Great Lakes Ice Cover Third Highest On Record

Two years ago, Joe Romm announced the end of Great Lakes ice.

ScreenHunter_8152 Mar. 27 09.55

How Climate Change Is Damaging The Great Lakes, With Implications For The Environment And The Economy | ThinkProgress

Two of the three highest ice years have occurred in the two years since Joe Romm announced the demise of Great Lakes ice.


Product – Product Search – Canadian Ice Service

“It’s becoming certain that, like the rest of the country, the Great Lakes are feeling the effects of climate change.”

It is becoming certain that fraudsters like Joe Romm are pushing an agenda.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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43 Responses to Great Lakes Ice Cover Third Highest On Record

  1. oeman50 says:

    Geez, Steve, do Romm and company actually believe the stuff they are pushing is true, or do they think regurgitating falsehoods is justified by what they are trying to achieve? I feel confident that a certain Administration holds the latter belief, but I am just not sure about people like Romm.

    • Gail Combs says:

      They know.

      They are pushing a Political Agenda. The Climategate e-mails refer to The Cause.

      Dr Happer was fired by Al Gore in 1993 just after Bill Clinton signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (12/06/92) and about a year before the treaty was ratified (21/03/94) by Congress. Do not forget that Al Gore Sr and Jr were financed by the Communist Armand Hammer and Clinton got campaign funds from China. In return Clinton gutted US manufacturing and gave China our technology. link Clinton also signed the five banking laws that collapsed the US housing market and the economy in 2008. link

      ….“I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism. I did not need the job that badly,”

      Happer, who served as the Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy in 1993, says he was fired by Gore in 1993 for not going along with Gore’s scientific views on ozone and climate issues. “I was told that science was not going to intrude on policy,” Happer explained in 1993. “I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect, for example, absorption and emission of visible and infrared radiation, and fluid flow,” Happer said this week. “Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth’s climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past,” he added……

      “The idea that Congress can stop climate change would be just hilarious if the actions they propose were not so damaging to the American people and even more [damaging] to the poorer people of the world,” Happer said….

      Happer testified before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on February 25, 2009 and noted that the Earth was currently in a “CO2 famine.” Happer requested to be added to the U.S. Senate Report of over 700 dissenting scientists on December 22, 2008. Happer also co-authored an Open Letter to Congress with a team of scientists on July 1, 2009 warning: ‘You Are Being Deceived About Global Warming’ — ‘Earth has been cooling for ten years.’

      In addition, Happer has led a group of 54 prominent physicists to request the American Physical Society (APS) revise its global warming position. The 54 physicists wrote to APS governing board: “Measured or reconstructed temperature records indicate that 20th – 21st century changes are neither exceptional nor persistent, and the historical and geological records show many periods warmer than today.”….

      “History shows you really can get rich on a cult. Some of big pushers of cap-and-trade were Enron before it went belly up,” Happer said….

    • _Jim says:

      do Romm and company actually believe the stuff they are pushing is true, or do they think regurgitating falsehoods is justified by what they are trying to achieve?

      With effective memories as short as one week (and possibly much less in the case of hard-core libs), I don’t think it matters all that much what ‘they’ pump out to their sycophantic following.

      What matters is at/just before election time is getting a message out, a narrative established which (1) turns out their voting base and (2) turns off the other party’s base (effectively suppress the vote) by turning off voters to the whole ‘messy’ process of politics. My $0.02 anyway ….

  2. Ben Vorlich says:

    that’s quite an interesting chart, there seems to be a trend of increasing maxima since 1981. Something to worry about.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Climate is more or less cyclical. As Dr Robert Brown (physicist Duke Univ.) said it is a “bistable” chaotic system at least at present. (A third state is evident if you go back far enough in time.) It bounces around one ‘Strange Attractor’ and then if enough factors add up it switches (rather rapidly) to bouncing around the other ‘Strange Attractor’ For example the switch from the Wisconsin Ice age to the Holocen happened in a year!

      “In the GISP2 science trench, the tray holding the section of core rolled down the assembly line and then it was Alley’s turn at the ice. “It slides across in front of me and I’m trying to identify years: ‘That’s a year, that’s a year and that’s a year, and – woops, that one’s only half as thick.’ And it’s sitting there just looking at you. And there’s a huge change in the appearance of the ice, it goes from being clear to being not clear, having a lot of dust.”

      Back to Dr Brown:

      The Earth’s climate is manifestly, empirically bistable, with a warm phase and cold phase, and the cold phase is both more likely and more stable.

      Dr Brown goes on to say,

      as for the “bistable” bit — if you look back at the first figure, you’ll see only two states in the last 2 million years — warm phase (interglacial) and cold phase (glaciation). There is no evidence of a warmer phase than the warm phase! Not even back when the average temperature was some 3C warmer than it is today — and that’s as much as the worst case CAGW prediction — and stable. There is no “tipping point”. Even when previous interglacials spiked up 2C to 3C warmer than today, they didn’t stay there because the warm phase is unstable, or rather, it is very stable from above, not so stable to cold excursions.

      Now this is something I know a bit about. Underneath this sort of behavior there is a very convoluted phase sheet with at least one fold and a surface or line of stability on a middle unstable sheet or branch. As long as one isn’t too near the folds, one is stable to temperature fluctuations that don’t “cross the line”. However, all things are not equal — something moves the Earth along these sheets over to the real tipping points — the ones that drop warm phase back down to cold or vice versa. The general trend of the Holocene has been cooling from the Holocene Optimum, and it is (as noted) not at all unlikely that we are near the tipping point — down — although we may have saved ourselves with CO_2 for at least a few centuries.

      What might trigger a transition? Perhaps an extended Maunder minimum. Perhaps something else. Our problem is that we don’t know why the ice age ended. We don’t know why the Younger Dryas happened as a bobble after the world warmed up. We don’t know why the Holocene is warm or the preceding period of glaciation cold. We don’t know when, or why, the Holocene will end, or whether anthropogenic CO_2 is having any effect on this either way.

      The number of things we don’t know that no climate scientist who is honest will claim that we know — is large enough to make me pull my little remaining hair and scream! And this is the basis of our settled science?….

      If the worst nightmares of CAGW come true, and the world warms 3C by the end of the century, that is still a very good thing compared to the end of the Holocene. The latter is wrath-of-god fimbulwinter type stuff, with the temperate zone and breadbasket of the world reduced to an icy desert, with half of Europe, all of Canada and the Northern US, all of Siberia, all of Mongolia, half of China — all gone. In as little as decades. Only if we have a world-spanning civilization, with sound and reliable energy resources can we hope to survive and thrive.

  3. gator69 says:

    The Koch brothers have been dumping their champagne buckets into the lakes at night, or something.

    Look! Big Oil!

  4. Joe Romm said:

    “Last year, only 5 percent of the lakes froze over –- compared to 1979 when ice coverage was as much as 94 percent.”

    We can cherry pick too:

    “Last year, 92 percent of the lakes froze over –- compared to 1982-83 when ice coverage was as low as 14 percent.”

    Joe Romm, climate douche

  5. ren says:

    It can be a lot of snow in the Great Lakes region.

  6. James Strom says:

    Aren’t the water levels recovering as well?

  7. Joel O'Bryan says:

    The title is misleading. There were several years in 1970’s with high ice cover.

    Joe Romm Cherry picked the 1979 date in his comment to try to bolster his ridiculous assertion. Now SSG is doing so too by eliminating consideration of the 1970’s data in the bar graph, and commits the same error by saying “third highest on record.”

  8. Shazaam says:

    Now, the big question. Has the Clime Syndicate changed how they measured the Great Lakes Ice Extent ?

    I’m ten miles from Lake Erie and let me tell you, it is no warmer this year than last year. To be honest, we had constant snow cover from End of December to First week of March. That is unusual as we usually have a thaw in January and at least melt some snow.

    Based on the on-the-ground observations, I do not believe the Great Lakes Ice cover could be that much less than last year. In fact, I was expecting another record.

    I could be wrong. Yet when so many other numbers get adjusted by the Clime Syndicate to match the theory, I have to wonder if they quickly made adjustments to the Great Lakes Ice Extent measurement system after last year’s embarrassing numbers.

    It would be most inconvenient to have 2 record Great Lakes Ice Extent years in a row……

    • Gail Combs says:

      I was wondering the same thing.

      We know the ClimAstrologists declared the Great Lakes to be “Ice Free”on June 7th only to have people posting pictures of Icebergs on facebook pages.

      June 10th
      A photo from June 10th

      June 12th

      Icezilla Spotted from Land, 20 Miles Away
      June 12th, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

      In my continuing coverage of the last ice on Lake Superior (erroneously reported to have melted several days ago by the NWS in Duluth), iceberg “Icezilla” has been spotted from land 20 miles to the south.

      As reported to me early this morning by Mark Vinson aboard the U.S. Geological Survey ship R/V Kiyi,

      “On Tuesday (June 10), one of our employees was driving back to Ashland (WI) after getting off the ship in SSM (Sault Ste. Marie, MI). She told me she could see a large berg between Ironwood, MI and Ashland. There is a nice high spot near Saxon, WI that you can overlook the lake. She said it was a whopper and it would have had to have been for her to be able to see it from there as this spot is several miles from the lake.“

      This spot on highway US-2 would be 20 miles directly south of Icezilla.

      Since no one seems to have a camera to capture direct evidence this mythical beast….

      June 13th Mile-long Icezilla Imaged by Landsat

      • Shazaam says:

        I wonder if it’s possible to do the “pixel-counting-magic” on the Great Lakes to see if there is some “official” numeric “jiggery-pokery” going on with the reported Great Lakes Ice coverage numbers.

        Last summer was not that warm, and the Winter started off with a bang with the big freeze in November.

        It just doesn’t seem possible that this year’s ice isn’t nearly the same as last year.

        • Gail Combs says:

          The lakes started out colder this winter however ice extent has a lot to do with wind.

          Heck I saw Lake Jordan, the reservoir for Raleigh NC, freeze up with a thin coating of ice a few weeks back.

        • Andy DC says:

          We had a relatively mild December in 2014 and I don’t think this January was quite as cold as last year. That might explain slightly less ice compared to last year, even though February this year was off the charts in terms of cold.

        • Shazam, this winter the cold hit the eastern Great Lakes hard, last winter it hit harder in Wisconsin and the western Great Lakes. That’s why last year, Lake Superior and Lake Michigan were more frozen than this year, and this year Lake Ontario froze more than last year.

          Compare these pics:

        • Shazaam says:

          Morgan, you may well be correct. I thought that it was more brutal further north and I occasionally travel to Detroit and they suffered an identical winter to Cleveland.

          Still and all, this didn’t happen last year with the record Great Lakes ice.

          The current state of climate science reliability is such that, like that of the liar-in-chief, even if they were to accidentally tell the truth, no one would believe them.

      • AZ1971 says:


        I ran some quick calculations on the image you provided there. Assuming the average seagull ranges in height from 12-15 inches, comparing to the height of the ice to the water’s edge against it, I come up with that iceberg’s depth to be anywhere from 57.6 ft – 72 ft thick (ice is 7/8 as dense as liquid water, visible height to known reference, etc.)

        Knowing this season’s Great Lakes’ ice has been mangled due to strong storm winds blowing it around, I would suspect there are likely some similarly thick ice packs out there.

        We also can see that the temperature transect on Lake Superior is showing a marked decline in lower depths of the eastern half of the lake for today’s date (27/3) compared to last year’s near-record ice extent:

        That only portends more cold water at depth and less thermal retention going into the summer months.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Thank you,
          It is not the ice cover but the temperature going into the next winter that counts.

  9. ren says:

    These data should make people think, because if in October will be low solar activity the same pattern polar vortex appears again.

    • David A says:

      ren, what is your view of next year, (2015 -2016) with the California drought and what has come to be called the RRR. (Ridiculously Resilient Ridge)

  10. _Jim says:

    Two of the three highest ice years have occurred in the two years since Joe Romm announced the demise of Great Lakes ice.

    Shows his (Romm’s) predictive ability to be near, if not at, zero …


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