Great Lakes Ice Growing Over The Past 10 Days

Scientists were concerned that the Great Lakes might become ice-free this summer – devastating the Michigan Polar Bear population.

The good news is that ice coverage continues to grow as spring progresses.

ScreenHunter_1366 Mar. 28

Meanwhile, experts continue to focus on lying about the extent of Arctic sea ice, which is also increasing.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Great Lakes Ice Growing Over The Past 10 Days

    • Gail Combs says:

      “If the polar bears truly wanted to feast on unsuspecting Michiganders, the more direct path would be to cross Lake Huron or Lake Superior into the Upper Peninsula.”

      Even that would require a scamper of more than 500 miles. The polar bears would likely get their fill of Ontario residents before then.

      That is a nothing distance!
      Polar Bears Swim Hundreds of Miles in One Go

      ….Over the course of six years, U.S. Geological Survey researchers used GPS collars to track 50 long-distance swims made by 20 adult female bears, some of which had cubs with them. The swims that were documented lasted from 17 hours to nearly 10 days and covered between 33 and 427 miles (54 and 687 kilometers)…..

      If they ever find out how tasty and DUMB progressives are, the District of Criminals will be in very big trouble!

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Hotair reports on Harry Reid’s departure. My comment:

    “Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country.”
    -Harry Reid, Democrat

    Yeah right. Global warming huh? We got nearly 2 decades of zero warming, ice at or growing at record levels at both poles, record ice levels on the Great Lakes, and growing indications that the leftists in charge of the thermometer based temperature record are manipulating the data, and evidence that the 1930s may very well have been hotter than today, and now it surfaces that Gore lied about CO2 in his movie, in fact there is no evidence, none at all, that CO2 affects temperatures in any way:

    1930s hotter than today? The evidence:

    [and btw Steven, these type of headlines, as the 1930s headline above, that tell the whole story just by URL makes it easy for me to spruce up my comments by linking to them!]

    • Eric Simpson says:

      I also left this comment at hotair:

      Gallup Poll Shows That Very Few Intelligent People Buy Into The Global Warming Scam:

      [again, the self-explanatory headline makes it a slam dunk as far as making it easy to link to it]

    • gator69 says:

      Harry Reid is retiring because one of his ‘connections’ in Las Vegas sent someone to his house to kick his ass and send him a message. Play with fire…

      • Menicholas says:

        I thought he was retiring to pursue a new career as the worlds first geriatric sunglasses model.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Actually it was one of his ‘connections’ in CHINA that kicked his arse and it goes back to the reason for the attack on the Bundy ranch.

        The New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada. link The firm is Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, who planned to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert.

        Journalist Marcus Stern of Reuters reported Harry Reid was also heavily involved in the deal link

        Surprise, Surprise! The new BLM chief was a senior adviser to Senator Reid.

        With a bit of digging we find that in order to appease the Eco-nuts, the development of desert in one area has to be mitigated by protecting another area therefore the ‘Trespassing Cattle’ have to get the boot. That is where the Bundy Ranch comes in.
        (Buffalo are just another type of cattle and fill the same eco-nich but no one ever mentions that.)

        These posts are to preserve info that may disappear.

        …..Examples of Restoration Funding and Viability Impacted
        A $400,000 matching grant to restore Southwest Willow Flycatcher habitat along the Virgin River from the Walton Family Foundation was withdrawn until the trespass cattle have been removed.

        A $160,000 Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act project to restore Southwestern Willow Flycatcher has been delayed until trespass cattle are removed.

        Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle. [AND THAT is why Bundy’s cattle had to go!]

        The Nevada State Department of Wildlife has built extensive fences to protect state and federal lands protected as the Overton Wildlife Refuge from the trespass cattle….
        Retrieved from Google cache

        Bundy’s Ranch is within the “Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area” which is part of a broad U.S. Department of Energy program for “Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States” on land “managed” by BLM.

        Off-site mitigation “consists of compensating for resource impacts by replacing or providing substitute resources or habitat at a different location” SEE: BLM Document: Solar Regional Mitigation Planning

        ….18. What is the Dry Lake SEZ SRMP Pilot Project?
        The Dry Lake SEZ SRMP Pilot Project is a Solar PEIS follow-on study that the BLM has
        initiated in response to public comment received on the Draft Solar PEIS and the
        Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS between the years 2010 and 2012.
        (solareis(DOT) The Dry Lake SEZ SRMP Pilot Project
        effort will test and build on the Regional Mitigation Planning Framework and Solar
        Long-term Monitoring Program concepts proposed and published in the Solar PEIS
        Appendices 2.4 and 2.5 (solareis(DOT)
        19. Why is the BLM doing a pilot project?

        Early planning efforts for renewable energy on public lands, including evaluating the
        societal benefits of clean-energy generation as well as responses for potential adverse
        impacts on people and the environment, afford BLM the opportunity to both make best
        use of the federal estate and encourage other national, state, and local-area conservation
        objectives. The BLM Solar Energy Program is conducting a pilot project to develop and
        test ways to address potential unavoidable impacts of utility-scale solar energy….

        So much for the endangered desert tortoise that was given as the reason for attacking the Bundy Ranch.

        • gator69 says:

          I am well aware of the Bundy connection. But I also know who runs Vegas and the unions. Reid sold out everyone for his own personal pride and fortune, and got whacked. I just wish it had been me.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Following the endangered desert tortoise thread airs even more BLM dirty linen.
          Dana Loesch wrote:

          Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests,” she added. “BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area.

          If only Cliven Bundy were a big Reid donor.

          Seems prior to the BLM’s using the tortoise as the ‘official reason’ for raiding the Bundy ranch, the agency has previously been killing off the tortoises due to “budget constraints.”

          …In addition, BLM owns the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center (DTCC) in Las Vegas which is operated in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nevada Department of Wildlife, and San Diego Zoo Global. The DTCC was created in 1991 to house wild desert tortoises removed from the path of development and to use those tortoises to aid recovery of the species….

          Restriction of activities that threaten the continued existence and recovery of the species including:
          * Removal of livestock grazing in most desert tortoise ACECs/DWMAs totaling over 5,000,000 acres
          * Restrictions on issuance of rights-of-way and leases within ACECs/DWMAs including establishment of exclusion areas and avoidance areas
          * Restriction of off-road vehicle use including route designations, limitations of use to existing roads and trails, route closures, and racing restrictions
          * Segregation from mineral entry and patent
          Habitat restoration programs
          * Requirements to retain conserved habitat in Federal ownership
          * Participation in local and regional Habitat Conservation Plans
          * Participation on the Desert Tortoise Management Oversight Group, the Desert Managers Group and the Mojave Desert Initiative group, three regional teams of federal land managers…

          As I said above these tortoises have co-existed with buffalo who also grazed the area. Cattle fill the same niche. Note the tortoise is a GRASS-EATER That means a nice close cropped area maintained by bovines is an ideal habitat and not an area filled with tall grass and scrub.

          For decades, the vulnerable desert tortoise has led a sheltered existence.

          ….But the pampered desert dweller now faces a threat from the very people who have nurtured it.

          Federal funds are running out at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center and officials plan to close the site and euthanize hundreds of the tortoises they’ve been caring for since the animals were added to the endangered species list in 1990.

          “It’s the lesser of two evils, but it’s still evil,” said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service desert tortoise recovery coordinator Roy Averill-Murray during a visit to the soon-to-be-shuttered reserve at the southern edge of the Las Vegas Valley last week.

          Biologists went about their work examining tortoises for signs of disease as Averill-Murray walked among the reptile pens. But the scrubby 220-acre refuge area will stop taking new animals in the coming months. Most that arrive in the fall will simply be put down, late-emerging victims of budget problems that came from the same housing bubble that put a neighborhood of McMansions at the edge of the once-remote site.

          … at the conservation center, a large refrigerator labeled “carcass freezer” hummed in the desert sun as scientists examined the facility’s 1,400 inhabitants to find those hearty enough to release into the wild. Officials expect to euthanize more than half the animals in the coming months in preparation for closure at the end of 2014.

          …..The animals were once so abundant that tourists would scoop them up as souvenirs. Many quickly realized the shy grass-eaters don’t make ideal pets. (For one thing, they can live for 100 years.) And once the species was classified as threatened on the endangered species list, people rushed to give them back.

          Former pets make up the majority of the tortoises at the conservation center…

          Think about that. The tortoises were doing just fine co-existing with ranchers and cattle up until just recently. Maybe it is the BLM’s REMOVAL of bovines that is causing the problem in the first place!

          Jerry DeLumus of The Druge Report after talking to Bundy drove from Dover NH to the Bundy ranch to lend support.

          The FARCE is STRONG in Harry Reid.

        • gator69 says:

          Hey Gail! I haven’t had much time to look into this yet, but you may find some gold in them thar hills…

          Not only do I abhor the idea of this project, But I smell a rat the size New Jersey (or maybe it is NJ).

  2. Marsh says:

    Will be interesting to see the cumulative effect and the way the Great Lakes region will even see more delays in leaving Winter temperatures behind. The correlation with the Arctic gaining Ice is
    not surprising , the trend is there for all to see,,, unless one is a blind & corrupt warmist…

  3. I was on the shores of Lake Ontario yesterday and it was ice free as far as I could see

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