While President Obama Is Blaming Christians For Islamic Terrorism, Muslims Are Killing Another 100 Christians

ScreenHunter_959 Feb. 05 14.34

ScreenHunter_961 Feb. 05 15.26


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to While President Obama Is Blaming Christians For Islamic Terrorism, Muslims Are Killing Another 100 Christians

  1. au1corsair says:

    FDR “ignored” the Holocast for political reasons–he feared losing the support needed to fight Hitler if World War Two got turned into a “Jewish war.”

    On the other hand, the Democratic Party has a tradition of “blame the victim:” blame the “savage” Native American for being exterminated, blame the “savage” Black African for being enslaved, blame women for being raped…

    Either way President Obama is being traditional.

  2. emmaliza says:

    How many die-hard Democrats are Christians? How many Democrat pro-Israel Jews in the US ?
    This guy is insulting everyone except Muslims….He just might turn the country around as people flee the party he represents….We’ll see in another 19 months.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I sure as heck hope so but I am not holding my breath. The Blacks haven’t figured out it is the Democrate/Progressives who hated their guts or that it was Muslims that initially enslaved them.

      Amazing how well the Progressives rewrite history.


      The comments in this article are unbelievable!

      • stpaulchuck says:

        Hollywood likes to portray the slave trade as a bunch of white guys getting off a ship at the African coast, raiding inland and taking hordes of blacks to be slaves.

        In point of fact, all they had to do was pull up to the slave markets run by Arabs and Nigerians who bought their ‘merchandise’ from other Arabs and Africans who did the raiding of inland tribes while the ship’s crew got drunk and laid until the captain bought enough slaves to fill the ship.

        • gator69 says:

          According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

          Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up. Seven years was the limit that an indentured servant could be held. Upon their release they were granted 50 acres of land. This included any Negro purchased from slave traders. Negros were also granted 50 acres upon their release.

          Anthony Johnson was a Negro from modern-day Angola. He was brought to the US to work on a tobacco farm in 1619. In 1622 he was almost killed when Powhatan Indians attacked the farm. 52 out of 57 people on the farm perished in the attack. He married a female black servant while working on the farm.

          When Anthony was released he was legally recognized as a “free Negro” and ran a successful farm. In 1651 he held 250 acres and five black indentured servants. In 1654, it was time for Anthony to release John Casor, a black indentured servant. Instead Anthony told Casor he was extending his time. Casor left and became employed by the free white man Robert Parker.

          Anthony Johnson sued Robert Parker in the Northampton Court in 1654. In 1655, the court ruled that Anthony Johnson could hold John Casor indefinitely. The court gave judicial sanction for blacks to own slave of their own race. Thus Casor became the first permanent slave and Johnson the first slave owner.

          Whites still could not legally hold a black servant as an indefinite slave until 1670. In that year, the colonial assembly passed legislation permitting free whites, blacks, and Indians the right to own blacks as slaves.

          By 1699, the number of free blacks prompted fears of a “Negro insurrection.” Virginia Colonial ordered the repatriation of freed blacks back to Africa. Many blacks sold themselves to white masters so they would not have to go to Africa. This was the first effort to gently repatriate free blacks back to Africa. The modern nations of Sierra Leone and Liberia both originated as colonies of repatriated former black slaves.

          However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

          By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.


      • Gail Combs says:

        I remember this because my Aunt was mistress to a very wealthy Peabody of this family.

        …The ten largest bank holding companies in the United States are firmly in the hands of certain banking houses, all of which have branches in London. They are J.P. Morgan Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Warburg, Kuhn Loeb and J. Henry Schroder….

        Their history is a fascinating one, and unknown to the American public, originating as it did in the international traffic in gold, slaves, diamonds, and other contraband. There are no moral considerations in any business decision made by these firms. They are interested solely in money and power.

        Tourists today gape at the magnificent mansions of the very rich in Newport, Rhode Island, without realizing that not only do these “cottages” stand as a memorial to the baronial desires of our Victorian millionaires, but that their erection in Newport represented a nostalgic memorialization of the great American fortunes, which had their beginnings in Newport when it was the capital of the slave trade.

        The slave trade for centuries had its headquarters in Venice, until Seventeenth Century Britain, the new master of the seas, used its control of the oceans to gain a monopoly. As the American colonies were settled, its fiercely independent people, most of whom did not want slaves, found to their surprise that slaves were being sent to our ports in great numbers.

        For many years, Newport was the capital of this unsavory trade. William Ellery, the Collector of the Port of Newport, said in 1791:

        “…an Ethiopian cld as soon change his skin as a Newport merchant cld be induced to change so lucrative a trade…. for the slow profits of any manufactory.”

        John Quincy Adams remarked in his Diary, page 459, “Newport’s former prosperity was chiefly owing to its extensive employment in the African slave trade.”

        The pre-eminence of J.P. Morgan and the Brown firm in American finance can be dated to the development of Baltimore as the nineteenth century capital of the slave trade. Both of these firms originated in Baltimore, opened branches in London, came under the aegis of the House of Rothschild, and returned to the United States to open branches in New York and to become the dominant power, not only in finance, but also in government….

        To understand why these firms operate as they do, it is necessary to give a brief history of their origins. Few Americans know that J.P. Morgan Company began as George Peabody and Company. George Peabody (1795-1869), born at South Danvers, Massachusetts, began business in Georgetown, D.C. in 1814 as Peabody, Riggs and Company, dealing in wholesale dry goods, and in operating the Georgetown Slave Market. In 1815, to be closer to their source of supply, they moved to Baltimore, where they operated as Peabody and Riggs, from 1815 to 1835….

        • gofer says:

          Historical accounts of British explorers in this 1868 book document life in African tribes. 75% of the communities were slaves to tribal royalities and were subject to becoming a meal at any time. Slaves were sold and traded among the tribes on a regular basis. Some of the ritual practices were beyond horrific and hard to comprehend. The noblemen were more than happy to do business with the slave traders.


      • Robertv says:

        And today the Democrate/Progressives in cooperation with the Federal Reserve have managed to enslave to whole of the US population.



  3. DD More says:

    Just like in the home town, black thugs killing black people is not news or a problem. Now if it was a white cop or white Hispanic we could get a riot going.

  4. stpaulchuck says:

    I’m telling ya it’s those darn Amish!

  5. Smokey says:

    Obama is forced to dredge up incidents from 500 – 1000 years ago [the Inquisition and the Crusades] in order to demonize Christians.

    But right now Islamists/Muslims are burning people alive for no good reason — and Obama says the equivalent of “Tut, tut.”

    [I resent the media calling these barbarous acts “executions”. They are horrific, savage murders.]

  6. Beale says:

    Not to defend Mr. Obama, but the story doesn’t say all the victims were Christians; in fact it implies, quite credibly, that some were Muslims

  7. Psalmon says:

    Is there any question anymore who the real leader of ISIS IS?

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