Heidi Central – Boston Becoming Like Miami

ScreenHunter_6931 Feb. 08 10.16

Shocking photographic evidence that this is already happening.

ScreenHunter_6953 Feb. 08 19.15

Heidi Cullen says anyone who disagrees with her should be de-certified.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Heidi Central – Boston Becoming Like Miami

  1. MrX says:

    LOL! oh man, that’s good.

    • There is no substitute for total victory. says:

      Is the little guy in the foreground walking his pet Dolphin or is that just a fishy looking Portuguese Water Dog? Maybe someone can ask Lying Bryan or perhaps Prevaricating Williams, he would know.

  2. EW3 says:

    Live about 25 miles NW of Boston, and there sure are no palm trees here tonight!
    It’s 9 degrees here right now with moderate snow. Already have a 24 inch base out back.
    Next Fri/Sat night it’s going to be -4/-3.

    • Gail Combs says:

      You just made me smile. We moved from Leominster MA to central NC. Today it was a high of 71 °F and yesterday was a high of 60 °F. Of course it was down to 9 °F last week but so far this winter no snow except for a flake or two.

      • EW3 says:

        Leominster MA is about 10 miles from here, I’m in Acton.

        Been wanting to move to the coast of NC or SC (I’m a sailor) but my GF is a true NEer 🙁

        • Gail Combs says:

          AHHHhh, I guessed right. Tell your girl friend you are moving to Wilmington. Just do not tell her it is Wilmington NC and not Wilmington MA.

          Hubby was born in Boston but I talked him into coming down to the Research Triangle park area to look it over and he fell in love.

      • Is Leominster anywhere near Lemsta?

      • rah says:

        Personally I thought there was much to like about the area despite the population density. Loved the history. Houses and Inns dating from the revolutionary war, some of them marked “Torys house”. Then there was that restaurant I took the wife to several times with the large fire places which dated from the Revolution. Claimed George Washington stopped there for a “hot toddy”. Bulls Run I think was the name of the place but could be mistaken.

    • Windsong says:

      Joe Bastardi forecasts another NE U.S. pummeling of snow around Monday (Feb 16). Hang in there, guys.

      For what it’s worth, Washington and Oregon Cascade ski resorts would gladly take all of your snow for the remainder of this month. These recent warm rains have decimated what was a meager mountain snow pack out here.

  3. omanuel says:

    One of these days , , .

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Poor Heidi. Gaia is now openly mocking her, laughing at her ridiculous beliefs.

    She better buy some Carbon Credit Get Into Heaven freebies. Wonder is she has the Pope’s cell number?

  5. Anything is possible says:

    Perhaps Heidi meant Miami Lake?


    Easy mistake to make……..

  6. Psalmon says:

    And Heidi lives where? Is she a refugee in Alberta?

  7. gator69 says:

    Heidi Cullen says anyone who disagrees with her should be de-certified.

    Makes sense, because anyone who agrees with her is certifiable.

  8. gator69 says:

    Boston also set a record with the most snow in 30 days with 60.8 inches. The prior record was the 58.8 inches that fell before, during and after the Blizzard of 1978.



  9. PeterK says:

    Actually, I agree with Heidi. Boston is becoming like Miami………………………………..Manitoba, that is!

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes, Manitoba.

      “Roofs collapsing beneath the weight of 5 feet or more snow in less than two weeks.

      Potentially record-low temperatures later this week.

      Massachusetts emergency management officials confirm that snow-laden roofs collapsed on Monday in Quincy, Rockland and Bridgewater….”

      (Quincy is south of Boston on the sea coast. I used to work there.)

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