Roy Spencer Reports On Spectacular NCDC Data Tampering Since Last Year

Corn-belt-JJA-temperature-precip-1895-2013-diff-in-datasets Even Though Warming Has Stopped, it Keeps Getting Worse? « Roy Spencer, PhD

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Roy Spencer Reports On Spectacular NCDC Data Tampering Since Last Year

  1. Mohatdebos says:

    I don’t know why you are getting upset. U.S. corn crops and corn yield are at record highs because of the warming and more CO2. I guess the alarmists are going to have to explain why yields are rising in a warming climate when their models keep telling them yields should be falling.

  2. lance says:

    If they keep adjusting the temperatures, we will find that the corn could not have been grown in sub temperatures!

  3. omanuel says:

    Steven, your earlier reports of altered temperature data ended the AGW debate.

    An unacknowledged solar force – that produced, in solar cycle #24, the lowest sunspot number recorded since 1750 – ended the scam. (Sunspots are produced when powerful, deep-seated magnetic fields emerge through the photosphere.)

    Why unacknowledged?

    1. CHAOS and FEAR in AUG-SEPT 1945 convinced world leaders to:

    _ a.) Form the UN on 24 OCT 1945
    _ b.) Change nuclear and solar physics in 1946
    _ c.) Forbid public knowledge of neutron repulsion – the source of energy that had destroyed Hiroshima on 6 AUG 1945:

    2. The AGW debate showed that neutron repulsion – the Sun’s FORCE OF CREATION – still controls the climates on the planets it produced five billion years ago.

    In 2002 we noted this unacknowledged solar force in the climate models used by the UN’s IPCC.

    See: “Super-fluidity in the solar interior: Implications for solar eruptions and climate”, Journal of Fusion Energy 21, 193-198 (2002)]:

  4. rah says:

    Yes corn yields were great last year over most of the corn belt. Almost a perfect year here in central Indiana but you won’t find a farmer around here that will admit it. Last year was corn in the large field across from my house. Following the usual rotation pattern this year it will be soya beans. The farmer has not tilled so perhaps they’re going no-till this year. I Like it when they plant beans. The field is due west of my home and soya beans are a cleaner crop causing less mess. Just gotta deal with the dust when they harvest.

    I remember a few years ago when it was so dry the farmers around here had to delay starting the harvest because the dust was a fire hazard in their machinery. We had a burning ban in effect for a month then.

  5. gator69 says:

    The constant fiddling shows this is not about accuracy or science. This is salesmanship.

    If truth is important enough in advertising to cause legislation, why not science?

  6. Dan W. says:

    What do you all suppose the real variability in temperature measurements is? By this I mean how much do measured temperatures vary at a location simply do to the movement of warmer and colder air? To what degree (pun intended) does this variability skew min/max observations?

    I ask this because I have routinely noticed, thanks to the weather reports on my smartphone, differences in temperatures readings for stations that are within 10 miles of each other on the order of 5 degrees F. If there is that much variability in temperature across such a relatively small distance how much detail is lost when temperature data is homogenized across 100, 500 or even 1000 kilometers? And if one is going to do this homogenization what variability / uncertainty should be assigned to it?

    I continue to marvel that the “experts” can captivate the citizenry with claims of partial degree changes to the “climate” when on a daily basis the temperature fluctuates many degrees and, in fact, no one really knows what the temperature is at any given moment, let alone what it was 50 years ago.

  7. Disillusioned says:

    We now have Tony Heller, Paul Homewood, and Dr. Roy Spencer – all three who have found warm-biased, incongruous data tampering with temperature records. The conspiracy of silence among many skeptics seems to be slowly deteriorating.

    Anyone else?

  8. Curt says:

    There’s a simple explanation. They just realized they forgot to include daylight savings time in their TOBS adjustments…

    • Ben Vorlich says:

      Many a true word spoken in jest!

    • nielszoo says:

      Better whack another 0.5°F off all the summer max temps for that. It seems that before the 1970’s all clocks were “analog” meaning they required a user to attempt to line up a set of variably moving pointers to a printed or painted scale somewhere behind them. Since the pointers were all on different planes due to their mechanical connection to the clock’s motor, changing lighting could skew the readings made from this device. Modern digital clocks do not suffer from these significant reading errors. Since Daylight Savings Time artificially skews the sun’s position in relation to the clock, readings taken will be different than those taken when Standard time is used thereby skewing the true time and temperature data. NOAA will now be fixing this with an “Analog to Digital Hourly Observation Change” adjustment algorithm hereafter referred to as ADHOC. Note that since well sited urban stations do not suffer from this due to building shadows, their temperatures will be used to adjust those lousy rural stations that have detrimental sunlight contamination during the DST periods. This is yet another valid, scientific reason to eliminate all those hick rural temperature stations.

  9. darrylb says:

    Roy Spencer, Like Steve M at Climate Audit is a great regular resource.
    —If for no other reason then checking out the monthly satellite temps at UAH.

  10. darrylb says:

    –Also, the other satellite temps a RSS are mostly in agreement with UAH.

    • spren says:

      I find it interesting that RSS seems to run cooler than UAH and no one can accuse the staff at RSS of being skeptics let alone being funded by “fossil fuel” interests. I’ve also heard, not sure of the reliability, that RSS and UAH are going to collaborate again to discern why their interpretations of the same satellite data are in divergence from one another. Sounds like science at work Despite their political disagreements, they seem to be focused on improving the data credibility of their respective research. Kudos to both of them.

  11. darrylb says:

    –and wood the ‘Wood for Trees’ Site has an interactive system which shows the same temps.
    –Great for using in classrooms.

  12. Hugh K says:

    The alarmist way to end the ‘pause’.

    • spren says:

      C’mon Hugh. Get with the program. What “pause?” Dontchaknow the heat is hiding, hiding I say, in the deep oceans. And when it decides to come back it is going to be a whole lot worse than anything we had thought. Hope I don’t need the sarc key.

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