Show Me The Money

I had lunch today with Dr. Bill Gray from CSU, who is the best known hurricane forecaster on the planet, and who had his long time NOAA funding cut off in 1993 by VP Al Gore for being a skeptic. Billions of dollars of government research funding is used to corrupt climate science by luring the unscrupulous, and trying to starve the non-compliant.

ScreenHunter_7379 Feb. 22 15.47

Bill has never given in to government funded climate science corruption, because he is a man of principles. He has worked unfunded since 1993 because he was unwilling to lie about the climate as Al Gore demanded.

We discussed the insanity behind the New York Times attempting to taint volunteer skeptics like ourselves as being oil industry stooges. Tom Steyer just spent almost $100 million trying to corrupt the election in places like Colorado.  How Orwellian can the New York Times get?

I’m too old not to tell the truth. They want me to play shuffleboard. I’m not going to do that.

The restaurant heat was broken, with the temperature 13F outside and 50F inside. Life without fossil fuels would suck.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Show Me The Money

  1. Eliza says:

    Ok their trying to smear W. Soon too late Im afraid
    IPCC and Pachauri are finished. The only reason i post thidis because that is what they do all the time so there you are Pachauiry is F@@@@@

  2. Gail Combs says:


    I hope you told Dr Gray, Hi and thank you from the rest of us.

    We really do appreciate a man of science and integrity. Dr Gray is both.

  3. gator69 says:

    “Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.”
    -Albert Einstein

  4. Eliza says:

    DR Grey MY HERO!!! A real meteorologist/Physicist! Compare this person with Mr Pachauri ihahahaha LOL but lets give him the benefit of the doubt

      • I. Lou Minotti says:

        That’s because our Fezident is positioning himself to become the next UN General Secretary. He’ll probably be willing to take a subordinate position for a week or two in order to not make a few “important” votes, as he did as a Senator from Illinois.

        For him, it’s one step closer to becoming the ruler of the world (in his mind, that is).

        • Gail Combs says:

          Oh great,

          US Secret Service, paid for by US tax payers get to ‘protect’ the would be world dictator.

        • I. Lou Minotti says:

          Some light reading: “President Obama is basically a Marxist of the ‘Third World’ variety, which means that he lives in the faith that some elite political minority can rule first the United States and Europe, and then the world” ~James Lewis, “To become UN Sec General Obama must ‘Solve’ the Existence of Israel.”

          There’s one quote from Mr. Lewis’ article that I totally disagree with. He writes, “Israel is the only thing that stands in the way of Obama’s grandiose ambition.” Israel is surely the primary entity that stands in the way of Obama’s grandious delusion, but true American Christian patriots that support Israel (the evil Jooooooos) must also be either eliminated, marginalized, or kept living in fear of their Federal Government.

          Western society was born from the Judeo-Christian eternal ethic. That ethic comes from the Bible, reflected in the Magna Carta, the US Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and maintained by our local Protestant ministers speaking truth from their pulpits.

          Conservative Protestant ministers have a way of embarrassing politicos. Who knows? With enough of them growing a set to speak the truth, the Western world might not devolve into a statist morass run by Communists, Muslims, lesbians, homos, abortionists, or any other left-wing “progressive” entity.

        • DD More says:

          Even Wiki knows – The Charter’s minimal language has since been supplemented by other procedural rules and accepted practices. In practice, the Secretary-General cannot be a national of any of the permanent members of the Security Council.

          Must be time to remember being an “old resident of Indonesia”.

  5. Mac says:

    Good for you, Dr. Gray! Keep on truckin’. You too, Mr. Goddard. You guys are heroes.

  6. omanuel says:

    1. Please convey my appreciation to Dr. Bill Gray for having the courage to oppose the worldwide campaign after WWII to convert science into a tool of government propaganda.

    2. Why did supposed critics of AGW – like Anthony Watts, BEST Berkley, Prof. Judith Curry, etc. – overlook changes made in temperature measurements?

  7. omanuel says:

    The AGW debate is over. “The cat is out of the bag!”

    Will world leaders graciously admit defeat, or incite racial and/or religious violence or even a “false flag” nuclear war to sustain their false delusion of control of the world?

  8. Bob Greene says:

    The FY2014 budget for “climate change research” was $2.7 billion. For the right size grant, tax free, I’d be willing to do long term research looking for “climate change.”

  9. emsnews says:

    Obama, like the BUSH family, is a member of the Bilderberg gang. Left or right, Republican or Democrat: they are all SECRET ALLIES.

    • Robertv says:

      It was the Republican’s Patriot Act designed to kill the We The People Constitution.

    • Robertv says:

      But it really started when Woodrow Wilson induced a Democratic Congress to pass a progressive legislative agenda. This included the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and a small income tax. Wilson also averted a railroad strike and an ensuing economic crisis through passage of the Adamson Act, imposing an 8-hour workday for railroads.

  10. ossqss says:

    Thank you Dr. Gray!

    You are inspiration in its best form.

    I remain hopeful that the skeptic community will soon figure out how to properly combat things.

    Ultimately, it will go through legal process. If you look at the last few years at AGU, the collection buckets and advice are in full bloom. They know whats coming, and are preparing for it…..

    Regards Ed

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