On of my favorite pictures I took as a kid, was of a girl in a miniskirt in front of Big Ben in 1969. I don’t have the picture with me here in Maryland unfortunately.
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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness. The FBI’s Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly 8% of victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.
May I ask if you’ve ever seen Iran’s most famous film actress? I’m guessing you haven’t? Well, you’re in good company, because neither have they! Worryingly in the UK they’re allowed to drive in a burka, Though I’ve only once seen a burka wearing driver and that was one night at a supermarket, when I observed them doing a wide swerve into the carpark. It looked like someone holding on to the reins of a runaway horse.
Interesting that one sign says Ban Porn, yet OBL’s computer was filled with porn and the 9/11 mass murders spent time at strip clubs.
The reason the porn and alcohol/strippers etc. is ok is when one dies in Jihad all sins are forgiven by the little black rock they call allah or his stand in Moeham.
Its amazing how liberals won’t touch Islam, which goes completely against their supposed values of women’s and gay rights. No editorials about this in the NY Times, just worries about “Islamophobia”.
Yea, those were the days! Same mini-skirts went out of fashion. 😉
These are examples of mini-burkas. The one in the middle is hot.
Yes. You can almost see an ankle.
I do wonder what the one on the left is saying to the one on the second left, “Psss, Ameera, what do you think, does my bomb look big in this?”
Note the stacked trash sacks in the background. Framing, you budding propagandist. Framing! Watch what’s in the picture frame. Trash and graffiti. “Perfect!” Can suggest that Islam is trash and filth–and makes this photo an insult to Islam.
Well, it sure isn’t the perfect system for all womenkind, is it? Unless 10-year old girls like the idea of marrying 68-year old gents.
I’ll see your Islam and raise you two mini-skirts.
The left easily gravitates toward Islam because it is a totalitarian ideology just like Marxism.
Has everybody forgotten that Communism was “the perfect form of government?” Islam isn’t just religion–Islam is a form of government, too.
Talk about endorsing anarchy!
I see the Supreme Court is in session. I’m having a hard time picking out Ruth Bader Ginsberg though. I think she’s the one carrying the sign that says “Freedom go to Hell”
How do we know that some or all of those covered protesters might not actually be guys?
Neal, the discovery technique is very simple and doesn’t require any special training:
That’s easy..
Fixed it for ya.. 😉
The enemy within, with a petition signed by 100,000 people against the Charlie Hebdo magazine, this is a fundamental clash off cultures. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/02/08/2577F14B00000578-2944946-Men_and_women_were_kept_separate_during_the_protest_out_of_respe-a-24_1423433935399.jpg
They are obviously anti free speech, does this mean they’re suffering from ‘freedom-a-phobia?
Starting from the left, No it doesn’t, I bloody well hope not, no dear, unfortunately true, can’t argue with that one! (Especially if we’re discussing their honesty & expense accounts), rings true, funny idea of honour IMHO, maybe for women (But the men just bugger little boys and white women instead- see Rotherham gang rape scandal) & no thanks luv!
Where are the male relatives that are supposed to accompany each one of the burka-clad ladies, according to sharia law? Or maybe, as Neal has suggested, they are really guys.
The guys are the ones with the cameras. They are also the ones who made the signs and ORDERED the women to hold them.
Do not forget that the women are little more than slaves and can be beaten or even killed in accordance with Sharia law.
In one of the interviews Fawstin speaks of a relative pushing his wife down the stairs and the action causing no comment.
I think we could reduce terrorist acts, if we undertook to use pig fat as part of the lubrication of all weapons, and placed some combination of either purified pig urine, or pork rinds in various places in all public conveyances (with some of it hidden). So long as nothing bad happens to that bus or plane, nobody comes into contact with anything. Might want to dip some bullets in pigs blood too. I think there were even some commercially available rounds known as ‘Jihawgs’. Of course, if such measures are too effective, Muslim clerics will just pull out of their butts some excuse that says that martyrs get a special exemption.
Actually use pigskin for the seats in all air lines and other public transportation and dump pig manure along the border crossings.
Also from Bosch Fawstin creator of Pigman, Via Jihad Watch:
Oxford University Press bans mention of pigs in books to avoid offending Muslims
Not to be confused with ManBearPig…
We have the tools. Give me a few days and I can have the complete Oxford University Press offering properly sanitized:
The rest will take longer. I also expect difficulties with the complete works of Shakespeare. It’s only a question of time before one of the imams hears someone speculating about Sir Francis Bacon.