Gallup Poll Shows That Very Few Intelligent People Buy Into The Global Warming Scam

ScreenHunter_1363 Mar. 28 18.17College-Educated Republicans Most Skeptical of Global Warming

Obama says that 97% of scientists believe his scam, because he doesn’t know the difference between 97% and 11%. Easy mistake.

ScreenHunter_776 Jul. 03 21.00

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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39 Responses to Gallup Poll Shows That Very Few Intelligent People Buy Into The Global Warming Scam

  1. gator69 says:

    It is not his fault he is stupid, both his parents were idiots, it’s genetic.

  2. Stephen Fisher says:

    This whole tweeting business–of our great leader incessantly sending out messages to an army of unquestioning sycophants-is…disturbing. My redoubt is called Varykino-ever closer to appropriate.

  3. emsnews says:

    I suspect the GOP guys were all engineers and the DNC guys were all liberal arts graduates….

  4. Robertv says:

    Dangerous people when they can’t win.

    An ex-girlfriend told Bild that Lubitz had once told her he wanted his name remembered and that he planned to go down in history by doing something to “change the whole system”. “People all over the world will know my name.”

  5. Tel says:

    Interesting, for the Democrats, the level of education makes very little difference to the percentage of believers. Not sure what that proves exactly, but traditional book-learning does not appear to be the driving force behind their belief.

  6. Jim Schmidt says:

    Thank the Bill Ayers Academy for Useful Idiots for the dems results… His cronies in the teachers’ unions and Green Gestapo have brainwashed them…
    Republicans likely took REAL SCIENCE or ENGINEERING classes (you know, the ones based on the SCIENTIFIC METHOD), while the dems majored in “Transgender Hispanic gay womens’ rights” and are STILL looking for work..

  7. Mike D says:

    Check out this claim at the bottom of the page, where they try to appear non-judgemental, but can’t help themselves regarding “reality”:

    “Among Republicans and Democrats, education levels have opposite effects, with higher educational attainment linked to more doubt about global warming among Republicans but a greater sense of its reality among Democrats.

    In other words, education appears to harden the partisan battle lines, rather than build common bridges. College graduates who are Republicans are actually more likely than college graduates who are Democrats to say they understand a great deal about the issue, but well-educated Republicans find this understanding leads them in a different direction than it does Democrats.”

    • Gail Combs says:

      The key is this phrase
      “…College graduates who are Republicans are actually more likely than college graduates who are Democrats to say they understand a great deal about the issue…”

      In other words the Republicans actually LOOKED while the DemiRats just believed what they were told.

      The original “97% consensus” was the 2008 Doran/Zimmerman study based on a masters thesis. Zimmerman asked two questions of 10,257 Earth Scientists at academic and government institutions. Of those 10,257 Earth Scientists only 3146 of them responded. If a respondent answered “remained relatively constant” to the first question, then he wasn’t asked the second question! Even with that bit of subterfuge you only got 82% of those who answered risen/fallen to the first question answering “human activity is a significant contributing factor” to the second question. Since that did not give them the wanted answer, only a very small subset, the 77 who had been successful in getting more than half of their recent papers accepted by peer-reviewed climate science journals, were considered in their final survey statistic. Actually 75 of 79 (94.9%) of their “most specialized and knowledgeable respondents” gave them the answers they wanted to both of their questions so even then they didn’t get the magic 97%.

      Q1: “When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?” 76 of 7 (96.2%) answered risen.

      Q2: “Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?” 75 of 77 (97.4%) answered yes.

      In graphic form:
      Larry Bell: About that overwhelming 97-98% number of scientists that say there is a climate consensus…

      It gets even funnier when you look at the comments sent back by the Earth Scientists.
      What else did the ‘97% of scientists’ say?

      “..scientific issues cannot be decided by a vote of scientists. A consensus is not, at any given time, a good predictor of where the truth actually resides..”

      “..The “hockey stick” graph that the IPCC so touted has, it is my understanding, been debunked as junk science..”

      “..I’m not sure what you are trying to prove, but you will undoubtably be able to prove your pre-existing opinion with this survey! I’m sorry I even started it!..”

  8. omanuel says:

    Essentially 100% of scientists know it is dangerous to your career to publicly oppose government dogma.

  9. Andy Mirlach says:

    Canadian RCMP seem to be on the skeptical side. The Guardian of course slips in the usual provably false BS… “Scientists have known for decades that the burning of fossil fuels is the main driver of global warming, and parts of Canada are in line for some of its gravest consequences. The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world.”

    • Gail Combs says:

      The Canadian Mounties SHOULD target anti-oil Activists! The damn fools are dangerous. Think Earth First and Monkey Wrenching.

      I wonder if any of those oil rail car explosions were due to Monkey Wrenching.

      Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching Free! Download Now.

      Not suprising that is on the top of Google’s list. (I am NOT linking to that.)

  10. gregole says:

    97%? 11%?
    I can just feel Obama’s eyes glazing over.

    So. Many. Numbers.

  11. daveburton says:

    Gallup found that, overall, the more education Americans have, the more likely they are to believe that the global warming / climate scare is exaggerated.

    Only among Democrats is the opposite is true: Democrat college graduates are 12 percentage points less likely than Democrats with no college to think the global warming scare is exaggerated.

    But Independent/Unaffiliated college graduates are 7 percentage points more likely than Independents with no college to think the threat of global warming is exaggerated, and Republican college graduates are 17 percentage points more likely than Republicans with no college to think it is exaggerated. A whopping 74% of Republicans with college degrees think the global warming scare is exaggerated.

    My guess is that the difference is partially because Republican college graduates are more likely than Democrat college graduates to have degrees in the hard sciences and engineering, giving them better analytical skills for evaluation of scientific topics. Democrats’ college graduates degrees are more likely to be in the arts and social studies, which do not prepare them to make scientific evaluations.

  12. mogur2013 says:

    “Tel says:
    Interesting, for the Democrats, the level of education makes very little difference to the percentage of believers. Not sure what that proves exactly, but traditional book-learning does not appear to be the driving force behind their belief.

    stevengoddard says:
    A core belief that they and their fellow humans are inherently evil and destructive.”

    I didn’t know that Republicans were also inherently evil and destructive. But thank you for pointing that out.

    I think both political sides of this argument are full of it. It is nice to see that you agree.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Politics is just a Dog and Pony show for the masses to make the serfs think they have some say while the International corporate cartels are busy dividing up their fiefdoms. The US politicians sold Main Street to the highest bidder in 1913.

      SEE: “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” or if you want a Flaming Liberal’s*** view link.

      ** Self-description not mine.

    • daveburton says:

      Here’s a quote from one of the question in that Yale/GMU-CCCC/GfK survey of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents:

      “Some conservatives argue that despite any uncertainties associated with climate change, America should take action to address the issue because Carbon pollution is fouling our air and our water, and harming our health. We should take steps to maintain the purity of our air and water. As Benjamin Franklin said, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Which best describes your feelings about this?”

      Half of those surveyed were asked that question, and the other half were asked this alternative version:

      “Some conservatives argue that despite any uncertainties associated with climate change, America should take action to address the issue because Our free-enterprise economy only works properly when individuals and companies are held accountable for harm that their actions cause to unconsenting people or the country as a whole. Companies that release heat-trapping pollution into the air should be accountable for those costs. Which best describes your feelings about this?”

      Nice unbiased survey, that.

      • gator69 says:

        America should take action to address the issue because Carbon pollution is fouling our air and our water, and harming our health.

        Leftists never learn…

        The remedy is worse than the disease.
        -Francis Bacon

  13. sabretoothed says:

    OBL believes in it, must be true, like the 15 level bat cave he had in Afgan they could never find

    • Gail Combs says:

      He has his geography wrong.

      Bat Cave is an unincorporated community in Henderson County, North Carolina. (And yes I have been in Bat Cave.)

      • gator69 says:

        I helped to map Illinois Caverns as part of my High School geology class project. It was an attraction of the 1904 World’s Fair, and some of the cast iron steps are still in place near the entrance to the cave. Back then it was privately owned by an old man named Armin Krueger, whose family settled the land.

        Locals say that during the depression, Armin walked six miles to town to collect half a cent that he was owed! Armin could wander through the cave without a light, and would scare the living crap out of you when his haggard face would suddenly appear in your beam of light.

        I used to guide tours deep into the nearly six miles of mapped passages. I tried to revisit the cave with an old spelunking buddy a couple of years ago, only to discover that it had been closed due to the White Nose nonsense.

        Never mind the white bashed noses from bird shredders.

        I hope they ave the good sense to reopen this cave someday.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Gator, I used to cave with a blind caver. He would freak out people who were not used to him (on purpose I might add.) One group tied a cyamlume light to him after he freaked them a couple of times.

          He also had a PhD in Math and taught at HAAAaaavard. He had his eyes removed due to cancer at the age of three. I hope some day someone writes his story. An amazing guy — Gerry McCullen

        • gator69 says:

          Never spelunked with a blind man, just bats.

          Armin grew up with German speaking parents, then lived alone for God only knows how long, and he spoke a mix of English and German with something else all his own mixed in. And it wasn’t just the cave where this very scary dude would just ‘appear’. We would pull up to the old parking area left over from the World’s Fair, and while suiting up and checking equipment someone would turn and there he was! Some of the girls I took with me actually screamed as if in a horror movie. He was as much a part of the adventure as the cave. I never saw a house where he lived (everyone wondered if he just slept in the old barn nearby), and he would just collect $5 per head and unlock the old iron gate.

          He is still a legend in those parts, and they should have named the cave after him.

  14. RossP says:

    I think the most interesting thing that came out in the Gallup poll was the table showing how concerns for several general environmental had dropped significantly from 2000 to 2014. So all the millions spent by the Greens with the help of the complicit MSM journalists has a achieve a major negative result over time.
    I hope the politicians who are going to Paris later in the year to make outrageous promises on everyones behalf bear this in mind.

    • Menicholas says:

      I would not discount the role that the behavior of the actual earth has played in people’s attitudes.
      I think people pay attention to stuff, at least some of the time, and know the difference between a real problem and a made up one.

  15. Menicholas says:

    Wow, nearly half of all Democrats worry about global warming “a great deal”.
    That is so pitifully idiotic I almost feel sorry for those poor fools.

  16. Dave G says:

    It’s interesting to note that most scientists are Democrats…. But engineers tend to be Republicans.
    Engineers tend to view themselves as much less liberal and slightly more conservative than the general public, according to a recent survey of over 1,200 readers of MACHINE DESIGN and Electronic Design magazines. The same survey also found that engineers say they are more likely to be Republican (42.1%) or Independent (33.7%) voters, as opposed to Democrats (14.5%).

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