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Orwell Explained The White House Led Attack On Skeptics
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The Obama administration fits that to a T.
I certainly hope that 2016 ends all that or at least gets the USA back onto the road to honesty.
Keep dreaming. The NSA has ensured that there will not be sufficient politicians to buck the system.
Orwell’s nightmare is here today, complete with every effort to establish universal groupthink, and to make it a thought-crime to think for yourself in disagreement with “them”.
It’s funny, but I used to think that this would happen as a group of people would just start to believe some alternate ideology (ex: sacrifice freedom for safety, etc.). But it actually ends up that these people are the ones who think everyone else is telling them what to think. They’re the ones who think that everyone else is closeminded and Orwellian. If you look at films created by liberals who depict societies without freedoms, they actually think conservatives are the ones who would create these societies. Take the movie “The Giver”. Liberals think that conservatives wouldn’t just take freedoms away, but “feelings”. That’s their worst nightmare. For a liberal to not do what they “feel” is right is the worst punishment of all.
I don’t think there is anything on the planot that has greater irony than this.
Fred Hoyle perhaps told George Orwell science was being molded into a tool of government propaganda in 1946, but I doubt that Fred Hoyle or George Orwell knew this would be used to hide scientific evidence of Creation:
To prevent scientific confirmation of the world’s creation, a beautiful, water-covered planet exactly 1 AU (one astronomical unit) from a powerful source of energy that sustains our lives – to hide evidence the Sun made our elements, birthed the Solar System, sustains our lives, and controls the climate of every planet in the Solar System today – universities and government research agencies promoted ad hoc “magical science”, e.g. after WWII.
1. Super-heavy element fission was invented to obscure evidence of “strange xenon” from the supernova birth of the Solar System:
_ a.) “Xenon in carbonaceous chondrites,” Nature 240, 99-101 (1972): http://www.omatumr.com/archive/XenonInCarbonaceousChondrites.pdf
_ b.) “Strange xenon, extinct superheavy elements and the solar neutrino puzzle,” Science 195, 208-210 (1977): http://www.omatumr.com/archive/StrangeXenon.pdf
2. A dozen different types of primordial neon (Ne-A, Ne-B, Ne-C, Ne-D, Ne-E, etc) magically emerged from nowhere to obscure evidence of severe mass-fractionation that sorted atoms and isotopes of elements (like neon) by mass in the Sun:
“The neon alphabet game,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Lunar Planet Sci. Conf. 15, 879-899 (1980); http://tinyurl.com/2944m9 or http://www.omatumr.com/abstracts2005/Neon_alphabet_game.pdf
Thus has humanity been isolated from reality (truth, God) since the end of the Second World War.
This post about George Orwell and another on Junk Science about “dark energy” suggest it is time to write and post a one-page note on “The Benevolent Universe” Joseph Stalin and associates hid from the public after WWII.
The Solar System is but a microcosm of the benevolent universe that Joseph Stalin and worldwide associates in National Academies of Sciences hid from the public after WWII:
The universe consists of two forms of one fundamental particle:
_ a.) The compacted neutron (n), and
_ b.) The expanded hydrogen atom (H)
_ c.) Vitalized by reversible conversion
_ d.) Energy => mass; mass => Energy
_ e.) The universe collapses; expands
_ f.) Entropy decreases and increases
God and reality are synonyms for the infinite, benevolent universe that sustains our lives.
Post-WWII physics championed by Stalin and NAS associates is 99.9% junk science.
Acts 6:8-8:1; there may be a correlation between the biblical elites verses Stephen, and the modern elites v all discourse and our Steven?
The similarities between elites vs individual liberty (then, now, and always) seem to be timeless.
That Orwell guy is almost as good as that Twain guy for good quotes!
True that. But that H. L. Mencken guy beat the pants off both of them.
Too bad Yogi Berra was not a scientist.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen his name on at least one of those peer reviewed climate “science” papers… you know, the ones written by 58 authors with 107 circular citations.
H. L. Mencken for President!!!