Climate Nazis

Nazis were certain that they were right, and certain that anyone who opposed them must be silenced. They talked about “final solutions”

Progressives are certain that they are right, and certain that anyone who opposes them must be silenced. They say “it is time for solutions”

Same scumbags, different generation. And they are getting increasingly desperate.

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It has nothing to do with climate or science. They are useless little people struggling to hold on to power via endless lies and fear mongering. Nothing they can or will do will make the climate better or worse.

Even if they believe the junk science, Asia controls future CO2 emissions – not the US. US emissions cuts are like ordering a diet coke with their triple whopper and double fries. By 2030, China will be 400% of US CO2 emissions under the agreement Obama just made with them.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Climate Nazis

  1. gator69 says:

    I left my comment regarding the Nazi Youth program, AKA the ‘White House Junior Film Festival’…

    “Wait until he finds out there is also no Santa, and that he already owes over $1,275,000.”


  2. tabnumlock says:

    The “final solution” was actually about finding a homeland for the Jews. Hitler wanted to give them Madagascar, probably the best place on earth for a modern country. It’s a tropical island the size of Texas with the best harbor in the world and massive hydro-power potential. How much better off we’d all be today if it had happened. No trillion dollar wars for Israel and lots of goyim soldiers still with their legs and eyesight.

    • Neal S says:

      I am skeptical of tabnumlock’s claim “The ‘final solution’ was actually about finding a homeland for the Jews.” It also seems strange that there are those who simultaneously deny the Holocaust, while criticizing Hitler for not having done a better job of it.

      • SxyxS says:

        Well.His claim is valid.
        As this was the “official” plan.
        But the official plan has absolutely nothing to do with the real plan,just to calm the people and to use it as camouflage for the real purpose.
        Hitler needed enourmous manpower(=slaves) for the military industrie therefore his madagsscar intentions were not real+ there already were people in madagascar which would have not acceppted this plans+ the balfour declaration.

        So Hitler used the same methods/lies these green communists are using now and the russian and chinese communists habe been using to kill 130 mio people.
        Only difference this time:they will kill 95% of world population to reach their”not more than 500 mio humans on earth ” goal like they have written down on the georgia guidestone.

        there i’d say:Never ever believe uncriticizable and absolutr truths.
        All these truths throughout history(no matter wether scientific,religious,left or right)
        have simply been designed to hide enourmous lies,indoctrinate people and a much uglier truth

    • nielszoo says:

      So disarming them, building concentration camps, rounding millions and millions of them up, devising numerous ways to kill them in large numbers from working them to death as slave labor to Zyklon B “showers,” buses whose exhaust was piped into the passenger cabin, shooting them in the head with small calibre bullets among others then building massive crematoria installations or using earthmoving equipment to dig mass graves to get rid of the bodies (while recovering gold dental work) was a misunderstanding and Hitler wanting to send them happy and healthy to Madagascar? Wow… I can’t even think of a word for that level of evil, willful ignorance.

  3. Chris Barron says:

    Following the banning of the term ‘climate change’

  4. DD More says:

    What China really agreed to.

    From the FACT SHEET: U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change and Clean Energy Cooperation

    At the same time, President Xi Jinping of China announced targets to peak CO2 emissions around 2030, with the intention to try to peak early, and to increase the non-fossil fuel share of all energy to around 20 percent by 2030.

    In political spin talk, China will grow CO2 at the rate they want till 2030, then will increase the mix of non-fossil fuel (think nuclear power, thorium reactors & hydro growth of 3X the size of the Gorges Dam). Their planned growth doesn’t need what the West considers ‘renewable s’. If you actually look at China Power future growth plan, Obama gave away the store to get exactly what China was planning to do anyway.

    Even if they don’t change or make the targets, what is the penalty? Remember, as some have said, “Communists always lie.”

    • DD More says:

      How hard will China have to go to get to the vaunted 20% non-fossil fuel share.

      China has already built the world’s biggest hydropower facility at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River, with 22.5 gigawatts (GW) of capacity. The third biggest, the Xiluodu project in Sichuan province, will be completed this year. China said in its five-year plan for 2011-2015 that it would raise total capacity from 220 GW to 290 GW. Capacity had already reached 280 GW by the end of last year, up 12.3 percent from 2012, according to official data. “Looking at the major projects in the pipeline including those on the Yarlong, Dadu and Jinsha (rivers), which could complete construction by 2015, China would meet and exceed its target … by as much as 5-10 GW,” said Grace Mang, China Program Director with advocacy group International Rivers.
      Hydro accounted for about 22 percent of China’s total power capacity by the end of last year, with thermal power reaching 862 GW or nearly 70 percent.

      They are already 2 percent over now.

  5. Jim Schmidt says:

    To paraphrase Big Brother:
    • He who controls language controls the argument
    • He who controls argument controls information
    • He who controls information controls history
    • He who controls history controls the world

  6. Marsh says:

    With Climate Change & AGW, it’s easy to understand the Pied Piper principle and the reasons for their propaganda,,, I just can’t fathom the gullible masses & naive followers clinging to a false Anthropogenic premise with nothing to gain ; even rats have sense to jump off a sinking ship !

    Climate Nazis as a comparison, isn’t too extreme given the lies & deception by the AGW brigade. We know the first thing to suffer in War is the truth ; at the very least, its become a Cold War…
    Strangely , the United States is leading this CC War with UN approval ; now that’s a War Crime.

  7. gofer says:

    There is no honor among thieves. Someone, who sees the writing on the wall, could blow the whistle. Many would now, but for their jobs.

    • Disillusioned says:

      How loud does the whistle have to be? ClimateGate 1 & 2 should have busted this scam wide open. There were whitewash investigations, and the MSM yawned.

  8. Mark Luhman says:

    The real truth is Hitler and Mussolini were Progressive. of course 80 years latter they are now Republicans, the lying left knows no bounds!

    • SxyxS says:

      The re truth is that both were twins of communism.
      Mussolini ,before becoming “fascist” have been a huge fan,admirer and supporter of communism.
      And the term Nazi means “national” socialism,and socialism is the small brother of communism and Nazis had much much more in common with the communists(considering organisation,structute and total centralisation) than with the original roman fascists.

      The only difference:Mussolini and Hitler were nationalist while communism
      are internationalist Bankers(just like Rockefellers who sponsored Hitler while Rothschilds and Jacob Schiff sponsered Russian Revolution)
      It is no coincidence that the two biggest communists had close ties to the worlds biggest banking power center London/New York.Karl Marx(the lazy f#ck who refused to worked but was officialy workers best friend) lived in London in exile,
      while Leo Trotzky started his (non)russian revolution from New York(non russian as only 17 of the leading 400 revolutioarys of the “russian” revolution were russian)

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