Experts are convinced that communism and bicycles are the keys to saving the planet.
Without this, the planet is doomed to continue the hiatus in warming.
I’m off to Whole Foods on my bicycle to get an organic salad.
Experts are convinced that communism and bicycles are the keys to saving the planet.
Without this, the planet is doomed to continue the hiatus in warming.
I’m off to Whole Foods on my bicycle to get an organic salad.
You anarchist!
And I’m off on my Mountaincat to get some tasty Caribou 😉
There is no pause/hiatus. Temperatures never went up or the pause/hiatus is now probably 300 years old.
I think this article will actually get something done. Thanks to SG’s persistence, I hope he gets the accolades he deserves when all this stuff ends up in court. LOL
I agree. Steven Goddard had the courage to confront fraudulent consensus “science” promoted worldwide by governments, national academies of sciences and dishonest publishers and federal research agencies – Science, Nature, PRS, PNAS, the US NAS, the UK RS, the UN’s IPCC, the Swedish and Norwegian Nobel Prize Committees, DOE, NASA, EPA, NOAA, etc.
The only solution is to re-establish contact with reality.
And I’m off on my Mountaincat to get some tasty Caribou 😉
Chewer wins!
He’s off the grid!!
Oh, wait…
Off the grid with no taxes, no government (Unorganized Alaskan Burough) and no meddling with freedom and the biggest grocery store on the planet 😉
Thanks to good breaks I am not dining on road kill deer this week. Just missed a deer last night and another one this morning. My diesel pickup has already taken out four deer so far.
In a growing number of places in Arizona elk will walk right into your yard and stand there. Saw the same thing in Colorado. Usually you don’t have a tag when they do this.
Took one out on I-40 about 13 Mi East of Flagstaff one early morning. Managed to get the truck into the Little American truck stop there under it’s own power but that was as far as it was going. Next to the truck stop was a motel and Elk were grazing on it’s grounds.
In New England you now have to watch out for moose. In 2007, MassWildlife biologists estimate 850-950 moose live in Massachusetts, with the majority of them found in northern Worcester County. They are also moving into Connecticut.
At six foot tall and weighing from 500 to 1000 lbs, hitting a moose is like hitting a horse. With a car you hit the legs and the body comes down on the roof of the car killing or severely injuring the people in it.
Isn’t that an oxymoron? I mean, who’d eat an inorganic salad? Here in Florida I’ve fed our Zoo, tossed some corn to the deer and will be dining on irradiated corn dogs and Caesar salad… life is good.
O-chemists laugh at the organic food movement.
The Communism and bicycles have made China such a utopia. Living there is heaven on earth. And then there is the example of Cuba. Thousands of boats turned away from Cuba everyday.
Seriously, the debate is over; AGW promoters lost; it is time to restore integrity to government science and constitutional limits on government
Would a politician or a leader of the scientific community like to be first to receive the public’s award for efforts to deceive?
There is so much talent among AGW promoters that we may have to make one giant award to be shared by the survivors of this seventy-year effort:
Joseph Stalin has already died.
Henry Kissinger is barely here.
Bilderbergers are too modest.
Al Gore, the Head of the UN’s IPCC and the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee merit joint recognition.
NAS & RS Presidents are deserving.
Publishers and editors of consensus science journals and news are also.
Almost too much talent to recognize!
Organic salad? Is that like wet water?