Roger Pielke Jr. Explains the McCarthy style witch hunt being launched by the White House and Congressional Democrats
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Disgraceful conduct, but it does show that some people are having an effect on contradicted the absolute bull coming out of the top politicians.
It’s disgraceful for sure. Representative Grijalva is an embarrassment to the progressive cause. This is how it’s done:
My illustrious father, Dr. Aden Meinel, was terrified of the McCarthy hearings back then because a Chinese rocket scientist who fled the country for China back then, lived with us for several years.
Dr. Fan was the one who persuaded Chou En Lai to ask Nixon to send over my father to China during the famous Chinese visit.
What is most ironic and horrifying is, just before my dad died, he was censored for trying to publish ‘The Sun Is A Variable Star’ and NASA people began attacking him (he is one of the founders of NASA).
In despair, he burned his paper! I desperately wanted him to give it to me instead.
It wasn’t McCarthy, his name just got attached to it. It was the Democrat controlled House of Representatives and HUAC that had hearings and black lists. McCarthy was a Senator and like all Senators, has nothing to do with the House. Even in the Senate all he asked for was that avowed Communists not be employed in critical government jobs. He didn’t even want them fired, just moved into jobs where they didn’t have access to sensitive information.
The committee was HCUA, not HUAC. The latter was a subtle tactic used by the left to represent the committee itself as being “unAmerican.”
That the Roosevelt & Trumann Administrations employed a number of communists and Soviet sympathizers was later verified by publication of the Venona Papers in the late 1990s. Hollywood only wants people to know of the Black List, not that there actually were communists working in Hollywood during WWII and the early Cold War, so Hollywood has gone to great pains to distort the public’s perception of McCarthy. It was likely J. Edgar Hoover who was feeding McCarthy names of communists from the secretly deciphered Soviet cable messages via the Venona Project. (I read a book on the Venona Papers back in the late 1990s but I can’t recall its name or author.)
Was it Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America by John Earl Haynes, Mr. Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev
If I remember correctly ‘Venona’ was in the title. Might have been “Venona, Decoding Soviet Espionage in America” by John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, which was published in 1999.
Wish he had!
We MUST all write to our local Representative and Senator and to Grijalva’s office.
What these people fear most is that we known and understand what they are doing.
We must show them that we are not Gruber’s people!!
Use a fax.
Letters and e-mails get tossed but faxes have to be kept by law. (Or at least it used to back in 2006)
Sorry the link to that is on two computers ago.
Thks Gail.
Meh. I have no sympathy for Junior, who supports a carbon tax despite apparently expressing dscepticism that increased CO2 leads to increast costs of disasters. I know poor Junior can’t believe that the pack have now turned on him, but now he’s agreed to toe the line and keep his trap shut about the climate from now on, they’ll leave him alone.
Dang typos.
Perhaps now he’ll learn that when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.
I recall that he is an Obama supporter as well.
Like Judith Curry, this victim is a waffler who has asked all of us to talk nice to the alarmists.
They do not dare go after the strong people who absolutely think that global warming is total rubbish because this means they can testify in public and this would be news and the news media works very, very hard to bury this information because it would be quite popular for the public to hear that the entire global warming garbage is a scam.
The letter goes on to note that John Holdren, President Obama’s science advisor, “has highlighted what he believes were serious misstatements by Prof. Pielke.”
Gee, what is that Bible verse about a beam in your own eye?
I remember when shame died.
Yes his father seem’s to have more gumption. The AGW is directly related with age the younger you are the more you want to believe in it. Its very like socialism in the 60,s 70,s ect. It will eventually die out. Most or the hardcore nows willprobably become avowed deniers in older age.
More likely they will be dead or in a Soviet style Gulag.
These idiots refuse to learn from history. Soviet Attacks on Intelligentsia
Pol pot was worse and killed anyone who could read or had the indentations showing they wore glasses. The Killing Fields
I’m with David UK and emsnews…. He seems more upset about being investigated by people he has aligned with than anything else… Seems he is mad about being thrown out of the club so to speak…
And then there is this. “when people are producing work in line with the scientific consensus there’s no reason to go on a witch hunt.”
I have read it a couple of times and I’m still not sure how he means it.
Is a witch hunt ok if you are not part of the consensus? He seems vague on the subject….
So warmists, no longer controlling the Senate with votes, now are intimidating potential witnesses from stating facts contrary to Global Warming Alarm. That would be witness tampering in a criminal proceeding, but apparently fair game in politics. We can only hope that the other side is as diligent in discovering the extent of environmental activist money funding alarmist proponents.
Still, anyone deciding to testify in the upcoming Senate hearing better be ready for the hard questions (echoes of the past):
“Are you confused between weather and climate change?”
“Do you accept the writings of the UN IPCC as the scientific truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”
“Are you now, or have you ever been a member of any organization that believes CO2 is only a harmless trace gas and is essential to plant life?”
“Why is your carbon footprint so large?”
How long have you been taking money from fossil fuel companies?
“Do you advocate the overthrow of the United States Climate by force or violence?”
It would seem, given the threatening e-mails, that this is covered by US law as Obstruction of Justice.
Obstruction of Justice: An Overview of Some of the Federal Statutes That Prohibit Interference with Judicial, Executive, or Legislative Activities
Can I get on that list – can we ALL get on that list?
I’m thinking ‘resume enhancement’ by being on that ‘list’ …
Pielke says he is one of seven being investigated. I know of Curry, who are the others? If Soon is one also, who are the other four?
Nancy G
other two posts on the story:
William Briggs another author has info on his website:
(several posts) here are two:
Roger Pielke Jr’s closing lines:
We are witnessing the ‘downward’ devolution of mankind and his use of reason and logic (mankind’s rational faculties) to solve problems, and note well, this is presently at the hands of the democrats. Furthermore, THIS is how ‘modern’ humanity (modernity) ends, not with a bang but with a whimper, as those devoid of conscience rationality and common sense condemn us all to idol/Gaia worship, a reliance on ‘magic chants’ and a mis-placed belief (by much of society) in the high-priest ‘experts’ (usually far removed from reality) for direction and life guidance under the thumb of an all-encroaching, purportedly ‘all-knowing’ centralized governmental authority …
Remember, “Science is [or really should be] the Belief in the Ignorance of Experts” — Richard Feynman
Roger A. Pielke’s wiki says that he is a political scientist. Strike One. He wrote a book supporting carbon taxes. Strike Two. To support his views on carbon taxes he enlisted the pseudoscience of economics. Economists have lots of conflicting views on how we got into the current global financial mess, and no idea how to get us out of it. Strike Three.
A non-sequitur to my post and unresponsive to the issues raised therein; would you like to try again?
Furthermore, could you please explain the relevancy of Roger Pielke Jr’s past and present position on issues to the central theme in my post?
Perhaps you should avoid the heavy use of parenthetical asides. This is not a critique of your argument, but rather of a turgid presentation.
re: inMAGICn says February 25, 2015 at 9:09 pm
Pls cite the asides, or alternatively, what you perceive as ‘asides’. As one often sees stated on engineering prints “Parenthetical info [is for] for reference only.” I often include additional info within parenthesis to clarify preceding text, terms and/or phrases which the general public may not recognize, or provide an example of circumstance or scenario where an idea or term is applicable, as in a ‘for instance’.
Nota Bene: Parenthetical asides – Asides plug in material not directly related to the main idea. Parentheticals can also make it easier for readers to make the leap from subject and predicate or to navigate the elements of a series..
Big Money involved with the biggest scam the world has ever known. When millions maybe billions is spent on bogus research you know much more is at stake.
A return to feudalism with the UN in charge.“>The Great Transition: Uniting Nations: The UN at a Crossroads
What is the Great Transition?
Pielke says:
“I have written a book calling for a carbon tax, I have publicly supported President Obama’s proposed EPA carbon regulations, and I have just published another book strongly defending the scientific assessment of the IPCC with respect to disasters and climate change.”
Really? Then I don’t feel sorry for him.
Uh to be fair.. documents released after the Fall of the soviet union showed McCarthy was mostly right
The opening of the KGB archives and the release of the VENONA intercepts (decoded Soviet KGB and GRU traffic) proved that in the 1950’s Senator Joseph McCarthy was absolutely right about the extensive Soviet penetration of the U.S. government in all the most sensitive sections and its danger to America. According to the KGB archives, the NKVD had 221 agents in the Roosevelt administration in April 1941 and the Soviet military GRU probably had a like number. He was proved right that the Communist Party, U.S.A., was an arm of the Soviet intelligence apparatus and the Soviet Union considered the U.S. as their “main enemy”.
His liberal critics in academe and the mainstream media, who denied there was Communist subversion and made excuses for it, were proved absolutely wrong! This should have discredited the liberal ideology and those who mouthed it. Because the left had no answer or effective reply to the challenge McCarthy posed, they engaged in personal destruction — they smeared and demonized McCarthy because he was truth
Other documents show Bobby Kennedy had a KGB handler while he was Attorney General of the U.S..
From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe
The left always smears those who threaten to tell the truth, and ruin their plans. Just look at Dr Soon, and the Swiftboaters, “Swiftboating” is now vernacular for a political smear. Just like “McCarthyism”, it is the left twisting history and the truth.
The term swiftboating (also spelled swift-boating or swift boating) is an American neologism used pejoratively to describe an unfair or untrue political attack.
If we lived in a society of ethical journalism, the term “Swiftboating” would have never existed, and we would be instead using the term “Rathering”.
Yep because the attack WAS legitimate.
And here I thought “Swiftboating” referred to a sleazy politician slipping out of valid criticism by eye witnesses…..
That’s why I never use the term McCarthyism. We’ve lost too much language territory to the Commies. At least we can refuse to play a part in their rigged game.
The Obamunist government is going after skeptics, but are not concerned about homeopaths, comet chasers, personal trainers who pretend to be doctors, UFO chasers, or quacks who sell eye exercises so you can throw away your glasses.
You are right Morgan, but they are also upping the anti on other fronts.
Citi Bank have announced spending / lending $100billion on sustainability and renewable energy. But let us all remember who is a big shareholder of the bank
“From Wikipedia, the source of all wisdom:
Citigroup suffered huge losses during the global financial crisis of 2008 and was rescued in November 2008 in a massive stimulus package by the U.S. government.[10] On February 27, 2009, Citigroup announced that the US government would take a 36% equity stake in the company by converting US$25 billion in emergency aid into common stock with a US Treasury credit line of $45 billion to prevent the bankruptcy of the largest bank in the world at the time.[11] The government guaranteed losses on more than $300 billion troubled assets and injected $20 billion immediately into the company.”
So who has been pulling strings behind the scene ?? ( Holdren and co are twisting arms, is my guess)
But the big irony is this :
You may be interested to know that, according to Dealogic, Citi was the bank that gained most fees out of deals in the oil and energy arena in 2014.
Just follow the money and realise these AGW believers are being used like pawns.
Some George Orwell quotes that say it all:
“in time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act!”,
“Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past!”
“If you want a vision of the future imagine a boot stamping on a human face!”.
Reminds me of the Woody Allen movie “The Front”, which was about Hollywood black-listing and the House Un-American Activities Committee. His last words to the committee in the movie seem appropriate now- “Go f-ck yourselves.”
how is ANY Demoncrat the ‘ranking member’?? The GOP is majority in both Houses….??
“Ranking Member” is the top person in the MINORITY selected by the minority parties leadership for that position. A “Committee Chairman” is the top dog and selected by the MAJORITY leadership and is the one responsible for scheduling and running the meetings of that committee.
The real question here is what gives a US congressman the right to unilaterally demand such labor intensive and expensive responses from educational institutions to produce proof of funding sources due to some concern of potential “conflicts of interest” for specific members of their faculty without showing probable cause nor having any any committee meeting scheduled at which his persons of interest are supposed to testify at?
According to his own website this progressive communist is: Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee by his Democratic colleagues on the committee. He also serves on the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and is a Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, as well as a long-standing member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
Under what premise does ANY member of the Natural Resources Committee demand such information for their “work”?
stpaulchuck says February 26, 2015 at 2:18 am
how is ANY Demoncrat the ‘ranking member’?? The GOP is majority in both Houses….??
The term actually refers to the “ranking minority member”; for the sake of peace in the world (and my own sanity; inMagic, pls note, this is a parenthetical aside looks like) I always mentally transliterate that to ranking minority member and move on …
ranking minority member – The highest ranking (and usually longest serving) minority member of a committee or subcommittee. Senators may not serve as ranking minority member on more than one standing committee.
If you want to know who rules over you look at the ones you are not allowed to critizize:
The only witch hunt that was going on was the one that found and smeared McCarthy himself to the point that Communist Agitprop, eg. McCarthyism and McCarthyite is now part of our language.
McCarthy was right and virtually every allegation made against him was a PROVABLE LIE!!!
Oh, and as far as your post, the same types of people are still leading the witch hunts.
Dr. Wei-Hock Soon’s Peers Fire Back Against Global Warming Witch Hunt
“As reported by Breitbart News, the New York Times over the weekend ran a hit piece on astrophysicist Willie Soon, pressuring his superiors, Charles R. Alcock of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center and W. John Kress of the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, to punish him after the publication of a peer-reviewed paper debunking climate models that predict carbon dioxide will lead to catastrophic global warming.
Two of Soon’s peers, Bob Carter and Lord Christopher Monckton, have each written letters to Dr. Alcock and other colleagues of Soon’s, defending his professional integrity against the misleading charges brought by NYT authors Justin Gillis and John Schwartz. We reprint these letters here with the permission of their authors.”
The rest here:
Loom out skeptics, Hillary won’t let you have all the lime light!
In an extraordinary report that has not yet been fully digested, the Wall Street Journal tells us that the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has received millions from foreign governments including Qatar, a prominent backer of Hamas:
The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments and is winning contributions at an accelerating rate, raising ethical questions as Hillary Clinton ramps up her expected bid for the presidency.
Recent donors include the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline. . . .
United Arab Emirates, a first-time donor, gave between $1 million and $5 million in 2014, and the German government—which also hadn’t previously given—contributed between $100,000 and $250,000.
A previous donor, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has given between $10 million and $25 million since the foundation was created in 1999. Part of that came in 2014, although the database doesn’t specify how much.
The Australian government has given between $5 million and $10 million, at least part of which came in 2014. It also gave in 2013, when its donations fell in the same range.
Qatar’s government committee preparing for the 2022 soccer World Cup gave between $250,000 and $500,000 in 2014. Qatar’s government had previously donated between $1 million and $5 million.
Oman, which had made a donation previously, gave an undisclosed amount in 2014. Over time, Oman has given the foundation between $1 million and $5 million. Prior to last year, its donations fell in the same range.
No conflict of interest here, move along.
Then we have Daniel Rosen, whose stupidity went above and beyond the call of duty, putting our country at risk. And of course the perversion is off the scale, if rumors of what is to come out are true. There is allegedly a cesspool of sick people covering for each other, that reaches through the State department and into the White house.
Senior State Department official Daniel Rosen was arrested for allegedly soliciting a juvenile Tuesday afternoon, a Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman told TheBlaze.
Rosen, the State Department’s director of counterterrorism, was arrested at his home for the “use of a communication device to solicit a juvenile,” sheriff’s spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell said.
Fox News reported that the juvenile was actually a female detective posing as a minor in an operation with the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Child Exploitation Unit. The unit conducted the investigation and made the arrest, Caldwell said.
The Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office notified the State Department of Rosen’s arrest, Caldwell said.
A State Department spokesman told TheBlaze late Tuesday that he could not comment on the ongoing situation.
Rosen was being held in D.C. jail and will be transferred to Fairfax County custody at a later time, according to sheriff’s officials.
You want an investigation? I got your investigation right here!
“Rosen, the State Department’s director of counterterrorism, was arrested at his home for the “use of a communication device to solicit a juvenile,” sheriff’s spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell said.”
This is not to say anything complementary about Rosen, but (if the charges are true) he should be charged with “soliciting a juvenile” not with “use of a communication device to solicit a juvenile.”
Seriously, does it really make any difference HOW he was soliciting? An email, a phone call, a Valentine card tied to a puppy –why is use of a computer a separate crime? Imagine you were given a speeding ticket for going 45 in a 35 zone. And then they gave you another ticket for “use of an automobile to break speed limits.”
Often the initial charge is chosen because it is the easiest to prove, and allows them to jail the guilty party. Look for more charges to come, and more offenses to be revealed.
I doubt that Roger Pielke Jr. has read anything by Ludwig von Mises, but there’s a quotation from his Omnipotent Government (1944) which seems very much to the point: “In the realm of Marxian thought the more radical are always right in despising and attacking the more prudent party members.”