Learning To Be A Seattle Fan

ScreenHunter_6673 Feb. 01 22.31

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Learning To Be A Seattle Fan

  1. SMS says:

    I think you hit a nerve.

  2. Dave says:

    Nice. Has something in common with the players.

  3. Boston MIke says:

    Unfortunate for Seattle to end the season with a show of poor sportsmanship, aka sour grapes. Their end of game actions revealed that they believed they deserved to win and not have to earn it. Patriots were true gracious Super Bowl 49 champions who knew they had to earn it.

  4. Dave N says:

    Classy finish by Bara.

    The end of this game reminded me a little of the end of the fictional Dolphins vs 49’ers game in Ace Ventura..

  5. Stephen Richards says:

    What’s this “douche” thing. In france it is a shower. One person can hardly make a shower.

  6. Robertv says:

    What happend ? I fell asleep.

    • gator69 says:

      Nothing. Just a bunch of overpaid immature men in silly uniforms playing a child’s game. (But at least they only awarded one side as winners)

  7. dave g says:

    Pure and simple….. they outsmarted themselves.

  8. Pathway says:

    At least Brady got his balls inflated. Now there probably as large as his wifes.

  9. Warren D. Walker says:

    Seattle lost, but they are not “cheaters.”

  10. Andy Oz says:

    Patriots fans would never say something like that if they lost.
    Well maybe not. In fact they probably would.
    The Broncos won the prize for being the best non competitor.

    • Andy Oz says:

      I have to say I loved the brawl at the end of the game. It’s about time the PC crowd took a powder. I mean it’s not ufc. These players are all padded to the scheizen housen and unlikely to hurt each other with a bit of biffo.

  11. Nobama says:

    Seems to me they should have been pounding on their offensive coordinator for that last play….and I live near Seattle and am a fair weather fan….

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