No, I Can’t Promise You An Obamaphone

I can’t promise you an Obamaphone or tens of thousands of dollars of other people’s money, but would appreciate your vote anyway.

ScreenHunter_7593 Mar. 01 17.06

Fifteenth Annual Weblog Awards: The 2015 Bloggies

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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33 Responses to No, I Can’t Promise You An Obamaphone

  1. gator69 says:

    Best Canadian LGBT Cricket Blog? 😉

  2. NancyG says:

    Voted. Didn’t get the confirmation e-mail yet and it stinks that I have to check within the next 24 hours, but I’ll keep looking.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Hmm, I didn’t get a confirmation email yet either. My experience with automated confirm emails is that they’re practically immediate.

  3. Eliza says:

    Pretty amazing with Paul Homewood as well.Predicted this though when WUWt made the HUGE grand mistake of posting that idiocy on Lucia’s insignificant drivel site. Im sure the hits are going down daily over there (although I support WUWT anyway). As a person with 4 higher degrees I can assure anyone this site is far more scientific when they allow drivel like Zek’es, Moshers ect to be posted there without obviously checking it thoughtly first. LOL

  4. Joseph says:

    This is awesome, Tony. You and Paul have my vote(s)!

  5. Truthseeker says:

    You can pretend to be a progressive and vote once per email address …

  6. I. Lou Minotti says:

    At least they asked for voter I.D. The blue states and the federales should take note!

  7. Eliza says:

    Completely Ot but basically Most of Europe, USA and any country against IS or Islam extremism is F@@@@ because of the drone story. Its just of question of time before they start using them. Israel should have been brought in to deal with this problem a long long time ago (TH remove if not appropriate, but I think this is VERY important)

  8. Rick K says:

    Done, Tony. You do an awful lot of heavy lifting and deserve to be recognized.

  9. Psalmon says:

    Its amazing how many email addresses you have when you really think about it.

    Voting early. Voting often.

  10. Disillusioned says:

    Done. You deserve it Tony.

  11. Yes, vote! We need better trolls here. The mentally ill transvestite & Super Mensa aren’t really getting the job done.

    • Gail Combs says:


      I was very happy to see not only Tony and Paul Homewood in the finalists but also Jo Nova, Pierre Gosselin aka NoTricksZone and Roger Tattersall aka Tallbloke as well as WUWT, The Pickering Post, Brietbart and American Thinker.

      Given the thousands and thousands of websites, the number of paid and useless idiots that is really pretty amazing. Aside from Occupy Wall Street I don’t see much of anything and certainly no Climate Alarmist blogs. It indicates that the illusion that “they are winning” is just that, an illusion.

  12. Done + shared on my Swedish FB. Keep up the very good work, thanks!

  13. gregole says:


    I’ve been following you since you were a guest poster at WUWT and you are obviously a long-distance runner / endurance athlete in the mental sports category. I enjoy your blog immensely, and one reason is that I’m genuinely curious about this climate stuff. Here, data is king.

    Hope you win, so I voted for you!

  14. Eric Simpson says:

    It’s not clear to me how to vote.

    Real Science would have my vote if I could figure out how to vote. I go to the bloggi site and I simply can’t figure it out. But no one else seems to be having this problem. So I’m kind of embarrassed to mention it.

  15. Tim Groves says:

    It was a close thing between this blog and Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund, but at the end of the day, I have to support Tony in his campaign against Lysenkoism in the climate field.

  16. Edmonton Al says:

    I voted for you…………

  17. A C Osborn says:

    You and Paul have my vote.

  18. Bryan Wiley says:


    For payback, I want your voice on my voice-mail saying “science is the belief….etc”

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