Global warming is so bad, that they can’t even get a spike out of an El Nino any more.
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The cult was counting on this el nino to ramp up their dooms day jihad. Tough luck there as nature is not with the program.
Let’s look at at that chart again, now.
I bet there is a lot of hair tearing going on at NOAA. They were really really counting on an El Nino before the Paris Jamboree in December. If we are really lucky Mother Nature will provide Paris with a nice blizzard to celebrate CAGW.
Oh but it was going to be a “Super El Nino”.
Most of those stories are about a year old, and even the last one is over half a year old. I am guessing nothing much happened then as far as el-nino and nothing much will happen now either.
They were cheer leading for the formation of the El Nino that NOAA has now declared exists:
They were pretty certain it was going to happen much earlier and declaring it there was a good chance it would be a “super” or “monster” El Nino. Much to their distress it didn’t happen.
What has occurred is not even an El Nino in the traditional sense. Because the upwelling of warm water is out in the middle of the Pacific instead along the west coast of S. America in the vicinity of Peru. So it’s not disrupting the cold Humbolt current which is what happens when the traditional form of an El Nino occurs and in fact why the phenomenon even has that name.
El Niño Modoki
Bob Tisdale from last year. (he mentions Dr Gray)
You were saying?
El Niño ya no es lo que solía ser …
El Nino de Chiwawa
El Niño de Grijalva.
El Aborto!
¡Viva la Libertad Reproductiva!
This is what happens when you think CO2 drives El Nino’s.
Lovely sense of humour, they made me laugh. 🙂
Speaking of waters that are not warm…
Well, the el Nada died suddenly yesterday. There isn’t even a Molokai event so it, too, is now el Nada and thus ends global warming Chapter 24 as the present sun cycle fades fast.
Yep, but ole Sol is still letting his presence be known.
St. Pat’s Day Greeted with Green Aurora, Severe Geomagnetic Storm
Always loved Auroras. It helped make up for freezing my ass off in some of those northern climes. And on unforgettable cold winter night up at what as then Camp McCoy, now Ft McCoy, WI I was at an elevated firing position above a range pumping WP, HE, and IL rounds out of the tube of an 81 mm mortar under shimmering curtains of green. It was a very unique and beautiful fireworks show.
Yes, I have received two Red Alerts from the Rice Space Institute just today…
This is an alert from the Rice Space Institute issued on Tue Mar 17 16:39:40 UTC
Value of the Boyle index warrants Condition RED
Trigger Boyle index
value: 272.79
This index is based on the ACE Solar Wind
Last Boyle alert GREEN issued on Mar 17 09:34:00 UTC
see a plot of the Boyle Index and predicted Kp, Dst and AE indices over the last
72 hours, go to
Just got my 3rd Red Alert. I am trying to remember another day when I have received 3 Red Alerts, and I can’t.
OK, just got my 4th Red alert in 24 hours, this has not happened since I signed up for alert updates 5 years ago.
WASHINGTON (AP) – A severe solar storm smacked Earth with a surprisingly big geomagnetic jolt Tuesday, potentially affecting power grids and GPS tracking while pushing the colorful northern lights farther south, federal forecasters said.
So far no damage has been reported. Two blasts of magnetic plasma left the sun on Sunday, combined and arrived on Earth about 15 hours earlier and much stronger than expected, said Thomas Berger, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.
This storm ranks a 4, called severe, on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s 1-to-5 scale for geomagnetic effects. It is the strongest solar storm to blast Earth since the fall of 2013. It’s been nearly a decade since a level 5 storm, termed extreme, has hit Earth.
Forecasters figured it would come late Tuesday night into Wednesday morning; instead, it arrived just before 10 a.m. EDT. They had forecast it to be a level 1.
Clear skies tonight!
CME IMPACT, SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Arriving earlier than expected, a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field on March 17th at approximately 04:30 UT. At first, the impact sparked a relatively mild G1-class (Kp=5) geomagnetic storm. Since then, however, the storm has intensified to G4-class (Kp=8), ranking it as the strongest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle. This storm is underway now. Before sunrise, bright auroras were sighted over several northern-tier US states including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana, the Dakotas and Washington. Marketa Murray sends this picture from Dalton Highway in Alaska:
Yes, this is the biggest storm to hit this solar cycle. Earth gets another boost in warming from its nearby star, the one that runs our climate.
If we do get some residual warming from this, “Big Oil”, coal-fired power plants and your SUV will be the scapegoats.
Hmm, wonder if some of the climate satellite data is going to be effected. Can’t be that bad though. We’re still communicating here and I haven’t seen any telegraph wires melting.
Maybe additional CO2 up high is helping us out down here from suffering the worst effects. I recall having read something about that.