Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded In Maine

Your SUV made January, 1934 very warm, and it also brought Maine it’s coldest temperature ever recorded in 2009

ScreenHunter_6774 Feb. 04 23.40

NOAA’s NWS Forecast Office—Caribou, Maine—

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded In Maine

  1. au1corsair says:

    Whatever happened to the End of History a quarter century ago?

    Now with today’s SUV rewriting last century’s climate record…

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Well, here we go again. Record cold temperatures keep hitting when it should be the opposite if the globe had been in runaway hockey stick style warming for the last century. Yeah, it’s Mann made warming. Remember also, the hottest day ever on this planet was a century ago. 1913. The coldest? 1983. Or some say, according to satellite data, 2010. It’s all backwards. With a century of straight up out of control warming, without a doubt, that record for the hottest day on this globe should have been broken over and over, and over, again. But no. Something’s fishy here.

    Cold in Michigan also. Cold as heck. And to show it graphically, and also to give you a taste of the record levels of Great Lakes ice, here’s “the feel story of the day,” a dog rescued from the icy waters yesterday:

  3. This guy from Fairbanks told me it gets to -60 sometimes.

    I said “Is that a night time low or day time high?”

    He said “What day time?”

  4. markstoval says:

    So, in Maine is can go from minus 50 F to positive 105 F (as looked up on the internet) and we are all crying in our beer over a few tenths of a degree.

    The magic molecule can do anything!

  5. markstoval says:

    By the way, since we all know that it is getting so very much hotter now that it has ever been before in the history of mankind — why were most of the high temperature records in the USA set in the 30s. Seems like they should be mostly set in this century if you believe “Dr.” Mann.

    Seems to me that no high tmperature record should be before 1950 when they say global warming started. Right? “Dr.” Mann call your office!

  6. Robertv says:

    Just sink it , they did it before.

  7. AndyG55 says:

    Really Steven, WHY did you bring their attention to this record cold temperature in 2009.

    Now it will get adjusted upwards a few degree… because everybody just KNOWS its warmer now..

  8. Douglas Hoyt says:

    I used to live in Aroostook County and nearly every winter it would get down to -30F one or two days. i once played hockey outside when it was -30F.

    The winter of 1958-59 was memorable because there was no snow on the ground at Christmas. Some people said that had never happened before. Then someone asked one of the old farmers if that had ever happened before and he said that in the 1930s they had years with no snow at Christmas. Warm winters like that are called Indian summers.

    Around the year 2000, they had another Indian summer in Aroostook County.

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