The UN says “yes you are correct, and we are going to ignore it”
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Exactly !
and UNbelievably UNintelligent.
Only the message matters. No matter what is said respond with the MESSAGE. – UN advisor
Follow the link (below) and tell the UN what kind of world you want. Take a look at the results so far (menu, top right corner) and you’ll see that the UN’s “Climate Change is terrible’ narrative is failing miserably to make an impression on the masses. Do you think the UN will take any notice?
Oh, and I always like to give Dr Viner and Mr Onians a plug; they’re such smart men:
They want your e-mail.
No thanks I don’t want those who want skeptics jailed having my e-mail address.
Gail, you can have your say anonymously; just ignore the e-mail option – anyone who visits Steve’s site is on every blacklist in the world anyway.
As a matter of interest (and knowing the answer already) I contacted them to ask if they would take notice of the fact that ‘action taken on Climate Change’ was the least of people’s concerns, as indicated by their own results table:
This was the response – they must have assumed I was an Alien:
Greetings from the Public Inquiries Team.
We thank you for sharing with us your views, which have been read and carefully noted.
Again, thank you for your interest in the United Nations and for taking the initiative to write to us.
Best regards,
Public Inquiries Unit
Department of Public Information
United Nations
I told them my top priority was getting rid of the UN and WTO
D’OH! That menu is in the top left corner… how appropriate.
We live in a strange world with a battle-line separating
1. All the political power and ‘scientists’ adjusting experimental data on one side.
2. The benevolent creator and sustainer of every atom, life and world on the other.
Side 1 directs society to UN’s Agenda 21.
Side 2 directs society to a Higher Power.
It’s sad that so-called journalists will not point out that gaping conflict of interest. They just keep relaying press releases without question. Climate quacks think we’re all stupid!
Now that the Southwest is getting Above Normal rains (after a short “perma-drought”), they write a non-news press release saying “mega droughts” are coming later this century. PLUS they say history had mega droughts in past centuries– but those were caused by nature, and the next one will be caused only by CO2 somehow! Even funnier is they said the “1930s Dust Bowl” lasted “35 years”!
I didn’t know a decade was 35 years…
The MSM has been a bought and paid for Propaganda outlet since 1915.
NPR just interviewed the clown who wrote the “mega drought” paper, a minute ago. What a genius, he said the Southwest is “dry” and the Midwest more humid. Wow, wish I had a PhD in Climate Quackery — but not the student loans.
Another study foresees megadroughts, all based on CO2 emissions and models:
It’s a conspiracy.
Or at least the most polite.
Killing the poor and starving would be a very effective way of eliminating poverty and hunger.
Of course, you’d have to turn a blind eye to the whole genocide thing and, since poor and hungry people tend to be dark-skinned, the whole racism thing.
Planned Parenthood supported Obama. In NC the director was the head of his campaign group. Former eugenics founded Planned Parenthood director to lead President Barack Obama’s organization in North Carolina
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Margaret Sanger, Fabians in her bed:
To bad the Blacks who vote democrat never see this information and when they do, they do not believe it.
Is there any more of a despictable person, of noterity, than Sanger? And she is still working at it today, in spirit.. Regardless of ones views on abortion, it’s disturbing that they carry out their mission with such enthusiam.
“Those who plow iniquity and those who sow trouble harvest it. By the breath of God they perish, and by the blast of His anger they come to an end.” Job 4:8,9
Just ban the poor and the hungry .
You see, it’s not that difficult it is just a matter of using your brains.
What idiots…
When I was on the road, I got the “run of gas” ruse. Conveniently, there always was a liquor store next to the station. Offer to call the cops to help them get gas and the stuttering starts. Once I gave a couple bucks to a guy who was actually honest in saying he wanted to buy a beer, as only a reward for telling the truth.
At times I would carry a gallon or so of gas in an approved container in my car. Once when I was approached in a strip mall parking lot with a request for some money for gas for their car, I told them I would be happy to put some gas in their car as I had some handy. They protested that their car needed diesel. (possible but not very likely)
Then there was the time a fellow said he was hungry and wanted money for food. I happened to have some ‘hormel compleats’ (These are best microwaved, but can be eaten cold … I know because I’ve done so myself when necessary) So I give him one of these along with a fresh plastic fork I just happened to have. I saw him walking away, and I could at first see the meal in his hand, until he passed by some brush and it was no longer in his hand. I suspect he discarded it. If he really was hungry, he would have eaten the meal.
I have done the same. Given food to those who say they are homeless and hungry. In my case they said thank you and chowed right down.
And not comprehending a single thing, UNconscious.
What do you do? In my job I have become rather callused. I run into so many shysters. They hang around truck stops. They hang around rest areas. They hang around intersections. And, they hang around places where trucks deliver and pick up if they can get away with it. More than once I have actually been awakened by banging on the side of my truck in the middle of the night by these people wanting to tell me some sob story to give them money. In some cases I’m polite when I say no and in others I’m not so nice.
But early spring last year I gave some out. Having delivered in the vicinity of Mechanicsburg, PA. In a cold rain I was closing my trailer doors getting ready to take off when a young, I doubt she was 20 years old, girl in a hoodie came up and explained she needed gas money to get home and went into her sob story. There was a Sheets gas station right next door so it was plausible but I really didn’t question her and really didn’t even give her a chance to embellish her story. I just gave her $10.00 without comment. The soaked kid looked like she needed it no matter if she was telling the truth or not and all I saw was my daughters face at that age. I still think about that sometimes.