Summers Getting Shorter And Cooler In The Northeast

Buckhanon, WV has the longest continuous temperature record in the Northeastern US. The number of 90 degree days there is much lower than it was 60 and 120 years ago.

ScreenHunter_7419 Feb. 25 09.02

The length of summer is also shorter than it was 60 or 100 years ago.

ScreenHunter_7420 Feb. 25 09.05

Climate experts say that summers are getting hotter and longer, because $29 billion in government climate money can buy a whole lot of confirmation bias and outright lies.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Summers Getting Shorter And Cooler In The Northeast

  1. splashhhh says:

    Climate is cyclical.

    The Old Farmer’s Almanac, whose climatologist have been more accurate than any other climatology group, predict that we will experience global cooling for the next 5-7 decades and that ANYTHING we humans can do to warm things up might even save lives.

  2. Mike says:

    I like to see the number of days above 80 or 85. That would be interesting see if it’s the same pattern. I’m guessing yes or it could be more dramatic.

  3. rah says:

    “Climate experts say that summers are getting hotter and longer, because $29 billion in government climate money can buy a whole lot of confirmation bias and outright lies.”

    Yep, a whole lot of “Scientists” have been bought and paid for with it. Much of the press that broadcasts their BS however, was already owned before this great scam got off the ground.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Actually the test is either days between last and first frost or days with the mean above 50F

    “Agronomists say you shouldn’t plant corn until the soil temperature is 50 degrees F …”
    Germination temperatures range between 35°F to 40°F (cool season crops) 50°F to 60°F (warm season crops) depending on the veggie.

    ….Semi-Hardy Vegetables

    Crops: beets, carrots, cauliflower, parsley, parsnips, potatoes, and Swiss chard

    Temperatures: Semi-hardy vegetables grow with minimum daytime temperatures of 40°F to 50°F, but are less tolerant of a frosty night.

    Warm Season Vegetables

    Warm season vegetables require daytime temperatures above 60°F. They prefer summer-like weather with temperatures between 70°F and 95°F. They are intolerant of frost and may be sensitive to cool spring winds.
    Tender Vegetables

    Crops: beans, celery, corn, cucumbers, New Zealand spinach, and summer squash

    Temperatures: Tender vegetables grow with daytime temperatures above 55°F, and are intolerant of frost……

  5. rah says:

    Meanwhile over at the American Thinker Blog we find this:
    When ‘Weather’ turns to ‘Climate’
    By J.R. Dunn

  6. Robertv says:

    But Jennifer Francis tells us warming is cooling is more snow and less snow and warming and cooling is more snow and the whole thing is amplifying and ….there is a boy and a girl ..

  7. LoboSolo says:

    You should link to your data source.

  8. markstoval says:

    I wonder what you would get if you took the longest running rural site in all 50 states and used that unadjusted data set to get a trend for the last 100 years. I doubt the trend would be “scary” at all.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Frank Lansner and Nicolai Skjoldby have don a ton of work looking at the original paper data in Europe.

      An explanation of the project:

      Their English website:

      ”Rural Unadjusted Temperature Index”

      RUTI is not all rural nor all unadjusted. However, RUTI is a temperature index aiming to use still more rural data (less use of city and airport data), still more unadjusted data when available and reasonable.

      The highest priority of RUTI is to
      1) compare temperatures for the recent warmer years 1995-2010 with the previous warm peak around 1925-45 and
      2) evaluate to what degree rural data is actually used by GHCN, Hadcrut and others and
      3) evaluate the corrections done by GHCN, Hadrut or other data sources .

      To make RUTI results as useful as possible quite some effort is done to dig up real temperature trends, here for NW Europe. Another characteristic of RUTI is the method of averaging mostly within areas of same trend:

      One of the most important advantages for RUTI temperature results compared to other temperature series is, that RUTI temperature trends are normally based on temperature averages taken from geographical areas with similar temperature trends….

      They separate coastal and ocean influenced temperature stations from the inland temperature stations. This give a unique way of looking at the data since it removes the PDO and AMO influence from the data sets as much as possible.

  9. Dan says:

    The ignorance of this article and the commented who sound so smug and sure that global warming is a hoax are laughably out of touch with the facts. You people clearly cannot understand complex issues and then you act like what makes sense in your head is somehow a statement of fact. Here’s the deal, geniuses. Over 99% of all climate scientists worldwide agree that global warming is real, man-made and not cyclical. This is a fact you can loom up anywhere. Isolating a cooler climate in a region and then completely ignorng the RECORD HIGHS in nearly every part of the country is absurd. Climate change affects the world in many ways. Cooler areas don’t mean that it isn’t happening. And the notion that 99% of global climate scientists are “bought and paid for” is one of the most of ignorant comments I’ve read today. How about the 1% that deny it and actually are employed by oil and gas companies? Yeah, I’m sure they’re the honest ones and not being paid off. Retards, all of you.

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