Only 110 degrees of warming needed to start the Greenland meltdown.
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I hope that those are the lights of the green keeper’s mowers … that grass on the greens grows real quickly in those warm conditions.
Graphite shafts tend to shatter at these cooler temperatures.
I thought it only got that cold in Antarctica (where, by the way, another boat is stuck in the sea ice). -78F is beyond dangerous without some protection. Yikes!
Ship stuck:
Chris Turney wasn’t on board was he? 🙂
Good catch Gail! From your link above they mention this unfortunate incident from last year: “Last year, the breaker cut short its mission in January to help free a Russian ship and a Chinese icebreaker from the Antarctic ice.” Isn’t it just like a journalist to leave out the most important fact about the Russians ship?
You mean the Chris Tmas Turkey who ignored the commands of the Russian ship captain so he could kiss the rump of the Green Party member and make sure she got her photo ops?
Don’t you love the comments? I don’t think most of those people believe CAGW is a scam.
The Greens Keeper is quite pleased that he can go about his business planting fresh grass seed, without using to much mosquito repellant 😉
Just spotted this comment over on JC’s site:
(Q) Has there been any response to the UK Telegraph article from managers of GISS or GHCN?
(A) Politifact is doing an article on this, stay tuned
(Q) from John Smith, (A) from JC
Just a heads-up. “Fact checkers” are hardly impartial and authoritative, they are just fronts.
PolitiFact Bias
Have an article exposing PolitiFact bias? Send it to us at [email protected].
Might be worth putting together the data in a concise format that shows why the official temperature record and the BEST record are bias.
Based on this one which you are probably aware of I wouldn’t hold out much hope:
It’s pretty much set in stone as they are unlikely to run contrary to that now.
Furthermore this really shows the problem:
“Global surface temperatures have not increased in the last 16 years” was ruled as half-true largely based on the red herring of 1998 being cherry-picked. If they cannot accept what is pretty much even accepted by the “establishment” now, there basically is no hope.
The fact that JC is throwing herself behind Politifact indicates extreme naivety or something much worse.
Probably not telling you anything you don’t already know Gail.
She is delusional and I want her to come to MY MOUNTAIN in New York and debate global warming with me while shoveling snow wearing a swim suit. I will use my snow plow and spew some CO2.
Our HIGH this week will be ZERO F degrees!!! Good lord, this is cold as hell.
That e-mail was PolitifactBIAS a watchdog on Polifact.
Polifact is a propaganda outfit and they are calling them out.
@Gail, I know, was pointing out that Politifact precedent (Doocy) knowing what was in store, and indeed it was obvious what would happen with this fresh one, as Paul Homewood has responded to on his site already:
“Fact checkers” are bogus outfits, the current favourite tool for the establishment to push their sophistry currently.
… and now it’s time for the response, so yes I agree on the vehicle for that:
[email protected]
FACT: If the majority of American journalists were doing there job there would be no need for any “fact checkers”.
Their not “there”.
Doesn’t that just PROVE the climate realist theory that this is has nothing to do with science. ! 🙂
JC has shown her true colours finally:
“Judith Curry is chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Curry believes the issues with the adjusted data are “greater than have been portrayed.” On the other hand, she told PunditFact that the concerns in the Telegraph op-ed were “overblown” and that the basic conclusion remains the same.”
I’m off to California tomorrow morning. I will miss the -18°F predicted for my neck of the woods Friday night.
According to wikipedia, thats only 11 degrees from the all time record low, wonder how much closer it can get.
Here is an idea …
Someone put on a Whitehouse teleprompter that due to global warming, the best golf course in the world is now in Greenland. Obummer will believe it (because it is on a teleprompter) and immediately go there. With any luck Airforce One will be permanently frozen in and will not be able to leave.
It has got to work hasn’t it?
Yes… But then the Inuit couple that had the course booked for their wedding group will have to give up their time slot to Obummer-et-al
Do i have to sign up for this site? Its great!
Looks like I wont be playing golf here this weekend. The high will be -3F. Ive been running my SUV in my driveway hoping that will help bring on some warming to ensure rapid snow melt in time for Saturday golf. I’m doing my part. How about you?
We should tell the gang in LA that Greenland is green and pleasant and suggest they move there and wear swim suits. Someone must fee the polar bears.
I have to admit, that in the back of my mind, prior to 2009 and Climategate 1.0 when it became painfully obvious to anyone paying halfway attention that Man-Made Global Warming was a scam, I used to somewhat believe in it and thought that a huge future growth area would be real-estate investment in Greenland.
Ages ago so did my ancestors the Norsemen. Look what it got them.
Actually, the Norsemen did well enough in Greenland for 4-5 centuries. Of course their settlements were nowhere the future site of Summit Station.
-78 must be very cold the coldest I been in -50, the was the temperature reading, not the often bogus wind chill temperatures most people like to quote, my comment on wind chill temperatures is when one grows up in northwestern Minnesota prairie you quickly learned to stay out of the wind, bone chilling cold you simple cannot avoid other than stay indoors. Often even indoors you feel it, the outside walls of the house seem to suck the heat right out of the room and the cold can be felt radiating from them.
As I once challenged someone: I’ll go jogging around a grassy football field, and you go jogging around a black asphalt car park, both of us on the same day, in the middle of an Australian summer and we’ll just see who falls down first.
I’m slightly overweight and unfit, but still very confident on this particular competition.
Hmmm, I was attempting to respond to the Urban heat island but misclicked.
It’s OK just jog around the golf course. Oh sorry… no grass or asphalt.
Not much risk of heat stroke in Greenland either.
Kind of different to Australia, but then again no one lives in a global average climate.