Without fossil fuels this winter, almost everyone in Vermont would be dead.
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Mr. McKibben needs to read your posting just before this one. When you control the data you can make a monkey dance the Macarena or make Al Gore and Obama look intelligent. Both are impossible unless you cheat the data.
What a dumbass… no sooner did he say it… then all time cold record months were broken across America… WHY do folks continue to listen to these blatant liars?? Why do these dummies continue to make alarming predictions, get proven wrong, then never held to account… followed by more hysterical predictions.. ridiculous..
Coldest ever Syracuse NY:
took .005 seconds on a Google Search…
Yes, there is a LOT of people in Vermont who still believe in global warming! It is pathetic but then, Mother Nature is a stern teacher and even the dumbest will eventually figure out the truth or end up dead, more likely.
It will be 1º F above zero tonight in southern Vermont.
“Stupidity cannot be cured. Stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death. There is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.”
? Robert A. Heinlein
One of my favorite quotes.
Unfortunately the Progressives want to wrap the stupid up in cotton batting and then blame YOU for removing a member of their voting base.
Think of all the lawsuits because an idiot parent allowed a kid to wander on to your property and he got himself hurt or killed. Think of Seatbelt LAWS or helmet LAWS or childproof medicine cap LAWS….
Gail, have been wondering why the illegal alien child invasion wasn’t pressed on the Seatbelt LAWS or helmet LAWS or childproof medicine cap LAWS….
Not one of those kids ridding the top of rail boxcars had any protective safety equipment, but those parents were so, so loving.
Colder than what average?
Is McKibben taking his weather from Lake Woebegone where everything is above average?
If people read my comments, they would know I am skeptical of any significant AGW.
However, in this comment, McKiblits is talking about the entire globle and not a specific área which is less tan 0.1%.
I think the argument has to be adjusted a bit.
You have been assimilated into the borg
No record heat recorded anywhere in the last several years. Lots and lots of super cold records recorded and they are piling in faster and faster. Even Africa is cooler than 15 years ago. Snow in Sahara and Saudi deserts.
We are all borg.
8 of 9
darrylb, take a look at these other posts to understand why his post being about the global average doesn’t make any difference. Fabrication of data and tampering is not just limited to US data.
Should I give you all rotten tomatoes to throw at me?
I was just trying to be the devil’s advocate, before an alarmist got a hold of it.
I was hoping Steve would simply post a larger temp area, and not just Vermont only.
I will stand by my comment,. and please do not get your jockstrap in a tussle , like someone but a cockle burr in it (we used to do that :))because someone challenged or simply presented a comment. It does not look good on anyone.That is what the AGW or CAGW crowd is all about,
Yes, Mike D.,what you presented is exactly what I was indirectly asking for, because you know someone will isolate the aforementioned info, and use it challenge credibility.
The entire globle? That’s quite a large oblate spheroid. Does it have a specific temperature? And if so, how would you propose to go about measuring it?
granted this is 2010…but it is within..30 yrs
Personally, i only ‘experience’ the weather where i actually am located. Nice picture of Haites; i am sure that is not meant to deceive.
Can we please remember that the natural warming due in 100 years is maybe, possibly 1c. You would not notice that change if i adjusted your thermostat in 1 hour. Unless Bill has a plan like Ted Williams, he won’t experience that either.
Do not forget the natural warming due to a Dansgaard-Oeschger events can be 8-16C jumps in from a few years. And the ClimAstrologists can not explain them.
Good point, Winnie. How does one person “experience” the temperature of the whole Earth?
Where is the massive record heat this past Feb.. which offsets the record cold throughout North America?? We actually have thermometers.. and its cold.. tell us wHERE its hot..??
joking: …
Where is it Hot ? Where is it Hot ? It is Hot where your thermometers are NOT! That is where it is Hot! There is a heat spike in Antartica … I’d say about 1830 degrees F. There are heat spikes in the oceans. Trust us … we are the experts. There is lots of record hot in mainly uninhabited or sparsely populated areas. RECORD BREAKING HEATWAVES I TELL YOU!!!!
end joking
Well darrylb, tell us how YOU have “experienced” global warming?
And besides, it’s still a lie according to the Satellite data.
HEY!!!! Florida still hasn’t had snow yet. See, see, see, you deniers ?…….. ok, I am going to finish watching “the interview ” it hilariously funny!
No-one just out of high school has experienced any global warming whatsoever.
His views are protected by ‘freedom of religion’.
To Weepy Bill…
TOWARDS 700+ppm atmospheric CO2 🙂
Let’s get it up where it used to be when the Earth’s plant life really flourished.
I want 1500 ppm CO2!
I would advocate for deep ocean CO2 fountains.
Although that makes me think of Jim Jones and Jim Bakker.
Replace farm with medical plant leaf {:>D
My Favorite:
I rather like this one. http://www.krone-trailer.com/fileadmin/images/unternehmen/Philosophie_Nachhaltigkeit/05_Energieeffizienz/01_CO2-Information/co2_1.jpg
Physorg should win an award? I thought John Kerry started this one 😛
How come war didn’t start in 1936 in USA?
Anyway, what does he mean by “average”.
I assume he is referring to a cherry-picked short-term cooler period in the much adjusted Giss/Hadcrut fabrication.
It you take the whole of the Holocene, I would say that EVERY month experienced by anyone currently alive would be considerably BELOW average.
I remember 25…26 or so years ago, back in Maryland middle school, having to write an investigative paper on “The Global Warming”. Sitting in the media center amongst the earth day posters, scrolling through magazines and (microfish??) about the Brazilian clear cutting, inconclusive sciences, and the conflicts in the funding of public radio. In the end, all my hard work and investigations landed me a whooping C- . I didn’t realize I was supposed to write about the emotional argument of ” The Global Warming ” and did the objective type of thingy . I kinda late got the idea that the public radio scam section and probably most other sections should have been edited out or censored before submittal.
None of the flower children in Vermont have experienced a summer past the summer of love.
1967 in San Francisco was warm. I was there. Hippie chick time! Lots of fun.
By 1970 it was cold and wet summer and winter. Brrrr…then I moved to Tucson then to super cold NYC. GRRRR….bitter cold.
Learned to use fur coats. And fur lined gloves. The anti-fur movement came when it was warmer but I notice now that fashion designers in NYC are producing fur coats and items to keep warm. Heh. No skinny chicks are throwing paint on anyone wearing fur (and if they do this to me, they will be my next pelt!).
Wouldn’t it be funny if this coming summer and only for this coming summer that all of the snow in the Eastern United States didn’t quite melt by the end of September and the Great Lakes still had about 20% ice coverage into September.
According to the global “cooling” experts this will soon be happening…….;^D
Do not expect the news to report it though.
Last year they “reported’ the Great Lakes ‘Ice Free’ and then the pictures of good size Icebergs showed up on facebook…. even a Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources ratted out NOAA — snicker.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2654119/But-summer-Icebergs-spotted-floating-Lake-Superior-despite-Great-Lakes-declared-ice-free.html“>Icebergs spotted floating on Lake Superior despite Great Lakes declared Ice Free [June 7th]
Bill McKibben should know that the temperature record that he refers to is bogus. If one cools the past and warms the present to make it look like there is a scary warming trend then his statement might be true according to the fraudulent data So what?
People like Bill, must know that they are blatant liars, yet, have no qualms about it whatsoever. They are total frauds.
Since when do communists ever care about the truth?
I would like to know his income for telling us this
Weepy Bill McKibben is now working for The Smithsonian. Gee, I wonder if he may have had anything to do with Dr Soon’s harassment.
If the average that McKibben is referring to is that of the last thirty years, and if there had been a steadily rising trend as he seems to believe, then by definition the early years of a thirty year old must have been below average.
GEE, Maybe we should go after the Smithsonian for hiring a TERRORIST ENDORSER!
A year ago Bill McKibben as the 350.org leader endorsed the antics of some 350.org members in Texas that adopted these tactics:
McKibben’s tweet:
More information:
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
What a living-centric view. What’s so bad about being dead? Many of the greatest people of history are dead.
If you are a DemiRat you can even keep on voting if you are dead.
Has anyone, anywhere, at any time experienced the average temperature of the globe? Isn’t all experience local?