BOM Lying Again

BOM claims that February was the hottest on record in Australia after 1983

ScreenHunter_7754 Mar. 06 07.50

News – Argus Media

February 1998 was much hotter in Australia and globally.


Government climate experts are employed to push the global warming agenda, not present accurate information to the public.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to BOM Lying Again

  1. keepersleeker says:

    Didn’t it just snow in Tasmania?

  2. sully says:

    I wondered when this would start. Hottest this, warmist that. Its truly gotten out of hand.

    • rah says:

      It’s about all they got! I sometimes think the GISS should be brought up before congress and asked to justify funding for satellite temperature data! After all they ignore the data any way so why bother? And all ground stations not in urban areas should be eliminated also. I mean after all they say they have the minimal UHI effect calculated and it really isn’t much of a factor. Why carry unneeded fat? sarc

  3. AndyG55 says:

    According to UAH, the following Februarys were warmer than this February in Australia.

    1980, 1981,1991, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2007.

    🙂 Were does BOM fabricate their number from ? !

  4. omanuel says:

    Governments now lie to the public worldwide. The deception extends to advocates of nuclear energy, who delete comments that even hint of the falsehoods introduced into nuclear physics textbooks to hide NEUTRON REPULSION:

    Carl von Weizsacker’s deceptive concept of “nuclear binding energy” replaced Francis William Aston’s rigorously valid concept of “nuclear packing fraction” in nuclear physics textbooks to hide evidence of Neutron Repulsion after WWII.

    For example, past efforts to get information posted on Brave-new-climate suggest that even the following innocuous comment will not get past moderation:

    omanuel on 7 March 2015 at 4:49 AM
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Honest science is an asset because truth rules the universe.

    False science is used by powerless dictators trying to rule by deceit.

    That is perhaps the basis of an ancient scripture in the Upanishads:
    “Truth is victorious, never untruth.”

    Deception about nuclear energy has plagued society since the end of WWII.

  5. Dave N says:

    Remember they’re working from a surface temperature record that has those in the past adjusted down, because back in 1998 people were too stupid to be able to read thermometers.

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