Learning To Think Like A Progressive

Getting murdered by Islamic terrorists makes you an Islamophobe.

ScreenHunter_1231 Mar. 11 22.15

Murdered Charlie Hebdo Staff Named ‘International Islamophobe Of The Year’ – Breitbart

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Learning To Think Like A Progressive

  1. Gail Combs says:


  2. Nobama says:

    Think(?) like a Progressive? The Borg possess some form of anti-logic, kind of like anti-matter…It seems to consist of: thinking of the obvious answer, then rejecting it, and selecting its polar opposite.

  3. emmaliza says:

    Per the Canadian Mounted Police, Greenpeace is actually a terrorist organization, as it continually tries to destroy oil/gas infrastructure. India has banned it from their country. While everyone focuses on Islamic nuts, the real destroyers are funded by the EU and most elitist think tanks. Wonder why so many oil tankers and tank cars are now being blown up and derailed? Wonder why a new drilling rig in West Texas suddenly blew up? Someone should investigate.

  4. Dave N says:

    Are they saying they’re Islamaphobes posthumously?

    I expect the only thing I’d be afraid of after death would be the notion of spending the afterlife in the company of the morons who came up with that idea.

  5. SMS says:

    Should have mentioned that link is satire.

  6. Uh, isn’t that why he was murdered.
    Or am I missing something here?

  7. Mike D says:

    Why isn’t ISIS top of that list? They’re actually killing, raping, enslaving, and torturing Muslims (and other people), and they’re not Islamic per many liberal politicians. So that would clearly make them Islamophobic from their hatred toward Muslims, and their giving Muslims a bad name but claiming they are Muslims.

  8. Glacierman says:

    Isn’t a phobia an irrational fear?……….

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes that is why I said it was Nauseating.

      The people who were butchered by Muslims are being called irrational for fearing Muslims…. And the labeling of them ‘International Islamophobe Of The Year’is done after the Muslims killed several of them.

      It is like calling someone who is facing a wild wolf known to have rabies irrational for fearing the wolf as he bites you. This is not as far fetched as it seems. In a true story, a toddler was killed by a pack of coyotes. During the hearing to decide whether the town should take action to control the coyote population, the out of town Eco-nuts showed up and publicly stated the grieving mother had killed the toddler and then accused the blameless coyotes.

      This is the end result of the Post-modern child rearing practices that protects a child from any and all consequences of his stupid actions. A practice that blames others if he does get hurt due to his foolishness. The newest addition to these crazed practices is calling Christians child abusers because they will spank a naughty child. Also the ‘Child rearing experts’ are now saying yelling, time-out or withholding food or other stuff is also child abuse.

      The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding

      Rockefeller also funded John Dewey, Father of Modern Education, and his experimental school. Dewey was trying to find ways to kill American individualism and independent thinking. Dumbing Down America

      Scotland has gone so far as to assign a government worker to each child born. Every Child in Scotland to Be Supervised by State-Appointed Busybody: True danger lies in the notion that the state should decide if you are parenting your kids correctly.

      • gator69 says:

        Not disciplining a child is child abuse, family abuse, and societal abuse.

        My brother and I were both ‘spanked’ as kids, and neither of us has any emotional or anger issues. My brother tried ‘time outs’ with his first son, and it was a miserable failure, nobody wanted to visit for long because the child was a terror. Thankfully my namesake eventually got spanked and has subsequently turned out to be a good man.

        • Donna K. Becker says:

          I agree that discipline is necessary, although corporal punishment has more negative than positive effects. It’s important to begin setting limits around the time a child begins to crawl. And to study child development and parenting, preferably prior to conceiving a child.

          Today’s parents are indeed too lenient!

        • gator69 says:

          The best study I ever read on corporal punishment and why it works, in a nutshell, explained that pain is a lifesaver. Our amygdala is designed to tell us when there is a threat to our very existence, and pain is the leading indicator. When you spank a child for running into traffic, that lesson sticks, and the child avoids that self destructive behaviour.

          The only negatives come from beating children.

        • Gail Combs says:

          I agree with Gator.

          Pain is hard wired into animals so they can avoid danger. I read of one kid who had no pain receptors. He had lost his sight due to scratches on the cornea, numerous broken bones…

          At a young age you need to transfer the idea of pain to the word NO! or some other word or sound. The key is to ALSO hug kiss/pet and transfer the idea of GOOD boy/girl to a word or sound. And most important you must be consistent. You really do need to establish the idea of who is dominant at a very young age whether it is a child or an animal or you are going to have problems later.

          Also a spanking should be reserved for the important safety issues or repeated challenges to the parents’ dominance.

          For my equines we only use a ‘spanking’ for major issues like biting, kicking, rear and strike, all of which can kill a human. At that point we make it clear the animal is going to die! (Mainly lots of sound and flapping) Once is generally enough to get the point across that you do not do that! It also firmly establishes the meaning of the sound we use to mean NO!. (No and Whoa are to close to use ‘no’ as a command.)

          As usual my first comment got booted and I got:
          Connection closed by remote server

          Check that the address is spelled correctly, or try searching for the site.

  9. Herve D says:

    Why the author title this as “Learning To Think Like A Progressive” ? Does he really believe Progressive think? No way, an “alarmist thinker” has already the religious Law (alike in Koran) and warmist progressive believers have nothing else to do than repeat, or “copy and paste”. No need for a brain, that, by evidence, they don’t own for hemselves.

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