Reaching The Legal Thinking Age

Next month will mark 21 years since I shot my television. My quality of life vastly improved when I got rid of that piece of shit.


“Listen lady, if I saw a TV out here I’d get out my cannon and shoot it like I would a mad dog, right in the eye. . . . What’s the principle of the TV, madam? The vacuum tube, madam. And do you know what happens if you stick your head in a vacuum tube? I’ll tell you: you get your brains sucked out.”

– Edward Abbey, “Desert Solitaire”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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29 Responses to Reaching The Legal Thinking Age

  1. Ah but you cheat, Tony!

    You go and watch football down the pub!

  2. Ha… so that was you living next door?

  3. Steve Case says:

    Yes, football is different, and so is Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.

  4. Steve Case says:

    Other than that, TV is really crappy.

  5. Cornelius says:

    Regarding the purpose of TV, Frank Zappa put it well: “I am the slime from your video, oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor”.

  6. gator69 says:

    A DVR allows me to filter out the crap. I still enjoy my documentaries, news sources and concerts. Out where I live, internet connections are too slow for video.

  7. Gail Combs says:

    Beat you Tony.

    I quit watching TV forty years ago. Think of all the time I had to actually live life instead of zone out in front of the Boob Tube.

  8. GeologyJim says:

    John Prine said it well:

    “Blow up your Tee-Vee
    Throw away your papers.
    Move to the country,
    Build you a home.

    Plant a little garden,
    Eat a lotta peaches.
    Try to find Jesus
    On your own.”

  9. scizzorbill says:

    So, you shot the messenger. Good idea. Less jail time than shooting the source.

  10. inMAGICn says:

    Number one use of TV? Wallpaper with a decent musical DVD at get-togethers chez moi.

    • gator69 says:

      I have an associates degree in music performance, and my favorite prof told me that the only real music is live music. I did not understand exactly what he meant until I spent time enough time on stage. I now have hundreds of hours of concerts on my DVR. When I have gatherings I play those concerts instead of canned music (studio recordings, which are stale and lifeless), and the reaction from my guests is nothing short of amazing. They absolutely love it. I haven’t played a CD in many years (or listened to music radio stations) even though I have a very large and diverse collection (no rap, anyone want to buy them?)

      It’s half past beer-thirty, and I am late to a great evening with friends and beef!

  11. April of ’94? So you didn’t even get to watch about O.J.’s wife being murdered?

    That’s actually pretty cool. Your brain must be in an enviable, unrotted state. Think I’ve racked up a total of 2 or 3 years since ’89, as a teevee-free bachelor…it’s not realistic to try for teevee-free when you’ve got a woman in the house…but I don’t regret a single second of the non-teevee lifestyle. It’s like athlete’s foot for your brain instead of your toes, with a huge monthly bill for the privilege.

  12. drcrinum says:

    I only watch college football on TV…but at home. And thank goodness for the mute button. My tolerance for TV advertisements is zero. If it weren’t for the mute button, then I would watch my football without sound.
    No movies — Hollywood is evil IMO.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Hollywood is evil IMO….

      Yes it is. Just ask Kent Clizbe. It was one of the first targets of KGB agents along with the journalists and our schools.
      The result of 100 years of brain washing by the Fabians and the Communists is a Politically Corect Brain Rotted, illiterate population lead by the lunatic/traitors in DC

  13. rah says:

    History channels, AMHC with their shows on war history, and various other such programs having to do with science, nature, or history are what I watch. Hardly ever watch sports anymore. In the truck I read myself to sleep, at home, more often than not, I watch TV to go to sleep. Sometimes go to sleep watching “How it’s Made”.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I rather read. Unfortunately I have fallen asleep and rolled on my glasses more than once. Haven’t completely killed them yet. Just popped the lense out.

  14. NancyG says:

    I like my tv. I love The Walking Dead. I’m getting pointers on how to survive an apocalypse. I have shotguns and rifles, though I need to stock up on ammo, now I want a crossbow. I want to be like Daryl after a US apocalypse. Crossbows are silent. I have a knife maker in the family, so I’m good there. Bring it. 😀

    • Gail Combs says:

      I already have a crossbow. Got it used cheap because it is left handed. (So am I) Unlike many people in the USa I am in my right mind.

    • hannuko says:

      A few years back I started researching about what knife the survivalists consider the best. The answer was quite surprising (and anti-climactic): mora.

      Those are sharp, durable and – best of all – cheap. You can buy 50 of those and don’t have to worry about breaking or losing one here and there.

  15. hannuko says:

    I stopped watching TV after I got my 100/10 cable-tv internet connection something like five years ago. I noticed that often when I turned off the TV, my internet connection would stop working until I restarted my cable modem. So I just took the antenna cable off from the TV to prevent that from happening. I never found a reason to put it back.

    I literally don’t know what I’m missing. I guess not a lot.

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