State which at the outset was largely equipped with conventional small arms not to mention state of the art Toyota pickup trucks?
Why would the Air Force wipe out the same group that keeps it in business?
Why would the government pull agents off the border and offer free goodies to illegal aliens, but then put checkpoints up away from the borders?
Pardon the cynicism — but as the years go by, it always seems like our government has either created or is supporting our supposed enemies. Heck, the Brits had MI5 help in bombings to blame on the IRA. Government (and its warfare division) is the biggest business on the block. What business wants to run itself out of business?
If the government would make an Italian terrorist group and bomb civilians in Italy, why wouldn’t they do it in the Middle east? https://www.youtube(dot)com/watch?v=GGHXjO8wHsA
Jason Calley says:
February 20, 2015 at 2:16 pmWhy would the Air Force wipe out the same group that keeps it in business?
Not that any Air Force could wipe it out without WMD being used. It would take combined arms with the much maligned “boots on the ground” to even come close.
But really it isn’t the Armed forces that have been holding back. It’s the civilian leadership. They’ve been hobbling the US Military from the very beginning of this current conflict. -
Politicians have been grossly hobbling the military since the Korean War. No group of people is monolithic, but I have yet to meet a soldier, airman, or seaman who wants to go to war. And I grew up military brat whose entire family served.
Gator when I was a soldier I did not want war, but one came along I sure wanted to go! How can a person train and train and train for something and then not feel left out when they’re not deployed to participate in what they have trained for?
When the Saddam invaded Kuwait I was an instructor at SOMED, the Special Operations medical training at Ft. Sam Houston. I was one of five SF medics there as and instructor that wasn’t there because of some health problem.
I was home on leave. Saw what happened on TV as the Iraqi Republican Guards went into Kuwait City and told Dad “They will not let this stand. We’re going to war.” The next day I packed up the family and drove the 1,100 miles straight through to get back to Ft. Sam Houston. The day after that I was burning up the Watts lines of the military system getting a hold of every contact I had gained over the years letting them know I was available if they could get me orders. I continued to work on it for weeks as things began to shake out.
Then one day Doc Moloff an SF qualified Physician that was our school commandant ordered us into a class room for a meeting with the adjutant of the Major General that was commander of US Army Health Services Command. That General was who’s command we were serving under.
After introducing himself the Lt. Col started out with: “Your here to teach!”. And then went on to tell us that the General was tired of responding to all kinds of orders and and requests for us 5 SF medics coming in for us five for reassignment. He made it clear that only orders coming from a General that outranked him would be honored. So quit working the back channels and get back to training unless we could get such orders.
Every one of us five that did not have a medical profile had been doing the same thing trying to get where the actions was and none of us ended up going.
rah the US government started holding back the military in Vietnam if not before.
I used to get an earful from the sargeants I hung with at the mandatory Hi-Byes. The officers were a little more closed mouthed.
I remember my sister in law asking my brother and nephew why they would volunteer for extra tours, and it was the same answer you gave. Our military personnel train very hard in order to be ready for a fight they hope never comes, but when it does they are ready and willing. Some people just don’t know what it means to ‘serve’.
Sure they did Gail and Gator. But I kinda look at the US Army in phases. There is the WW II Army, the Korean War Army, the Vietnam war Army which remained pretty much static until Reagan took over. Prior to Reagan we had the draft. An Army with a large proportion of conscripts. Then there is the Reagan US Army which we still fight with today. Under Reagan was when it became an all volunteer force and the standards for enlistment climbed. I was there to experience that transition and saw the many changes that occurred. Not just in standards but in commands. The major commands that they still operate under today.
I have family still serving who have said that they will resign their commissions the minute that the draft is reinstituted.
rah says: “It’s the civilian leadership.”
Hey rah! Well… yes, it is the civilian leadership — but I think that the highest levels of the military would not be in those high positions if they were not of a similar mindset. I really believe that WWII was perhaps the last decade when we could count on the military leaders being good soldiers. (Of course General Smedley Butler said that the military was just muscle for the corporation long before we were born! http://www.wanttoknow.info/warisaracket.shtml ) Now we have a sort of merging of upper military with the industries that support the military. Look at how many high level officers leave the military and immediately pick up a nice job advising the very same companies that build the tanks, the planes and the electronics for the military. Ambitious men have always looked at the military as a way to advance, as a way to have adventure, travel, and yes, to protect our country from foreign enemies — but sometime around Korea, warfare became more of a business and less of an avocation.The average soldier has no control over what the military does — not even over what the military does to HIM! But make no mistake… there are wealthy CEOs, bankers, politicians, and high officers who are really much more concerned with what can a nice war do for them, than they are for what happens to some soldier or even what happens to our nation. How else can we explain the almost constant state of undeclared war which the US has been in since 1950 or so? We are still fighting in Afghanistan after more than 13 years!
Madness! And the most victimized (of Americans at least) are the soldiers who get their butts blown up to turn a profit for General Electric and a bunch of politicians…
There is something to what you say. My reading of our Military history indicates even starting with our Revolutionary War day there have always been competent Generals in their own fields, and political Generals. During peace time the Political Generals often hold sway. But in a sustained high intensity war the real leaders are the ones that come forth and most of the political ones end up out or in some back water. In all wars the true warriors, Generals and those that would be Generals come to the forefront and are recognized.
In many cases, even in recent times we have been fortunate to have very effective Combat leaders at the fore front. Who here would deny that Norman Schwarzkopf or Tommy Franks were not competent combat Generals? Both of them had cut their teeth as combat leaders in Vietnam. They knew the game and when their ultimate tests came it showed.
Unfortunately under this administration that recognition has resulted in some of them, the very best example being Stanley Allen McChrystal, being destroyed. Destroyed by a Rolling Stone article which turned out to be less than accurate when he was Commander in Afghanisan.
FACT: This current president as Commander & Chief REFUSED to set objectives beyond withdraw. How could he! He REFUSED to define what victory would be in Iraq or Afghanistan for his military leadership. How can you serve a leader that will not tell you what your ultimate objective, your whole reason for being on a mission is?
Robert – They discourage others, because it would show Hillary did not know how to do it correctly.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, as reported Thursday by The Washington Times, opened their own channels of communication with the regime of Moammar Gadhafi to avoid military conflict. They told the Libyan government that Mrs. Clinton and the State Department were determined to pursue a military solution and were preventing crucial intelligence from getting to the president.
This was an unusual if not unprecedented attempt to bypass the State Department and its role as the sole voice to speak to foreign governments. Rarely if ever has an American president allowed competing departments of the government to speak in the name of his administration. The Pentagon, for its part, clearly thought it was being pushed into a conflict on Mrs. Clinton’s false assumptions.
A voice on the tapes, identified as a “U.S. intelligence liaison working for the Pentagon,” said Mr. Obama had told members of Congress that “Libya is all Secretary Clinton’s matter.”
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/29/editorial-hillary-clintons-war-in-libya/#ixzz3SJjIKtIk
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This is just the first of what I see as a growing area of litigation whereby those who have taken decisions based on their lies will start to seek financial compensation. And given the way this scam has been worldwide and that so much money is affected, I can see litigation in the billions.
Let’s put it this way. The first law firm to successfully bring a case is going to get such a flood of clients that they will be rolling in money in a few years.
Here, In Queensland, Australia, our sociaist State government of the time did a number of stupid things relating to bad weather/climate advice from the BoM and alarmist Tim Flannery … they didn’t let water out of Wivenhoe Dam prior to heavy rainfall and the subsequent flood cost us billions and, they built a RO plant for around AUS$6bill which has never been used and sits rusting at the coast.
Let me mention that there is an impending class action against the State Government for damages as a consequence of the floods. It is karma that the same socialists are now back in power and will have to defend themselves.
Cyclone Marcia undergoes a “remarkable reign of intensification” on Friday and could be Queensland’s most powerful cyclone for 25 years as residents “brace themselves”.
Robert … have a look at JoNova’s blog here http://joannenova.com.au/2015/02/hyping-cyclones/
“and could be Queensland’s most powerful cyclone for 25 years”
Obviously NOT unprecedented then. just mother nature doing what she has always done.
Do they even read what they write ??
Robert note the timing 25 years ….. Think ocean oscillations.
Pacific Decadal Oscillation:
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a long-term ocean fluctuation of the Pacific Ocean. The PDO waxes and wanes approximately every 20 to 30 years. From TOPEX/Poseidon data (see below) together with other oceans and atmospheres data, scientists think we have just entered the ‘cool’ phase. The ‘cool’ phase is characterised by a cool wedge of lower than normal sea-surface heights/ocean temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific and a warm horseshoe pattern of higher than normal sea-surface heights connecting the north, west and southern Pacific. In the ‘warm’ or ‘positive’ phase, which appears to have lasted from 1977- 1999, the west Pacific Ocean becomes cool and the wedge in the east warms.
It took no time at all for the Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hannan to find an alarmist to claim that one cyclone this week could be a trend – and a sign of global warming:
The southward shift of cyclones under climate change will force planners to demand stronger building standards as far south as Coffs Harbour on the NSW North Coast, Cairns climatologist Steve Turton says.
Storms such as the category 5 Cyclone Marcia, which crossed the central Queensland coast on Friday, “are going to become more common in the future along the eastern seaboard of Australia,” Professor Turton from James Cook University told Fairfax Media…
I guess in the UK there have been several precedents and mis-selling scandals. PPI and interest rate protection being the latest.
I would say if Hansen were UK based there’d be a case against him and he may well lose.
Why else do you think Phil Jones was thinking of committing suicide when the Climategate e-mails hit the news? If the politicians decided to toss him to the wolves it would have been his arse hanging over the pit of hungry wolves.
The cyclone was a fizzer cat 2 at most according to Jo navas site anyway. Re above I posted that a lawyer should take up this case. Its the only language they will understand
The oceans off the central qld coast never reach > 26C even in mid summer. Its too cold around the ocean off central Qld to ever get intense cyclones (or very rarely and much more north ie peninsula, or darwin). Very diffreent situation carribean/gulf where temps of water reaches 32C. Similar sitaution off most of Brazil Coast never get cyclones or rarely.
When my dad was still alive, he paid a king’s ransom to have hurricane shutters installed on their home in Florida because of the predictions of more and more powerful storms. They have not needed them once.
Gator, and hence the axiom, ” If you prepare, it will never happen….if you don’t, it will be in your lap…” but then again, it’s too much fun to watch the unprepared wiggle.
One precaution might be to look at what the preachers of global warming do in their private lives, e.g. are they buying beach front property?
Hansen may actually have an excuse, namely insanity. Not so the politicians who call him a prophet.
In 1986 I owned a house right on the beach (Long Island Sound). The foundation of the house was approximately 12 feet above the mean high tide level. In that year I had to make a decision to sell that house or another house not on the coast. My decision was “informed” by “scientific” predictions of impending sea-level rise which would cause disastrous consequences on our coastline over the next 30 or 40 years (for example, see http://www.nytimes.com/1986/02/18/science/significant-rise-in-sea-level-now-seems-certain.html ). So I sold the beach house. Hansen’s widely-reported 1988 or ’89 claims about massive problems expected to hit NYC due to sea-level rise over about that same period appeared to justify the concerns that led to my decision to sell the house.
Well, it’s almost 30 years since then, and the foundation of that house is still approximately 12 feet above the mean high tide level. I have been deprived of the enjoyment of that property over the last 30 years because I foolishly believed that there was a valid scientific basis rather than a political basis to those claims about impending sea-level rise.
Who is going to compensate me for the damage that was done to my life?
People such as Hansen line their pockets with alarmist cash while making pronouncements that are false. In any other line of work people would go to jail for such deceit.